
1 New HSK word(s): HSK6 事务 + shi4wu4 (political, economic etc) affairs; work
1 Old HSK word(s): C N * shi4wu4 work/ routine/ affair/ transaction


Giao dịch +
Grade E word(s):
事务所 事务长
事务 [shi4 wu4] arbeiten, funktionierenAngelegenheit (S)Transaktion (S)

Häufigkeit: 4.87 Komposita

政治家不应该参与那些可能会影响其政治判断力的商业事务。 Politicians should not engage in business affairs that might affect their political judgement.
爱迪生具有善于挑选适当的人处理他的事务的才能。 Edison has had the gift of picking the right men to handle his affairs.
委员会的事务因程序上有困难而耽搁了. The business of the committee was delayed by procedural difficulties.
副官,人事行政参谋帮助指挥官处理行政事务的人事官员 A staff officer who helps a commanding officer with administrative affairs.
一些亲属团团围住运输事务所焦急地向工作人质问个不休。 Relatives besieged the shipping office and plied the staff with anxious inquiries.
书记员保管档案记录及从事法庭或立法机关日常事务的人 A person who keeps the records and performs the regular business of a court or legislative body.
市政官古罗马民选的行政官,负责公共事务及游艺活动并且监管市场、粮食及用水供应 An elected official of ancient Rome who was responsible for public works and games and who supervised markets, the grain supply, and the water supply.
他与顾客的关系是事务性的,理所当然不可能跟他们之间有多少个人感情。 His relations with his clients were also cut and dried, very little personal feeling could in the nature of things come into them.
没有人怀疑他在金融事务中的卓越成就。 No one doubted his preeminence in financial matters.
我建议,作为可行的策略、首要事务先行。 I favor as a practical policy the putting of first things first.
事务式的,有条理的显示或具有在生意方面有优越或有用特点的;有条不紊的和系统性的 Showing or having characteristics advantageous to or of use in business; methodical and systematic.