
16 New HSK word(s): HSK2 因为 + yin1wei4 because; owing to; on account of HSK2 为什么 + wei4shen2me5 why?; for what reason? HSK3 认为 + ren4wei2 to believe; to think; to consider; to feel HSK3 + wei2 as (in the capacity of); to take sth as; to act as; to serve as; to behave as; to become; to be; to do; by (in the passive voice) HSK3 + wei4 because of; for; to HSK3 为了 + wei4le5 in order to; for the purpose of; so as to HSK4 成为 + cheng2wei2 to become; to turn into HSK4 以为 + yi3wei2 to believe; to think; to consider; to be under the impression HSK5 作为 + zuo4wei2 one's conduct; deed; activity; accomplishment; achievement; to act as; as (in the capacity of); qua; to view as; to look upon (sth as); to take sth to be HSK5 行为 + xing2wei2 action; conduct; behavior; activity HSK6 无能为力 + wu2neng2wei2li4 impotent (idiom); powerless; helpless HSK6 见义勇为 + jian4yi4yong3wei2 to see what is right and act courageously (idiom, from Analects); to stand up bravely for the truth; acting heroically in a just cause HSK6 迄今为止 + qi4jin1wei2zhi3 so far; up to now; still (not) HSK6 人为 + ren2wei2 artificial; man-made; having human cause or origin; human attempt or effort HSK6 为期 + wei2qi1 (to be done) by (a certain date); lasting (a certain time) HSK6 为难 + wei2nan2 to feel embarrassed or awkward; to make things difficult (for someone); to find things difficult (to do or manage)
20 Old HSK word(s): A VA * ren4wei2 think/ consider A Prep * wei4 (indicating the cause or purpose) A Prep * wei4le for/ for the sake of/ in order to A * wei4 shen2me why/ why (or how) is it that … A VA * yi3wei2 think/ consider/ believe A Conj * yin1wei4 because/ on account of/ because of A VA * wei2 do/ act/ be/ become B VA * cheng2wei2 turn into/ become B v;Prep * zuo4wei2 regard as/ take for/ as C N * xing2wei2 action-doing/ act/ action/ behavior/ conduct C 为止* dao4 wei2zhi3 up to …/ up till …/ until … C VA * wei2nan2 make things difficult for C VA * wei2shou3 as-head/ be headed by/ be led by C VA * wei2zhi3 as-end/ till/ up to D * wei4 he2 why D * wu2 neng2 wei2 li4 incapable of action/ powerless D * wu2 suo3 zuo4 wei2 attempt and accomplish nothing D * da4 you3 ke3 wei2 be well worth doing/ have bright prospects D VS * ren2wei2 artificial D VA * wei2qi1 (to be completed) by a definite date


Bởi vì +


Tại sao +


Nghĩ +


Cho +


Cho +


Để +


Trở +


Nghĩ +

Như +

Hành vi +

Bất lực +

Dũng cảm +

Vì vậy, đến nay +

Con người +

Một +

Người tị nạn +
Grade E word(s):
不为所动 不以为然 不足为凭 不足为奇 称为 到此为止 大为 定为 反败为胜 反目为仇 敢作敢为 各自为政 广为 古为今用 好为人师 好自为之 合二为一 何乐而不为 化为乌有 化整为零 混为一谈 互为因果 胡作非为 见义勇为 结为 尽力而为 极为 狼狈为奸 两头为难 列为 沦为 难为 难为情 评为 迄今为止 人满为患 歃血为盟 身为 视为 事在人为 所作所为 叹为观止 为此 为恶不悛 为非作歹 为公 为虎作伥 为民除害 为人 为人师表 为人作嫁 为生 为数 为所欲为 为伍 为限 为着 为之 为之一振 为主 无为而治 物以稀为贵 下不为例 先睹为快 先入为主 鲜为人知 先下手为强 性行为 信以为真 习以为常 洋为中用 眼见为实 一分为二 引为 引为鉴戒 引以为豪 引以为戒 引以为荣 夷为平地 一言为定 有所作为 有为 有作为 与人为善 占为己有 转败为胜 转为 转危为安 助人为乐 自以为是 左右为难
为 [wei2] fungieren als, verhalten als, auftreten als (V)sein, betragen (V)
为 [wei4] wegen, um, im Bestreben (Konj)

Häufigkeit: 97.57 Komposita

他极为大家所爱戴。 He is held in affection.
我认为我考得不错. I think I did OK in the exam.
这是为了对她自己有好处。 It is for her own good.
别以为我能相信那件事. You can scarcely expect me to believe that.
这是一个极为重要的问题。 This is an issue of the utmost importance.
她认为自己懂得什么是生活。 She esteemed that she knew what life was.
他为我切了几块很好的鸡肉。 He carved me some very nice pieces of chicken.
她很快成为大家注意的人物。 She soon becomes the centre of attention.
我认为我已找到理想的爱人了。 I think I've met the love of my life.
我为准备英语考试的人做辅导。 I coach people for English exams.
我上了当, 还以为他们的玩笑是真的呢. I was hoaxed into believing their story.
我对他很生气,因为他让我等了好久。 I was angry with him for keeping me waiting.
我认为你应当去找医生看看病. I think you ought to go to/to go and see (ie consult) the doctor.
这机器是为水下使用而特别改装的。 This machine has been specially adapted for underwater use.
一般认为出国旅游可增广见闻。 It is generally thought that traveling abroad can enrich one's knowledge.
我认为他对这个问题的评论是不正确的。 I think his commentary on this issue is not correct.
那把椅子原本是为你准备的,但是被她拿走了。 The chair was intended for you, but she took it away.
别为几个差错着急,迟早一切都会得到圆满解决的。 Don't worry about a few mistakes; it'll all come out in the wash.
我妹妹认为,她能极力说服父亲提高她每月的零用钱。 My younger sister thinks she can argue Father into increasing her monthly pocket money.
演出极为成功。 The performance was immense.
花园的宽度为六米。 The garden is six meters in width.
他是为历史学教授。 He is a professor of history.
他被定为一号种子选手。 He was seeded number 1.
这消息使他们大为吃惊。 The news greatly surprised them.
那位诗人为她写了许多诗。 The poet has written many poems for her.
他的计划迅速变为现实。 His plans were transformed overnight into reality.
他的行为招致尖锐的批评。 His behavior called forth sharp criticism.
天空慢慢由蓝色变为红色。 The sky slowly changed from blue to red.
我认为他是更合适的人选。 In my estimation, he is a more suitable candidate.
海外贸易成为主要的项目。 The overseas trade has become the main project.
这些冷冻食品是最为方便。 These frozen foods are the most convenient of all.
他们估计参观者人数为1000万。 They estimated the number of visitors at 10 million.
我父亲辛苦地工作为了养家。 My father works hard in order that he may support us.
这个城市因为各种桥梁而著称。 This city is noted for its various bridges.
因为流行性感冒全校停止上课。 The school was closed because of the flu.
他们大声地为自己的足球队喊加油。 They cheered loudly for their football team.
他摇摇头,因为他的想法与此不同。 He shook his head, for he thought differently.
我们需要一个更为灵活的外交政策。 We need a foreign policy that is more flexible.
我认为秋天是一年中最美的季节。 I think autumn is the most beautiful season in a year.
这家旅馆为旅客提供订票服务。 The hotel provides a reservation of tickets for its residents.
人们误以为选修语言课程较轻松“ Language courses are wrongly thought to be soft options.
我们的文艺必须为大众所喜闻乐见。 Our literature and art ought to cater to popular taste.
父亲给我买了一只小狗作为生日礼物。 My father bought me a puppy as a birthday gift.
他的病较医生原来以为的更严重。 His illness was more serious than the doctor first thought.
这一经验为他的思想开阔了新的视野。 This experience opened a new prospect in his mind.
他从道理上解释了这个老人的行为。 He explained the behavior of the old man within reason.
离开学校后,他成为一名建筑工人。 He became a construction worker after he left school.
这个男孩想在将来成为一名哲学家。 The boy wants to become a philosopher in the future.
他为我们介绍了花园中对称的布局。 He introduced to us the symmetrical arrangement of the garden.
她用灵巧的双手为我织了一副手套。 She knitted a pair of mittens for me with her nimble fingers.
这个人为了赢得胜利进行了英勇的斗争。 The man put up a valiant fight for victory.
汽车路线到此为止了, 你得叫辆的士。 The bus route goes as far as that, so you'll need to take a taxi.
她为自己的孩子取得的成绩感到无比骄傲。 She takes great pride in her children's success.
为了收集数据我们发给他们一些调查表。 We gave them some questionnaires for collecting data.
因为现在是收获期,所以我们都非常忙。 We are all very busy because it's the harvest time.
这位冠军为了下一场比赛正在进行训练。 The champion is in training for his next fight.
我认为这些有趣的旧习俗应该保存下去。 I think these interesting old customs should be preserved.
他们爱举行戏称之为文学晚会的活动. They're fond of holding what are laughingly known as literary soirees.
这个小男孩因为结巴不敢回答老师的问题。 The boy dare not answer the questions because of his stammer.
我总觉得他讨厌我,但我不知道为什么。 I always feel he has a grudge against me, although I don't know why.
这个工人因为严格遵守规则而受到了表扬。 The worker was praised for his observance of the rules.
报纸上的这篇文章为他的演讲提供了启发。 The newspaper article provided him with fuel for his speech.
重工业的稳固发展为这些进展打下了基础. These developments are underpinned by solid progress in heavy industry.
我们再怎样强调学英文的重要性也不为过。 We cannot emphasize too much the importance of learning English.
他们上了当, 以为我们还没有作好进攻准备. They were bluffed into believing we were not ready for the attack.
就英文而言,它并不像你所认为的那样难。 So far as English is concerned, it is not so difficult as you might think.
他的秘密至死也不为人知,因为他从未告诉过别人。 His secret died with him, for he never told anyone.
这个小女孩因为斜视不敢在公共场合露面。 The little girl dares not to appear in public because she is cross-eyed.
在共同反对非正义行为的斗争中, 我们都是同志. We are all brothers in the same fight against injustice.
因为污染严重,许多美丽的鱼类正在面临绝种。 Many beautiful fish are fast disappearing because of the severe pollution.
为了安全起见,在市内开车时速不要超过三十公里。 For safety's sake, don't drive more than 30 kilometers per hour in the city.
就翻译训练而言我认为这是一本无出其右的好书。 This is a book, which I dare say, is unequaled as far as translation practice is concerned.
我们送给那个可怜的小女孩一份生日礼物作为友谊的表示。 We sent the poor girl a birthday present in token of friendship.
因为缺乏一名运动员我们只好叫这个小男孩做我们的队员。 In the default of one player we have to take the little boy as our team member.
我认为你最后的那个论点是在转移目标,以便我们忘掉要点。 I think your last argument was a diversion to make us forget the main point.
我们还以为那是最坏的情况呢,可没想到更糟的还在后面。 We thought that the situation was as bad as it could be, but worse was to follow.
会议可能要延长到夜里,因为今晚有太多问题要解决。 The meeting may be prolonged into the evening because so many problems have to be solved tonight.
现在就想回去,为了冷却他那急切的心,暂把他送到法国的哥哥家中。 Now he wanted to go back, but to damp down the urge he was sent to his brother's home in France.
随着逐渐成熟,许多年轻的激进分子对 生活和社会渐持较为宽容的态度。 As they mature, many young radicals mellow into a more tolerant attitude towards life and society.
历史常为偏见所曲解。 Histories are often warped by biases.
幸福和财富不能混为一谈。 One can not identify happiness with wealth.
他以友谊为掩护欺骗了我们。 He cheated us under the guise of friendship.
他的死使我们大家都大为震惊。 His death was a great shock to us all.
我认为我和我女儿之间没有隔阂。 I think there is no gulf between my daughter and I.
他为什么到那里去,这对我来说是个谜。 Why he went there is a mystery to me.
他将作为伟大的政治家而载入史册。 He will go down in history as a great statesman.
工会为争取更好的工作条件而罢工。 The union struck for better work conditions.
他呆在幕后为了避开公众的注意。 He stayed in the background to escape from the public attention.
我希望他成为钢琴家的梦想可以成真。 I hope his dream of becoming a pianist will come true.
这名记者因为试图揭露一个阴谋而被杀害。 The reporter was killed because he tried to expose a plot.
因为我的愚蠢,我不得不站起来听他的批评。 I have to stand up listening to his criticism of my foolishness.
他有个主意,以纯白为背景给他们拍摄。 He had the idea of shooting them against a complete plain white background.
我们应该团结起来为消除贫穷和疾病而斗争. We should unite in fighting/unite to fight poverty and disease.
年轻姑娘必须言词谨慎,衣着得体,行为端庄。 Young girls must be modest in speech, dress and behavior.
这个国家同意为了共同的安全而与邻国结盟。 The country agreed to confederate with the neighboring country for mutual safety.
因为地震,每天飞往这个城市的航班暂停了。 The daily flight to the city has been temporarily suspended because of the earthquake.
我认为直截了当地告诉他这个坏消息倒是友好的行为。 I think it would be a kindness to tell him the bad news straight away.
我认为咱们不在家时不能把孩子都硬塞给你父母看管。 I don't think we can wish the children on your parents while we're away.
我愿借此机会感谢每一位为这个项目辛勤工作的人。 I'd like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for their hard work on the project.
学习英语和德语等现代语言比学习拉丁语更为有用。 It's more useful to learn modern languages, such as English and German, than Latin.
当一个人一旦认为自己是有意思的时候,他就不再是有意思的人了。 The minute a man is convinced that he is interesting, he is not.
她体重为60公斤. She weighs 60 kilos.
这人这么和蔼, 我立刻为他着迷。 The man was so genial, so I was drawn to him at once.
他们将为不得不干那项工作而抱怨。 They will grumble about having to do the work.
他给我一条项链作为周年纪念礼物。 He gave me a necklace as an anniversary gift.
电视已成为传播政治思想的重要媒介。 Television has become an important vehicle for spreading political ideas.
这位将军被誉为领导全国赢得胜利的人。 The general was extolled as the man who had led the country to victory.
热天穿棉布之类有渗透性的材料制成的衣服最为适宜。 In hot weather cloths made of a porous material like cotton are best.
规范语法阐述的是该派语法学家认为的某语言的口语或书面语的标准形式. A normative grammar of a language describes how its authors think the language should be spoken or written.
你认为你能来吗? Do you think you can come?
你以为你在跟谁说话? Who do you think you're talking to?
我们为什么要怕他呢? Why is it that we should be afraid of him?
请你为我翻译一下好吗? Would you please interpret for me?
你们认为他是个好干部吗? Do you think him a good cadre?
怎么回事?你为什么哭? What's the matter? Why are you crying?
炸弹把那座建筑夷为平地。 The bombs razed the building to the ground.
伦敦也被称为现代巴比伦。 London was also called the modern Babylon.
蝙蝠在夜间飞行,以昆虫为食。 Bats fly at night and feed on insects.
你认为他当真要离开公司吗? Do you think he is serious about leaving the company?
这本书名为《美国文学指南》。 This book is titled An Introduction to American Literature.
火蜥蜴曾被认为能生活于火中。 Salamanders once were thought to be capable of living in fire.
你认为她的小说属于文学类,还是其它类? Would you classify her novels as serious literature or other?
你认为总统会对恐怖分子的要求让步吗? Do you think the President will give in to the terrorists' demand?
你并不认为我会相信那个可鄙的借口,是吧? You don't expect me to believe that pitiful excuse, do you?
我的女儿十八岁了,已经长成为美丽的淑女。 My daughter is eighteen years old and has grown into a beautiful lady.
这位医生颇为炫耀地带着我们参观了他的医院。 The doctor showed us about his hospital with much flourish.
储存的 物经常受损坏, 尤其是老鼠为患最甚. Stores of grain are frequently attacked by pests, especially rats.
我原以为自己画得不错, 可比起你的画儿来未免相形见绌. I thought I was quite a good artist, but your painting puts mine in the shade.
鸬鹚是一种长脖子黑颜色的大鸟,生活在海滨而且以吃鱼为生。 The cormorant is a large, long-necked, dark-colored bird which lives near sea coasts and eats fish.
他以写作为生。 He lives by his pen.
让我为你的健康干杯。 Let me drink to your health.
请为我预定一个座位。 Please reserve a seat for me.
我们去车站为她送行。 We went to the station to see her off.
比分为3比1, 对我方有利。 The score was 3 to 1 in our favor.
还是我直接跟他打交道为好 I prefer to deal with him direct.
我认为她是个很能干的经理. I summed her up as a competent manager.
我们要为新娘的健康干杯。 We must drink to the health of the bride.
我们都去飞机场为她送行了. We all went to the airport to see her off.
这没什么要紧,不要为它烦心了。 It's not important; don't bother your head about it.
因为天气热,她穿了一件凉快的衣服。 As it was a hot day she wore a cool dress.
你永远应该以搞好你的工作为目的。 You should always aim at doing your job well.
他们不得不为了那条消息作出声明。 They have to make a protestation of that news.
为了确定他在家,我事先打电话给他。 To make sure that he was at home, I called him up in advance.
我把那封信挂号寄出了,因为里面有钱。 I registered the letter because it contain some money.
正因为他操一口流利的英语,她更爱他。 She likes him all the better for his fluent spoken English.
他很乐观, 认为自己一定很快就能找到工作. He's such an optimist that he's sure he'll soon find a job.
她好像够亲切的, 可是我不应该信以为真. She seems friendly enough but I shouldn't take her at (her) face value.
我要为此干杯。 I'll drink to that.
三英尺为一码。 Three feet make one yard.
他被任命为科长。 He is nominated section chief.
我认为那绝对必要。 I consider it absolutely necessary.
他的行为缺乏一致性。 His action lacks consistency.
他被选为会议主席。 He was elected chairman of the meeting.
我们认为他值得信任。 We esteem him to be worthy of trust.
我曾认为这可能是真的。 I thought it might be true.
为翻越山脉的不断努力 A long pull across the mountains.
我为此实在感到很抱歉。 I really feel bad about that.
我不喜欢它因为很吵闹。 I didn't like it because it was noisy.
她兴高采烈地为他送行。 She sent him off in high spirits.
战士们为取得胜利而欢跃。 The soldiers exulted at their victory.
沉默不能总理解为同意。 Silence must not always be read as consent.
他们为促进世界和平而努力. They worked for the promotion of world peace.
采取任何你认为最好的措施。 Take whatsoever measures you consider best.
我认为这样的集会毫无价值。 I feel that such gatherings are worthless.
这里年平均降雪量为10厘米. The average snowfall here is 10cm a year.
该领事馆已升格为大使馆. The consulate was upgraded to embassy status.
你的拒绝让我感到十分为难。 Your refusal puts me in an awkward predicament.
据说他已经成为一名党员了。 It is said that he has became a Party member.
很多士兵因为缺少粮食死去。 Many soldiers died because of dearth of food.
他为他出身于名门望族而骄傲。 He was proud of his impeccable pedigree.
别降低身份为这事去跟她争吵。 Don't stoop to quarrel with her about it.
他们仍在为决赛失败而伤心. They're still smarting from their defeat in the final.
我认为他会成功是理所当然的。 I take it for granted that he will succeed.
他被任命为那所中学的校长。 He was appointed the rector of the middle school.
我们决定为我们的新产品做广告。 We decided to advertise our new product.
为恢复秩序必须采取严厉措施. Drastic measures will have to be taken to restore order.
我并非因为他有学问而尊敬他。 I do not respect him because he is knowledgeable.
抢救那孩子的生命是英勇的行为。 Saving the child's life was a heroic act.
我们正在为达到共同的目标而努力. We're working towards common objectives.
为致富而牺牲原则是不值得的. Getting rich isn't worth the sacrifice of your principles.
士兵们为争夺每一寸土地而斗争。 The soldiers contested every inch of ground.
这些手套是为严寒地区制造的。 The gloves were designed for extremely cold climates.
他只是因为受人激将才参加竞赛. He only entered the competition for a dare.
他们结为夫妇共同生活了很多年. They lived together as husband and wife for years.
他为了养家不得不去拼命工作。 He had to work hard for the maintenance of his family.
她很热心, 为我打电话叫了计程车. She was so kind as to phone for a taxi for me.
我始终认为帮助别人是重要的。 I always make a point of giving a hand to others.
他认为,美国应保持超然态度。 The United States should, he argues, attempt to remain aloof.
我毫无保留地认为他说的是实话。 I accepted without reservation what he had said as true.
为独立而斗争的势头日益增长。 The struggle for independence is gaining momentum every day.
他的勇敢应作为我们大家学习的榜样. His bravery should be an example to all of us.
我不能再忍受他那傲慢无礼的行为了。 I could not endure the insolence of his behaviour.
大家认为最好暂时放弃这个想法。 It was thought best to drop the idea for the time being.
他以为她爱上他,但只是梦想而已。 He thinks she is in love with him, but it's only a dream.
能和你在一起对我是件极为安慰的事。 Your company has been a great consolation to me.
他重复了几遍直到记住为止. He repeated it several times over (ie again and again) until he could remember it.
我们全都是为了他才放弃这个计划的。 It was all because of him that we gave up the plan.
人们认为海洋曾经是生命的发源地。 The sea is thought to have been the cradle of life.
本身行为不正, 则不宜批评别人. You can ill afford to criticize others when you behave so badly yourself.
为了我们理解,老师列举了很多事例。 The teacher enumerated many examples to us for understanding.
那位记者被控有违反职业道德的行为。 The reporter was accused of unprofessional conduct.
那些男孩子为几支圆珠笔而争吵起来了。 The boys were bickering over some ballpoints.
简而言之,我认为我们应该接受他的提议。 Briefly, I think we should accept his offer.
我以为他要请客,但结果是各付各的。 I think he was treating, but it turned out to be a Dutch treat.
大多数中国人认为他将从此不受欢迎。 Most Chinese think he will be therefrom unwelcome.
我们为了双方的利益签订这项合同。 We entered into this contract in the interests of both parties.
一个人应该为世界和平事业尽最大努力。 One should do his best for the cause of world peace.
我愿意接受此品种,因为价格合理。 I'd like to accept this item, seeing (that) the price is reasonable.
全营以连为单位在军营广场上列队. The battalion formed up by companies on the barrack square.
你不能以疲劳为理由就这样对待职工. Tiredness cannot possibly justify your treating staff this way.
敌人的防线很坚强, 但仍为我军突破。 The enemy's defenses were strong but our soldiers broke through.
我要去购物,因为我需要买些日用品。 I'm going shopping because I need to buy some daily necessities.
我认为能被邀请参加晚宴是很大的荣幸。 I consider it a great honor to be invited to dinner.
我认为我们对这一问题已差不多是言无不尽了. I think we've just about exhausted that subject.
他不喜欢对他自己的所作所为作出解释。 He didn't relish the prospect of having to explain his behavior.
你当众纠正我的错误, 弄得我很难为情. You made me look so small, correcting me in front of everybody.
我们为这一项目付出了大量的时间和精力. We've put a great deal of time and effort into this project.
爱你的敌人吧,因为他们让你知道自己的缺点。 Love your enemies, for they tell you your faults.
为发展业务, 我们决定开一家分公司。 With a view to develop our business, we decided to establish a branch office.
没表示否定, 其含义可能理解为是肯定的. Failure to say `No' may, by implication, be taken to mean `Yes'.
我得大嚷大叫别人才能听见,我为此十分不快。 It irritated me to have to shout to be heard.
表否定的将一个词的意义由肯定变为否定的 Altering the meaning of a term from positive to negative.
法律面前人人平等是被认为理所当然的。 It is taken for granted that everyone is equal before the law.
无限的耐心使她成为这个医院最好的护士。 Her endless patience made her the best nurse in the hospital.
这两个国家因为外交争端即将开战。 The two countries were on the point of war due to the diplomatic disputes.
这个男孩下定决心成为一个优秀的建筑师。 The boy made up his mind to become an excellent architect.
某位哲学家认为, 存在的事物都是合理的。 According to some philosopher, everything in existence is reasonable.
他的发现使我们的科学知识的面貌为之一新。 His discoveries have put a new face on our scientific knowledge.
人们普遍认为她是该国最优秀的作家之一。 She is generally regarded as one of the best writers in the country.
他们为穷人准备了米,面及其它各种食物。 They prepared rice, flour and sundry other items of food for the poor.
党的领导人的各种观点已统一为一致的政策. The views of party leaders coalesced to form a coherent policy.
这届国会结束时,好几个议案制定成为法律。 Several bills were enacted at the end of this session of Parliament.
那位革命者为避免被捕在地下躲藏了几个星期。 The revolutionist eluded capture for weeks by hiding underground.
这家公司将为所有运动员提供全套运动服装。 The company will provide the sports outfits for all the players.
为了消磨时间等待展览开始, 我们逛了逛商场。 To kill time until the exhibition opened, we looked round the shops.
她的最新小说尽管广为宣传, 结果还是彻底失败. Despite all the publicity, her latest novel was a complete flop.
我们不会走错路的, 因为我对这儿的街道非常熟悉。 We won't go wrong, because I'm quite familiar with the streets here.
几家公司正为争取一项合同而互相竞争. Several companies are competing (against/with each other) for the contract/to gain the contract.
那里的人民正在为摆脱外国统治争取自由而战斗。 The people there are fighting to gain their freedom from foreign control.
只因为我的新书包和他的一模一样,他就说我学他的样。 He called me a copycat just because my schoolbag looks like his.
两个人物为某件事情发生了严重或不严重的冲突。 Two characters are in disagreement, serious or otherwise, over some matter.
回程用的时间比平时长, 因为飞机不能飞越战区. The journey back took longer than normal, because the plane could not overfly the war zone.
我认为这些数据是最近才得到的,但我乐于接受改正。 I believe these figures are the most recent available but I am open to correction.
在过去的几年中我们为了国民经济的恢复做了大量的工作。 A lot has been done in the recovery of national economy in the past few years.
我认为在这些本来是无关紧要的评论中含有一定的真实性。 I think there is a kernel of truth in these otherwise frivolous comments.
半导体二极管主要作为整流器使用的一个有两端的半导体设备 A two-terminal semiconductor device used chiefly as a rectifier.
如果孩子上了私立学校,他的父母就要为孩子的教育付学费。 If a child attends a private school, his parents pay the school for the child's education.
默许的以无反应或不行动作为回应而接受或服从于某一行动的 Receiving or subjected to an action without responding or initiating an action in return.
我前来看你,是因为安德森先生说你对我们的工程很感兴趣。 I came to see you on the ground that Mr Anderson said that you were interested in our project.
如您所知,由于本公司存货已不多,所以对此项货物的需求极为迫切。 As you know, we have been in urgent need of these items as we have only a few in stock.
很多交际上的访问,你以为是来拜会你本人的,其实是来拜会你的酒瓶子。 Many social visits that you think pay to yourself is paying to your bottle.
在劳资集体谈判制度下,工人作为一个团体同公司经理进行谈判。 In a system of collective bargaining, the workers as a group negotiate with the managers of the company.
和朋友聊天是愉快的,而这种情形没有比和知己的朋友聊天更为愉快。 It is pleasant to chat with friends, and with no chat is it more pleasant than with close friends.
对于历史上的事件,当时的报道往往比现代历史学家的评述更为有趣。 Contemporary reports of the past events are often more interesting than modern historians' view of them.
那老太太每天去买报纸, 不多时便觉乐在其中, 因为她主要是想和店主聊天. For the old lady buying the daily newspaper soon became an end in itself, since she really just wanted to chat with the shopkeeper.
担保一种字据或保证,通常为书面的,以保证某种产品或服务的质量或耐用性 A promise or an assurance, especially one given in writing, that attests to the quality or durability of a product or service.
常去教堂的英国人更喜欢严格的布教者,因为他认为一些深刻的真理不至于伤害他的邻居。 The british churchgoer prefer a severe preacher because he think a few home truth with do his neighbour no harm.
渔夫用矛作为武器。 The fisher used a spear as his weapon.
该雕像大小为实体的两倍。 The statue is twice life-size.
这些圆珠笔零售价为70便士. These biros retail at/for 70p.
他为阻止她作出了极大的努力。 He made strenuous attempts to stop her.
他们齐心协力为祖国战斗。 They fought for their motherland shoulder to shoulder.
牧师在船离港之前为其祝福。 The priest blessed the ship before it left port.
你离家不归, 你母亲极为伤心. Your mother is very grieved by your refusal to return home.
他为了自己的革命原则而蒙受苦难。 He suffered for his revolutionary principles.
他遭解雇一事, 有关的人都很为难. His dismissal was rather a sticky business for all concerned.
他号召工人为争取自己的权利而斗争。 He called on the workers to fight for their rights.
政府正为处理失业问题的另一计画拨款. The government is funding another unemployment scheme.
我是为那个老人女儿的缘故才照顾他的。 I went to look after the old man on the score of his daughter.
他被认为是本世纪第一流的作曲家之一。 He is regarded as one of the classical composers in this century.
他因为玩忽职守而失去工作,罪有应得。 It served him right to lose that job, because he neglected it.
他看不起他们的意见,认为那些意见很幼稚。 He spat at their ideas, treating them as childish.
老人们为电影和小说的大胆感到震惊。 The old people is shocked by the new freedom in movies and novels.
一个人未被证明有罪前,被视为是清白的。 A man is accounted innocent until he is proven guilty.
在党的培育下,他已成长为一个优秀的战士。 Nurtured by the Party, he grown into a good fighter.
这样的行为与她情操高尚的原则是矛盾的。 Such behavior is inconsistent with her high-minded principles.
新娘的男亲属们聚集在一起为婚礼做准备。 The bride's kinsman gathered to make preparations for the wedding.
法律是为保卫人民的权利和财产而制定的。 Laws are constituted to protect individual rights and properties.
他为自己在科研方面所取得的巨大成就而自豪。 He is proud of his great success in scientific researches.
我也认为不卫生,但是我对病菌的抵抗力很高。 I don't think so, either, but my resistance to germs is high.
这一事故可以作为醉酒驾驶危害的实际教训. Let this accident be an object lesson in the dangers of drinking and driving.
他为挽救这家企业,不惜冒险投入他的全部金钱。 He hazarded all his money in the attempt to save the business.
我想他反正会以养家为理由来进行辩解。 I suppose that, in justification, he could always claim he had a family to support.
政府的通告已视为迈向解决罢工问题的一步。 The government's announcement is seen as a move towards settling the strike.
我认为你说美国是世界和平的障碍是不对的。 I don't think it is correct of you to say that America is a balk to world peace.
原始人用尖石块和兽骨为自己制作原始的工具。 Primitive man made himself primitive tools from sharp stones and animal bones.
这个战场被视为圣地以纪念战死在这里的战士。 This battle field is consecrated to the memory of the soldiers who died here.
他是优秀的学生, 正因为这个缘故, 全班都不喜欢他. He was an outstanding pupil and, ipso facto, disliked by the rest of the class.
我们的豆腐生产线是世界上最为先进的,久负盛名。 Our bean curd processing line is the most advanced and well- know in the world.
他料到自己的作品总归要受到批判,所以总是以攻为守。 He's always expecting criticism of his work, so he's always on the offensive.
在她被接受为固定雇员之前经过了三个月的试用期。 He was taken on for a three-month trial period before being accepted as a permanent member of staff.
生病是糟糕的,而这种情形没有一种疾病比癌症更为糟糕。 It is bad to get ill, and with no disease is it worse than with cancer.
因为长时间的干旱,农民们对于好收成的前景是怀疑的。 Because of a long drought, the farmers are doubtful about the prospect of a good yield.
利用权力压服别人并非永远是上策, 运用说服方法或许更为可取. Exertion of authority over others is not always wise; persuasion may be better.
假如我再容忍你下去的话,我可能会一步步退化至成为老婆也未可知。 If I continue to endure you a little longer, I may by degrees dwindle into a wife.
另外一些人认为应该开辟更多的公交路线,因为公共汽车载客多。 Others argue that more bus routes should be opened up because buses can accommodate more passengers.
贵市史密斯公司希望与本公司开展交易,指定贵处为信用出证人。 Mr. smith co., of your city, desire to open an account with us, and have give us your name as a reference.
搭连主墙有一斜屋顶的构造,边接在建筑物侧面作为侧厅或延伸物 A structure with a single-pitch roof that is attached to the side of a building as a wing or an extension.
预先测试为衡量学生是否已有足够的准备去进行更高一级的学习而举行的初步考试 A preliminary test given to determine whether students are sufficiently prepared for a more advanced course of studies.
回针缝在先前缝的一针中间加缝的一针,以便使针脚的交错重叠为原来长度的一半 A stitch made by inserting the needle at the midpoint of a preceding stitch so that the stitches overlap by half lengths.
那时,这老头儿只不过是个泥瓦工罢了。他之所以发迹,我认为靠的是精明的而不是业绩。 In his time, the old gentleman was a working mason, and had risen form the ranks more, I think, by shrewdness than by merit.
寓言一种通常短小的故事,用来表示启发或谨慎的观点,常利用说话或有人的行为的动物为角色 A usually short narrative making an edifying or cautionary point and often employing as characters animals that speak and act like human beings.
家庭医生都迫切希望为病人提供适当的服务,但他们若为日常抄抄写写的工作所束缚,便不能给病人必需的关心。 Family doctors are anxious to provide a proper service for their patients, but they can't give them the attention they need if they've shackled with paperwork.
有些工程师认为,既然为这一系统起作用已付出如此巨大的努力,明智的做法是短期内将这项工作继续下去,而不是从头再来。 Some engineers take the view that since so much effort has been put into making this system work it would be sensible in the short term to continue the same line rather than start afresh.
仪表标明为5500单位. The meter reads 5500 units.
你争我夺是粗鲁的行为. It's rude to snatch.
该液体的体积为5升. The liquid was 5 litres in volume.
为讨吉利我老是带著一个. I always carry one for luck.
当众吐痰是不礼貌的行为。 It's the bad manner to spit in public.
因为土地肥沃,那儿很富裕。 It's rich there because of the fertility of soil.
因为和太太生气,汤姆踢狗。 Angry with his wife, Tom kicked the dog.
他对穷人的慷慨为人所熟知。 His generosity to the poor is well known.
因为宿怨,他最终杀了她。 He eventually killed her because of a long-standing feud.
车祸现场附近交通极为混乱。 Traffic was badly snarled up near the accident.
他常常为了噪音和邻居们争吵。 He was always fighting with his neighbors about the noise.
这位顾客将为此恶劣服务诉诸法律。 The customer will go to law for the bad service.
空气,食物,水皆为生命不可缺者。 Air, food and water are indispensable to life.
施用酷刑必为文明社会的人所不齿. The use of torture must disgust any civilized person.
地球的圆周长约为25000. The circumference of the earth is almost 25000 miles/The earth is almost 25000 miles in circumference.
他被公认为现代最杰出的作家之一。 He is generally rated as one of the best modern writers.
环境逼得她为挨饿的儿女偷窃食物. She was driven by necessity to steal food for her starving children.
他送给妻子一枚戒指,作为爱情的信物。 He gave his wife a ring as a token of his love.
这座城堡建于高处是为保护城市。 This citadel is built on high ground for protecting the city.
她为公司的前景描绘了一幅美好的图画。 She painted a rosy picture of the firm's future.
这个铁匠给铁棒加热,直到烧红为止。 The blacksmith heated the iron bar until it glowed.
安以为我是苏格兰人,但我马上纠正了她。 Ann thought I was Scottish but I soon put her right.
德国西面与法国接壤, 南与瑞士为邻. Germany is bounded on the west by France and on the south by Switzerland.
孔子被认为是中国古代最伟大的圣贤。 Confucius is considered the greatest of the ancient Chinese sages.
这个瘦小软弱的孩子成为全班嘲笑的对象。 The small weak child became the scorn of the class.
这种疫苗用以为全体居民预防传染病. The vaccine was used to protect the whole population against infection.
我从这个可以引以为戒的经历中学到了很多。 I have learned a lot from the chastening experience.
他的妻子在那个群体中成为颇有地位的女子。 His wife has become a woman of some standing in the community.
他一走了之,而让他的母亲为他的赌债发愁。 He took a powder and left his mother to worry about his gambling debts.
发挥运用的行为或事例,尤指全力以赴的努力 The act or an instance of exerting, especially a strenuous effort.
他宣布脱离他原来的宗教而成为了一名穆斯林教徒。 He renounced his religion and became a Muslim.
一个军官作出如此胆怯的行为使整个团都蒙受羞辱。 Such an act of cowardice by an officer shames his whole regiment.
那个聚会落得一场空, 因为请帖上的日期弄错了. The party was a total fiasco because the wrong date was given on the invitations.
在英国,用刀把食物送进嘴里被认为是粗鲁的行为。 Putting food into one's mouth with a knife is considered vulgar in England.
一般认为像木工和烹饪之类的实用课程不如数学重要. Practical lessons, like woodwork and cookery, are not considered as important as maths.
他们的谈判简直就是一场荒唐的笑剧,因为他们的领导们早就作出决定了。 Their negotiations were a farce since their leaders had already made the decision.
为了能与这庄严的气氛相一致,如果你能熄灭香烟的话,我将很高兴。 I would appreciate it if you would extinguish your cigarettes in keeping with the solemnity of the occasion.
布道一次讲道,尤其是旨在于实际问题上启发会众,而不在于成为神学讲演 A sermon, especially one intended to edify a congregation on a practical matter and not intended to be a theological discourse.
缓刑对已被认定犯有某罪的人实行暂缓执行其刑罚,并在其保证良好行为的基础上给予暂时的自由 The act of suspending the sentence of a person convicted of a criminal offense and granting that person provisional freedom on the promise of good behavior.
宽为80厘米. The width measurement is 80 cm.
别为这些琐事生气。 Don't be angry over such trivial matters.
我们打算称呼她为黛安娜. We're going to call her Diana.
这种行为是雄性特有的吗? Is this behaviour typical of the male sex?
她去世後全家人极为悲痛. Her death was a great distress to all the family.
我不同意,布莱顿城更为热闹。 I disagree, brighton's more lively.
他被提升为陆军中尉/海军上尉。 He was promoted to lieutenant.
她落选後其影响力大为降低. Her influence declined after she lost the election.
你能为我觅到那本罕见的古书吗? Can you procure the rare old book for me?
那个理论的精髓是为人民服务。 The pith of that theory is serving for people.
这个年轻军官被提升为上尉。 The young army officer was promoted to the rank of captain.
女王为表彰他的贡献封他为爵士. The Queen requited his services with a knighthood.
群众(为他[演出])鼓掌五分钟. The crowd applauded (him/the perfomance) for five minutes.
要想外出度假时, 宠物会成为牵累. Pets can be a tie when you want to go away on holiday.
为了防止牟取暴利而 实行了租金管制. Rent controls were introduced to prevent profiteering.
赢不了也不要紧--只要你尽力而为。 It doesn't matter if you don't win just do your best.
古希腊人为爱神阿弗罗狄特造了许多神庙。 The ancient Greek dedicated many shrines to Aphrodite.
这个镇子引以为荣的是有个闻名於世的美术馆. The town boasts a world-famous art gallery.
这个证据证实了我认为他是间谍的这一看法。 This evidence reinforces my view that he is a spy.
他逃之夭夭,留下他妻子为他的赌债发愁。 He took a powder and left his wife to worry about his gambling debts.
偏狭的视野上不开阔的;狭隘和以自我为中心的 Limited in perspective; narrow and self-centered.
人生是以哭、泣、笑三者构成的,尤以泣为最。 Life is made up of sob, sniffle, and smile, with sniffle predominate.
婚姻首先是一种契约,它必须以公正为制约。 Marriage is, first of all, a contract which must be governed by justice.
她快乐的个性使她成为这个郡最受欢迎的女孩。 Her jocund character made her the most popular girl in the county.
作为一个候选人,他许下诺言,使前途一片光明。 As a candidate, he held forth the promise of a bright future.
他穿了一身讲究的新衣服逛来逛去, 显得颇为惬意. He strolled about, looking very debonair in his elegant new suit.
这些袋子难於搬运, 倒不是因为重而是体积太大. It's not their weight that makes these sacks hard to carry, it's their bulk.
医生认为必要时便动手术--但可能不致如此。 The doctors will operate if it proves necessary but it may not come to that.
`你认为他的沉默是什麽意思?'`我认为意思是拒绝.' `How would you interpret his silence?' `I would interpret it as a refusal.'
旅游为了公务、娱乐或教育参观多处名胜的一次旅行 A trip with visits to various places of interest for business, pleasure, or instruction.
由喙部为红色这一特点可以辨认出其为雄性(以区别於雌性). The male is distinguished (from the female) by its red beak.
不努力是考不及格的, 因此不要欺骗自己(以为可以及格). You can't pass exams without working, so don't deceive yourself (into thinking you can).
我们的新洗衣机老出毛病--完全是因为做的质量太差。 Our new washing-machine keeps breaking down it's entirely due to shoddy workmanship.
哎,快到午餐休息时间了,他为什么非给我这个急件不可! Oh, why do he have to give me this rush job now that it's almost time for my lunch break!
我以为能负担得起那费用, 後来认真估算了一下才知道过於昂贵. I thought I could afford it, then I costed it out properly and found it was too expensive.
灵魂出窍,亡魂显现活着的人在其临死前出现的作为预兆的鬼魂 An apparition of a living person that appears as a portent just before that person's death.
积累而成的,累积的以积累效果为特征的或者表现出积累效果的;累积的 Characterized by or showing the effects of accumulation; cumulative.
曼谷为一个广阔潮湿的冲积平原所环绕,有纵横交错的运河网。 Bangkok is surrounded by a vast, damp, alluvial plain, crisscrossed by a network of klong.
简介给予或接受简洁的预备性的指令、信息或忠告的行为或步骤 The act or procedure of giving or receiving concise preparatory instructions, information, or advice.
尽管客栈老板很热情,但我们猜想他的真正目的是为了得到更多的钱。 Although the innkeeper was warm, we guessed that his real goad was to get more money.
在维多利亚时代, 许多人对於人是由低级生物进化而来的见解大为震惊. Many Victorians were shocked by the notion that Man had evolved from lower forms of life.
习惯上说,地球上最大的一块陆地是沿着乌拉尔山脉分为两大“洲”的。 The largest landmass is usually divided into two"continents" along the Ural Mountains.
初试为更长、更复杂或更重要的考试而进行的预备性学术测试或考试 An academic test or examination that is preparatory to one that is longer, more complex, or more important.
大型电子工业公司研制出了电视, 但这有赖於贝尔德的实验为此指出了方向. Large electronics companies developed television, but Baird pointed the way with his experiments.
你认为那个冬季——那个叫做不愉快的冬季——十之八九会现再次出现吗? Do you think there is a likelihood that winter-the winter of discontent as it was called-could be repeated?
动机一种能作为诱导物而激发行为的情绪、愿望、心理需要或者类似的心理推动力 An emotion, desire, physiological need, or similar impulse that acts as an incitement to action.
商店为了迎合“自己动手”的狂热心理,为消费者提供可以在家里组装的零件。 Shops cater for the do-it- yourself craze by offering consumers bits and pieces which they can assemble at home.
由於两个主要政党都赢得了相同数量的席位,因此作为少数派的政党居於举足轻重的地位。 Since the two main parties each won the same number of seats, the minority party holds the balance of power.
德位的手指撕扯着绳子和包装纸。然后是一声狂嘉的尖叫,哎呀!紧接着又变为满脸的泪水。 Della's fingers tore at the string and paper. Then came an excited scream of joy, and then, alas! a quick change to tears.
我花了50英镑在商场上买了一件所谓的便宜瓷器,结果却是一文不值。我只得把此事引以为训。 I paid fifty pounds in the market for a so-called bargain piece of porcelain which turned out to be worthless; I'll just have to chalk it up to experience.
美国以及其他发达国家的官员说,将保护科技(以阻止外流)与对付饥饿问题混为一谈是在混淆视听。 Officials of the United States and other developed countries said that linking technology protection to the fight against hunger was a red herring.
我老喜欢在礼拜天起程旅行,因为无论走水路也好,走陆路也好,教堂里的祈祷将会保佑我的整个旅程。 I always like to begin a journey on Sunday because I shall have the prayers of the church to preserve all that travel by land or by water.
欧申赛德美国纽约东南部一个还未合并的位于长岛南岸的社区。欧寻赛德是一个以住宅及休养为主的城镇。人口32,423 An unincorporated community of southeast New York on the southern shore of Long Island. Oceanside is a residential and resort town. Population, 32,423.
应参加诉讼的当事人的不参预应该被包括在内作为一宗诉论或诉案的一部分的一方。原告、被告或诉讼的案件不履行法律责任 Omission of a party, plaintiff, defendant, or cause of action that should have been included as a part of an action or a suit.
行为科学主义心理学的一个流派,着重研究行为中可以观察到的、可以量化的方面,排除主观现象,如感情或动机 A school of psychology that confines itself to the study of observable and quantifiable aspects of behavior and excludes subjective phenomena, such as emotions or motives.
开普勒,约翰尼斯1571-1630德国天文学家和数学家,被认为是现代天文学的奠基人,他创立了三大定律,说明行星围绕太阳转的理论 German astronomer and mathematician. Considered the founder of modern astronomy, he formulated three laws to clarify the theory that the planets revolve around the sun.
约翰内斯堡南非最大的城市,位于该国的东北部,在德班西北。在其附近发现金矿后于1886年建立,为主要的工业中心。人口703,980 The largest city of South Africa, in the northeast part of the country northwest of Durban. Founded in1886 after the discovery of gold nearby, it is a major industrial center. Population, 703,980.
黑格尔辩证法特别指与黑格尔通过陈述正题、展开矛盾的反题,并综合和解决它使之成为有条理的综合体而求得真理有关联的过程 The process especially associated with Hegel of arriving at the truth by stating a thesis, developing a contradictory antithesis, and combining and resolving them into a coherent synthesis.
炮台公园曼哈顿岛南端的公园,位于纽约东南部的纽约湾北端。1808年为保护港口而建,早期荷兰和英国的防御工事及克林顿城堡就在此地 A park at the southern tip of Manhattan Island at the upper end of New York Bay in southeast New York. It is the site of early Dutch and English fortifications and of Castle Clinton, built in1808 for the defense of the harbor.
警察组成这样一个部门的一群人,他们被专门训练来掌握执行法律和防止并侦破犯罪行为的方法,被授予维护一个社区的和平、安全和秩序的职权 A body of persons making up such a department, trained in methods of law enforcement and crime prevention and detection and given the authority to maintain the peace, safety, and order of the community.
合伙契约两个人或多个人签订的法律契约,每个人都同意为一个商业实体出一部分资金和劳力,从而每个人都可分享固定比例的一部分利润和承担固定比例的一部分损失 A legal contract entered into by two or more persons in which each agrees to furnish a part of the capital and labor for a business enterprise, and by which each shares a fixed proportion of profits and losses.
如果病人住在公用病房里。很少有护士经过时不为他们做点小事情。这是护士的一项传统,即提供“亲切关怀护理”(TLC),亦即为病人提供持续不断的细小服务。 If patients are in an open ward, few nurses will pass them by without doing some little thing for them. It is in a nurse's tradition to give what is called"TLC", tender loving care, some constant little service to the sick.
诗以生动的和充满想象的方式来表达经验、思想或情感的口述文学作品,以运用其声音和暗示力而选用浓缩的语言为特征,并运用如节奏、暗喻和音韵等文学手法 A verbal composition designed to convey experiences, ideas, or emotions in a vivid and imaginative way, characterized by the use of condensed language chosen for its sound and suggestive power and by the use of literary techniques such as meter, metaphor, and rhyme.
显然,美国运通在罗宾逊离开以后将成为较小的公司。可能出售它的希尔森·里曼兄弟公司,放弃成为“财务超级市场”的梦想。公司的作风也可能改变-从一个贵族和官僚作风的帝国变成一个较为实事求是的公司。 Clearly, AmEx will be a smaller company in the post-Robinson era. It is likely to sell its Shearson Lehman Brothers division, giving up dreams of becoming a"financial supermarket." Company culture, too, may change, from an aristocratic and bureaucratic empire to a company that is more down to earth.
你使我非常为难。 You place me in a very difficult position.
你一点也没让我为难. You didn't embarrass me in the slightest.
我们责备他行为不检点。 We condemned him for his bad conduct.
我认为那电影不怎么样。 I don't think much of the movie.
共产主义是以马克思主义为基础. Communism is based on Marxism.
在我的老友当中,他看来最为年轻。 Among my old friends he has worn best.
因为热爱大自然,他常常去爬山。 (Being) a lover of nature, he often goes mountain climbing.
她在难民中工作是因为她有很深的信念. A deep faith underlies her work among refugees.
你还是告诉她吧, 因为她迟早会发觉的. You should tell her, because she'll find out sooner or later.
他们都是自愿的, 完全是因为喜欢做而做的. They're all volunteers, doing it just for the love of the thing.
这消息使我大为惊慌. This news fills me with alarm.
他们为远征治装. They equipped themselves for the expedition.
他被树立为我们的榜样。 He was set up as our example.
他梦想着成为律师。 He is dreaming of becoming a lawyer.
调节调节的行为或过程 The act or process of modulating.
本人认为此案证据不足. The case, I would submit, is not proven.
你的行为说明你很自私. This behaviour illustrates your selfishness.
他的行为一直无可质疑。 His conduct has always been above suspicion.
他的行为表明他是可敬的。 His conduct speaks him honorable.
她处处表现得极为阔气. She gave every appearance of being extremely rich.
他做此事是为环境所迫。 He was forced by the circumstances to do this.
他喜欢自命为知识分子. He likes to set himself up as an intellectual.
他为我们树立了一个好榜样。 He set up a fine example to all of us.
我快跑为的是要赶上火车。 I run fast so that I may catch the train.
她对保健食品极为讲究了. She started to become/wax lyrical about health food.
他的建议被认为是切实可行的。 His proposal is thought of as practical.
我认为他的一些看法并不怎么样。 I don't think much of his ideas.
我错了,我愿为此承担责任。 I made a mistake and I will assume responsibility for it.
别再为我们花的每个小钱费心思了. Stop niggling about every penny we spend.
小说常被改编为舞台剧本。 Novels are often adapted for the stage, television and radio.
攻击了那条船已视作战争行为. The attack on the ship was viewed as an act of war.
他特地为这一典礼空运来了鲜花. He had flowers specially flown in forthe ceremony.
他会被认为是个软弱无能的领导人。 He will be considered a weak leader.
我为她力争,以求改变决定。 I intervened on her behalf to try to get the decision changed.
我认为首相可能控制不住局面了。 I think the prime minister may be losing his grip.
这个条约将成为持久和平的开端。 The treaty will be the threshold of lasting peace.
理奇比你占优势, 因为他会讲德语。 Rich has an advantage over you since he can speak German.
解放后,他被任命为这个厂的厂长。 He was named director of the plant after liberation.
这个房客因为没有交房租而被赶出去了。 The tenant was evicted for non-payment of rent.
各队为取得第一名在激烈的竞争中遭遇 The teams met in fierce contention for first place.
主教在仪式上为许多人施行了坚信礼. The bishop conducted a number of confirmations at the service.
我认为能向各位贵宾演讲十分荣幸. I esteem it a privilege to address such a distinguished audience.
近代研究已使这个问题大为明朗化了。 Modern investigations have thrown great light on this question.
我不明白你们为什么对这件事感到如此好笑。 I fail to see why you find it so amusing.
该代理机构每年可为约2000名秘书安排工作. The agency places about 2000 secretaries per annum.
政府为到访的元首派出了武装卫队. The government provided an armed escort for the visiting head of State.
几家公司正为争取一项合同而互相竞争。 Several companies are competing for the contract.
注重尊严的人都会轻视那种行为。 All people with a sense of decency will look down upon such conduct as that.
因为尺子被书盖住了,所以我没找到它。 I could not find my ruler because it was covered up by the books.
这个户头为你提供了一个现成的收入来源. This account provides you with a ready source of income.
人们认为这座神庙是古典式设计的范例。 The temple has been considered an example of classic design.
邮包一定投递错了,因为她一直没有收到。 The parcel must have miscarry, for she never receive it.
一位体育界的著名人士被邀请为决赛开球。 A sports personality was invited to kick off at die final.
他聪明,但不会有成就,因为他缺少干劲。 He's clever but he won't succeed because he lacks drive.
这座纪念碑是为了纪念革命烈士而树立的。 The monument was built in honor of the revolutionary martyrs.
这一计画是以经济发展的设想为依据的. The project was predicated on the assumption that the economy was expanding.
他真有福气,从来不需要为金钱之事操心。 He is in the happy position of never having to worry about money.
我认为他侵占我的停车位肯定是有意和我作对。 I'm sure he took my parking space just to spite me.
他很容易受伤, 因为他很轻易就相信别人。 He is likely to get hurt because he always trusts people easily.
我希望你不曾因为我好久不给你写信而感到担心。 I hope you were never put out by my long silence.
因为选举结果多已公布, 可谓大局已定. Now that most of the election results have been declared, it's all over bar the shouting.
他的善心使得许多穷孩子上大学成为可能。 His benevolence made it possible for many poor children to attend college.
太阳能电池能把阳光的能量转化为电能。 The solar cell can convert the energy of sunlight into electric energy.
有人说资本主义和社会主义最终会合而为一。 Some say that capitalism and socialism will eventually converge.
他接近六十岁了,但他仍认为自己还是中年人。 He's nearly60, but he still considers himself to be middle-aged.
总之,我们认为我们都同情剧中的女主人公。 In the final analysis I think our sympathy lies with the heroine of the play.
我一点也没有吃惊,因为我早已料到会有那样的事。 I was not in the least surprised, for I had expected as much.
由于你身体不好,你必须尽量避免为孩子们操心。 On account of your health, you must endeavour to shift off the care of your children.
是为了它那不曾要求,不曾知道,不曾记得的小小的需要。 It is for small needs it never asks, or knows or remembers.
为首的那个自行车手很快就要从那个转角处绕过来。 The leading cyclist will be coming round that corner any minute now!
我原以为发生的事是够糟的了,不料更糟的事还在后头。 I thought that what happened was bad enough, but worse was to follow.
为了维持营业,一家企业必须担负起一定的费用和开支。 An enterprise has to incur certain costs and expenses in order to stay in business.
行为的修正由动物过去的经历导致的保持终生的行为修正 Persistent modification of behavior resulting from an animal's experience.
到目前为止,主席只能提出个大体规划,还不能很具体。 So far, the chairman has only been able to trace out the outline of the plan, without any details.
变压器的功用就是把电力从一种电压改变为加一种电压。 The function of the transformers is to change electric power from one voltage to another.
马克思主义认为世界存在于我们之外,而且独立于我们而存在。 Marxism believes that the world exists outside us and independently of us.
在现代战争中,机动性和先进武器比人多势众更为重要。 In modern warfare, mobility and sophisticated weapons are more important than weight of numbers.
资产阶级政客们为了要在自己政党内确立有利地位而钻营策划。 The bourgeois politicians jockeyed about in order to establish advantageous positions within their party.
要不然他还会在教书,因为他的心仍然在课堂上和他的学生们在一起。 Otherwise he would still be teaching, because his heart and soul were still in the classroom with his students.
今年香港将为教师开设一家图书馆以提供防止青少年自杀的教学资料。 A library of teaching materials for preventing teenage suicides will open for educators in Hong Kong this year.
在此期间,我们将保留上述箱子,听候你方处理。你方对此作何处理请告知为盼。 Meanwhile we are holding the above-mentioned case at your disposal, please let us know what you wish to do with it.
一种处理过程,其间由控制器将一条指令分解成为它的执行所必须的微码操作。 A procedure in which an instruction is broken down into the microcode operations necessary for its execution by a control unit.
大学研究生班大学里为研究生和高年级的本科生设的以研讨方式进行的研究班 A course of study for graduate and advanced undergraduate students in a college or university, conducted in the manner of a seminar.
学生需要有人指导他们来应付为他们所开设的一大堆课程,从中选出最适合他们的课程。 Students need someone to steer them through the mass of courses offered to them, to choose the best ones for their needs.
自我在精神分析学中指有意识的最直接地控制思想和行为,与外部世界联系也最多的那部分自我 In psychoanalysis, the division of the psyche that is conscious, most immediately controls thought and behavior, and is most in touch with external reality.
在你看来,停车时把汽车的保险杆部分突出在人行道上似乎是微不足道的,但就法制观念而言,这仍旧是一种犯法的行为。 Parking with your car bumper overhanging the pavement may seem trivial to you, but in the eyes of the law it is still an offence.
尽管我以前从未为银行工作过,但我觉得在银行工作非常舒适自在,因为我曾为一位会计师工作过,而且我习惯于同数字打交道。 Although I've never worked for a bank before, I feel quite at home there because I used to work for an accountant and I'm used to dealing with figures.
燕子以虫为食. Swallows are insectivorous.
金属易为酸所腐蚀。 Metals are eroded by acids.
我认为无知是一种罪。 I guess ignorance must be a sin.
他为他的行为感到惭愧。 He is ashamed of his behavior.
为了存活植物必须有氧气 Plants must have oxygen in order to live.
神父为人举行临终圣礼。 The priest administered the last rites.
该杂志的销售量为2000份。 The distribution of the magazine is 2000.
入侵者把村镇变为废墟。 The invader laid towns and villages in ruins.
那个流氓靠行骗为生。 The rascal lives on the credulity of the people.
他被任命为驻美国大使。 He was appointed ambassador to the United States.
我们的债务总计为五千美元。 We have debts totaling 5000 dollars.
许多语言都以拉丁语为基础。 Many languages have Latin as their base.
我会给你一磅作为先付部分。 I will give you a pound in part payment.
我因为喉咙痛没有去上班。 I was off work because of a sore throat.
动物的粪便可以作为肥料使用。 Animal dung may be used as manure.
本图所示为木材的纵剖面. This illustration shows a section through the timber.
柏枝作为悲哀象征的柏树枝 Cypress branches used as a symbol of mourning.
因为滥用权力,他被开除了。 Because of misuse of power, he was dismissed.
营地的生活条件甚为原始. Living conditions in the camp were pretty primitive.
她的勤奋为其他人树立了榜样。 Her diligence has set an example to the others.
他们已经开始防止犯罪行为。 They have begun to do the prevention of crime.
为了完成报告我打算熬夜不睡。 I am going to stay up late to finish my paper.
她佩戴了一把小梳子作为装饰品。 She wore a small comb as an ornament.
凶恶的女人被认为胆大或凶狠的妇女 A woman regarded as daring or fierce.
她无法掩盖她身为作家的不足之处. She can't hide her deficiencies as a writer.
他为了忍住痛楚而紧紧捏住拳关。 He clenched his fingers firmly to endure the pain.
他因为动作犯规而被裁判记下姓名。 He was booked by the referee for foul play.
这位政治家被任命为财政部长。 The politician was appointed as the Minister of Finance.
倘若外援枯竭,形势将极为严重。 If foreign aid dries up the situation will be desperate.
她讨厌在宴会上为应酬而和人交谈。 She detests having to talk to people at parties.
这座城市被占领使国人大为震惊。 The capture of the city shocked everyone in the country.
为了赚到足够的钱, 他工作到深夜。 In order to earn enough money, he worked late into the night.
邮筒为存放外寄信件而设的公用盒箱 A public container for deposit of outgoing mail.
愿新年为你带来快乐,友爱和宁静。 May the coming New Year bring you joy, love and peace.
我们必须为子孙后代保护森林资源。 We must conserve our forests and woodlands for future generations.
他在紧急关头十分镇静为此感到骄傲。 He prides himself on remaining calm in an emergency.
水加热则成为蒸汽,冷却则成为冰。 Water is changed into steam by heat and into ice by cold.
北京为和台北建立联系展示善意姿态。 Beijing offers goodwill gesture to Taipei for links.
政府为修建医院拨出了大笔款项。 The government has appropriated a large sum of money for building hospitals.
我牙疼,因为我的一颗牙齿上有个洞。 I have a toothache because there is a cavity in one of my teeth.
士兵的勇敢事迹为他带来了荣耀和赞美。 The soldier's brave deeds brought him honor and glory.
为了获得他们的支持,任何代价均在所不惜。 No price is too high for winning their support.
现在向您表达我们对您的感激最为恰当。 It's the appropriate time for showing you our thanks.
以前的许多殖民地现已成为独立的国家. The former colonial possessions are now independent states.
因为气温很高,有大量空调售出。 A large quantity of air-conditioners has been sold since the temperature is high.
世界上大多数大城市都交通堵塞为患。 Most of the important cities of the world suffer from traffic jam.
作为清教徒,他的道德和宗教观念都很严格。 As a Puritan, he is strict in moral and religion.
他的儿子已成长为一个健壮勤劳的小伙子。 His son has grown up into a sturdy hardworking young man.
现在是向您表达感激之情最为恰当的时刻。 It is the most appropriate time to show you our thanks.
我们不能从那里穿过草地, 因为河水泛滥了. We can't cross the meadow there because the river is in flood.
这个旅馆为住客提供了各种各样的娱乐活动。 The hotel offers its guest a wide variety of amusement.
国会拨款两百万英镑作为防治水灾之用。 Parliament appropriated two million pounds for flood control.
我们的厂长以将来销售量为他行动的准绳。 Our factory director hinged his action on future sales.
争辩在讨论或辩论中据理力争的行为或实例 The act or an instance of striving in controversy or debate.
让我们永远怀念为世界和平献身的勇士们。 Let us remember the brave who died for the peace of the world.
在丛林中, 他们为了生存被迫采取极端行动. In the jungle, they were driven to extremes in order to survive.
警方封锁了这个区域直至拆除炸弹的引信为止。 Police cordoned off the area until the bomb was defused.
因为暴风雪,经常去做礼拜的人没有去教堂。 Because of the snowstorm, the churchgoer did not go to church.
工厂主们使用血汗劳动为自己挣得大量财产。 The mill owners used sweated labour to earn them fortunes.
你在良心上总不能认为那样的报酬算是合理的吧. You cannot in all conscience regard that as fair pay.
为避免受饥寒之苦,夫妻俩不得不双双工作 Both spouses had to take jobs in order to keep the wolf from the door.
看我的日记是一种不可原谅的侵犯个人隐私的行为。 Reading my diary is an inexcusable invasion of privacy.
作为史无前例的步骤,法庭要求证人唱一首歌。 In an unprecedented move, the tribunal ask the witness to sing a song.
作为那些公司的拥有者,她被视为财富的象征。 Being the owner of those corporations, she is regarded as an emblem of mammon.
这位诗人为他心爱的女子写了许多诗,歌颂她的美丽。 The poet addressed many poems to his mistress, praising her beauty.
注射为了医学目的通过血管将一种溶液注入体内 Introduction of a solution into the body through a vein for therapeutic purposes.
措词强烈的社论可以简单地归结为政党政治的纲领 The scathing editorial simply boils down to an exercise in partisan politics.
有的人对他佩服得五体投地, 而有的人则认为他装腔作势. Some people admired him greatly while others considered him a poseur.
她的病情突然恶化,使一切康复的希望都化为泡影。 All hope of improvement has been snatched away by the sudden worsening of her condition.
早年对军用火箭进行的实验为发展航天技术奠定了基础。 Early experiments with military rockets prepared the ground for space travel.
养殖对动物的饲养或植物的种植,尤指为了产生改良品种 The breeding of animals or growing of plants, especially to produce improved stock.
他们以为能在选举中轻易取胜, 但事情往往会功败垂成. They think they'll win the election easily, but there's many a slip 'twixt cup and lip.
因为她的工作一向是她生命的支柱,所以退休后日子很不好过. Because her job had been the pivot of her life, retirement was very difficult.
在某些国家,凡是同政府持有不同意见的人都被视为罪犯。 In some countries, people who disagree with the government are classed as criminals.
我比同伴们聪明,因为我花在灯油上的钱比他们落的酒钱还多。 I become wiser than my companion because I spend more in oil than they in wine.
四个构成的一组因共同的财产或行为而联系在一起的四人小组或联盟 A group or combination of four associated by common properties or behavior.
医术在于,当大自然为病者医治疾病的一段期间内,逗得病人高兴。 The art of medicine consists of amusing the patient while nature cures the disease.
一元发生说认为所有生物都是由一个单细胞或有机体发展而来的理论 The theory that all living organisms are descended from a single cell or organism.
电视台为出现的干扰表示歉意,那是由于恶劣的天气状况造成的。 The television station apologized for the interference, which was due to bad weather conditions.
他在金鱼缸周围贴上了彩色风景明信片,好让金鱼们以为在游历四方。 He pasted picture postcard around goldfish bowl to make the goldfish think they were going place.
别的男孩都叫汤米娘娘腔的男孩因为没有母亲在旁他就不肯出来玩。 The other boys called Tommy a mama's boy because he wouldn't come out to play unless his mother stayed near him.
两性的具有酸和碱的特征的,既能作为酸又能作为碱进行化学反应的 Having the characteristics of an acid and a base and capable of reacting chemically either as an acid or a base.
这家小公司推出新产品获得成功,因为这种新产品恰好是大众所需要的。 The small company hit the mark with its new product because it was just what the public wanted.
为了能按照她认为合适的方法去整顿这一部门,经理授予她自由行动的权力。 The manager gave her a blank cheque to reorganize the department in any way she thought fit.
他来回走动着,大骂这场延误事故,因为每耽误一分钟都在消耗他的钱财。 He was walking to and fro swearing at the delay which was costing him so much money every minute.
我在银行拿十块钱的纸币兑换了零钱,因为我需要一些硬币投入自动售票机。 I changed a ten-yuan note at the bank, because I needed some coins for the ticket machine.
假使上天认为财富是有价值的东西的话,它就不会将之给予这样的一个恶棍的吧。 If heaven had looked upon riches to be a valuable thing, it will not have given them to such a scoundrel.
我想他会拒绝的。我恰恰认为她是个固执已见的人,做这种事当然不合乎她的习惯。 I expected her to refuse. I just thought of her as set in her ways, and this sort of thing certainly wasn't among her habits.
当今用手做东西,在许多国家已经成为很特殊--如此地特殊,以致赠送自制礼物有时被认为是不寻常的。 Making something by hand has become the exception in many countries today -- so much so that giving a homemade gift is sometimes considered extraordinary.
银行经理说,为了使我从幻想中清醒过来并控制我的开支,将不给我有透支的便利,并还将收回我的支票卡。 The bank manager said that, in order to bring me down to earth and control my spending, I would have no overdraft facility and my cheque card would be withdrawn.
新陈代谢维持生命所必需的,发生于存活细胞中或生物体中的物理和化学过程的总和。在此过程中,一些物质被分解从而为生命过程提供能量,而另一些维持生命所必需的物质则被合成 The complex of physical and chemical processes occurring within a living cell or organism that are necessary for the maintenance of life. In metabolism some substances are broken down to yield energy for vital processes while other substances, necessary for life, are synthesized.
不必为后果忧虑不安。 Don't be uneasy about the consequence.
凡得90分的学生列为甲等. A student who gets 90% is graded A.
满90分的学生评为甲等. Pupils with 90% or more are awarded Grade A.
他凭直觉认为她说的是谎话。 He had a hunch that she was lying.
缴纳租金以每季度末为期限。 The rent is due at the end of each quarter.
他对自己目前的境遇颇为得意。 He is quite content with his present fortune.
他为我从藤上剪下了一些葡萄。 He cut some grapes for me from the vine.
把混合料搅拌到发起来为止. Beat the mixture until it has a light, puffy texture.
这一灾难被视为上天的惩罚. The disaster was seen as a judgement from on high.
航天器的预定溅落时间为上午5时30分. Splash-down is scheduled for 5.30 am.
人们总是把老师比喻为燃烧的蜡烛。 Teachers are often compared to burning candles.
我们大家都认为考试作弊是不对的。 We all consider it wrong to cheat in examinations.
这个水库是用来为我们小镇存储水的。 This reservoir is used to store water for our town.
他对死刑存废的见解许多人都不以为然. His views on capital punishment are unpalatable to many.
他有一种迷信的想法认为黑猫不吉祥。 He has a superstitious thought that black cat are unlucky.
他把所得利润的一半交给歹徒作为保护费。 He was paying out half his profits as protection.
为避开跟踪的人,我迅速跑进一条小巷。 In order to avoid the man following me, I shot into a lane.
老保姆为这个家庭忠实地服务了三十年. The old nurse had served the family faithfully for thirty years.
一种冷饮品,常为白葡萄酒和果汁的混合物 A cold drink, often a mixture of white wine and juice.
在葬礼上发笑或开玩笑是失礼的行为。 Laughing and joking are considered improper behaviors at a funeral.
他认为那些指责皆属不实之词, 因而十分气愤. He was terribly indignant at what he saw as false accusations.
他认为那些指责皆属不实之词,因而十分气愤。 He was terribly indignant at what he saw as false accusation.
他俩订婚的事在广受欢迎的新闻界极为轰动. Their engagement created a terrific splash in the popular press.
他卑鄙地剥削穷人,要他们为他工作,却短付工资。 He dishonorably exploited the poor by making them work for less pay.
尽管计划度假时兴致勃勃, 而到头来假日本身却颇为扫兴. The holiday itself was rather an anticlimax after all the excitement of planning it.
如若给以发展的机会,她是很可能会成为一个杰出的艺术家的。 Given the opportunity she might well have become an outstanding artist.
我们的前半生为父母所糟蹋,而后半生又复为儿女所糟蹋。 The first half of our lives is ruined by our parents and the second half by our children.
魔力,神力被认为是寓于某个人或某件神圣的物件中的超自然力量 A supernatural force believed to dwell in a person or sacred object.
总统因近来被揭露涉嫌金融权益问题而成为丑闻的主角。 The President is at the center of a recent scandal over revelation about his financial interests.
若你方经销我们的货物,我方愿给予你相当大的优惠作为回报。 If you promote our goods, we will give you a good discount as our part of the bargain.
如果合同一方可以任意对待履约而使对方蒙受损害,当然不能认为公正。 It is unjust if one party should treat a contract arbitrarily at the expense of the other.
批评政府政策的人指责反犯罪活动新措施, 认为纯粹是为掩盖过错而制定的. Critics of government policy argue that the new measures introduced to fight crime are simply papering over the cracks.
角帖书一种早期初级读物,即为一张盖有透明角片作为保护的书页,以前供儿童认字用 An early primer consisting of a single page protected by a transparent sheet of horn, formerly used in teaching children to read.
我还没有告诉我的太太她买衣服花钱太多,她先下手为强反问我为什么花那么多钱去买新钓鱼竿。 Before I could tell my wife she had spent too much for the dress, she stole my thunder by asking why I spent so much for the new fishing rod.
祝福夫君生日快乐,你给流逝的岁月增添了醉人的情意,你让平凡的事情发出耀眼的光芒,感谢你已成为我生命中特别重要的一部分。 Happy birthday to my dear husband. You add a special happiness to days that come and go. You give an extra sparkle to the ordinary things. It's so nice to have you being a special part of my life.
犁一种农具,由在一根横梁端部的厚重的刃构成,通常系在一组牵引它的牲畜或机动车上,用来破碎土块并耕出槽沟从而为播种做好准备 A farm implement consisting of a heavy blade at the end of a beam, usually hitched to a draft team or motor vehicle and used for breaking up soil and cutting furrows in preparation for sowing.
我厌恶一切矫揉造作的行为. I detest all affectation.
他对自己的愚蠢行为而懊恼。 He is repentant of his folly.
你能为这些要求提供证件吗? Can you document these claims?
斯珀尔斯队会降为丙级队吗? Will Spurs be relegated to the third division?
你认为砂糖可以替代蜂蜜吗? Can you think sugar will substitute for honey?
这部小说以战前的伦敦为背景。 The novel is set in pre-war London.
他难以说明她为什麽不见了. He was hard put (to it) to explain her disappearance.
他们为海军徵募了四百名新兵. They enlisted four hundred recruits for the navy.
圣诞节是为了纪念耶酥的诞生。 Christmas commemorates the birth of Christ.
你知道她为什么对他如此冷淡吗? Do you know why she is so strange to him?
空袭几乎把这座城镇夷为平地。 The bombing raid practically leveled the town.
犯罪行为的根源是否始自幼时? Are the seeds of criminal behaviour sown early in life?
他踢那个男孩的脚踝骨作为报复。 He retaliated on the boy by kicking on his ankle.
因为腮腺炎她接连卧床好几星期 She is bed- ride with the mumps for week on end.
您能为我们考察一下市场前景吗? Can you explore the market possibility for us?
约翰感到难以为一家大小置备衣着。 John felt it hard to rig out his family.
你显然有心事, 何不一吐为快? You're obviously worried about something; why not get it off your chest?
天气预报之後即为6点钟报时信号. The weather forecast is followed by the pips at 6 o'clock.
我们看见他在为屋子四周的草坪浇水。 We saw him watering the lawn around the house.
他朝著树枝(不停地)砍, 直到砍下为止. He hacked (away) at the branch until it fell off.
分解(作用)分解或分裂为部分或要素 Disintegration or decomposition into parts or elements.
学校、教堂、住宅、厂房均为建筑物. Schools, churches, houses and factories are all buildings.
她先为迟到表示歉意, 然後开始讲话. She prefaced her talk with an apology/by apologizing for being late.
我们不能强迫你(去做), 但认为你应该做. We cannot compel you to (do it), but we think you should.
要不是因为下雨, 我们的假日一定过得很惬意. But for the rain we would have had a nice holiday.
你要是以为我是出於私心, 那你就冤枉我了. You wrong me if you think I only did it for selfish reasons.
消极主义消极被动的性格、态度、品质或行为 Passive character, attitude, quality, or behavior.
你认为这个病人什么时候可以做肿瘤手术? When do you think the patient can be operated on for the tumor?
他已经为赎罪自我惩罚了,我们应该原谅他。 He had done penance for his sins; we should forgive him.
你为什么不先把问题放在一边过会儿再说? Why don't you lay that problem aside for a while and work at it later?
我给我儿子买了为儿童改编的莎士比亚剧本。 I bought my son an adaptation for children of a play by Shakespeare.
晦涩的以有意使风格或表达上含糊不清为特点的 Marked by deliberate obscurity of style or expression.
参加了训练课程就有资格成为[当]驾驶教练. The training course qualifies you to be/as a driving instructor.
那些忠实於她的人都认为她不会做坏事. She could do no wrong (ie do nothing wrong) in the opinion of her devoted followers.
我们不能走那条路, 因为牌子上 写著`禁止入内'. We can't go along that road because the sign says No Entry'.
皮靴固定装置为使滑雪靴牢固而在雪橇上设置的扣拴 Fastenings on a ski for securing the boot.
这个贫穷的小男孩在他十岁的时候就被雇为羊倌。 The poor boy was hired as a shepherd when he was only ten.
所有来客一致认为他们在宴会上吃得是美味佳肴。 All the guests agreed that they fared well at the dinner party.
偶尔借点钱倒没什麽, 只是不要成为一种习惯. It's all right to borrow money occasionally, but don't let it become a habit.
盐酸氟胺安定商标名,用于为失眠而指定的安眠药 A trademark used for a hypnotic drug prescribed for insomnia.
凶恶的人,虎狼之徒被认为是有野心、卤莽或凶残的人 A person regarded as aggressive, audacious, or fierce.
"由于他战斗中指挥英明,他被提升为少校。" He was elevated to do the rank of major due to his wise command in the battle.
她为人厚道、慷慨大方,倒也弥补了她偶尔发点儿脾气。 Her kindness and generosity cancel out her occasional flashes of temper.
我发觉他的所作所为(不负责任)到了简直令人难以置信的地步. I find his behaviour (irresponsible) beyond belief.
谁也不能以不知法为借口而得到原谅——当律师的格外不行。 Ignorance of the law excuse no man- from practicing it.
起初我还以为他很 腆, 後来我才发觉他是不爱理人. At first I thought he was shy, but then I discovered he was just not interested in other people.
20世纪初,许多保守主义者认为印象派的艺术是颓废的。 Many conservatives in the early 1900's thought impressionistic art was decadent.
任何知名人士都要冒风险,会成为通俗刊物的众矢之的。 Any public figure risks being made an Aunt Sally by the popular press.
为了她的缘故,也为了约翰,我热切地希望她能被找到。 For her sake, as well as for John's, I hoped fervently that she might still be found.
电视、广播或演出节目为舞台、银幕、电视或电台制作的作品 A work produced for the stage, screen, television, or radio.
调遣为了战略目的而对军队、船只或飞机部署的变化 A change in the location of troops, ships, or aircraft for tactical or strategic purposes.
快的,敏捷的行为的、动作的,或能够快速行为或运动的;敏捷的 Acting, moving, or capable of acting or moving quickly; swift.
贝尔的父亲甚至为聋人发明了一套所谓的“可见的语言”。 Bell's father had even gone so far as to develop a system of so-called"visible speech" for the deaf.
他囗头遗言上遗留给我一点小小遗产作为他对我关爱的表徵。 He left me a small legacy in a nuncupative will, as a token of his kindness to me.
喂,鲍勃。是的,这是因为线路不好。我再说大一点声音。好些了吗? Oh, hello, Bob. Yes, the line is not very good. I'll speak a bit louder. Is that any better?
切勿追逐自己的帽子——人家会乐意为你追回来的嘛,何必去扫人家的兴。 Never run after your own hat—others will be delighted to do it; why spoil their fun.
差劲……我刚刚开始认为他有潜力,他却丢下一切转到别处工作了。 Darn...just when I start think he have potential, he just drop everything and took another job elsewhere.
大家都认为,约翰要在一月中旬搞一次野外宴会的计划是一个傻主意。 Everybody thought that John's plan to have a barbecue in the middle of January was a half-witted idea.
为便于编写计算机辅助教学的课程软件而发展的一种专用语言。参阅authorlanguage。 A special language for easily developing software of computer-aid courses.
大型电子工业公司研制出了电视,但这有赖於贝尔德的实验为此指出了方向。 Large electronics company develop television, but baird pointed the way with his experiment.
假使《哈姆雷特》是今时写成的话,它可能会被称为《埃尔斯诺城的怪事》。 If Hamlet had been written in these days it will probably have been called the strange affair at Elsinore.
亨利认为他总是对的,如果有人敢于反驳他的话,他就摆出一副盛气凌人的架势。 Henry thinks he is always right and gets on his high horse if anyone dares to contradict him.
就这样子,那争吵是一次漂亮的争吵;若要为它解释一番,就只会糟踢它罢了。 The quarrel is a very pretty quarrel as it stands; we should only spoil it by trying to explain it.
《圣经》中有提及英国人的话:“柔顺的人们是有福的,因为他们将会继承大地”。 The English are mentioned in the Bible: Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth.
"况且,不管我是不是这样",他接着说,"这和他认为我忘恩负义没有多大关系。" "Besides, whether I am or not, " he added, "that has little or nothing to do with his thinking me ungrateful."
各位女士、先生,现在我为你们介绍一位舞台和银幕上著名的明星,约翰·韦恩。 Ladies and gentlemen, now I will introduce to you the renowned star of the stage and screen, John Wayne.
昨天一位男子在火车上胡作非为—他打伤了两名铁路员工,砸碎了几扇车厢窗户。 A man ran amok in the train yesterday—he struck two railway staff and smashed several carriage windows.
别取笑青年人的装模作样;他们只不过是为了找寻自我而逐一试装出各种面孔罢了。 Do not laugh at a youth for his affectations; he is only trying on one face after another to find his own.
爱国主义在美国很容易了解;它意味着通过为国家提高警惕的方式来为自己提高警惕。 Patriotism is easy to understand in America; it means looking out for yourself by look out for your country.
偿清了欠债之后,他长久以来一直在每个圣诞节寄给我20美元钱。他这是为了表达他的感激之情啊! He kept on sending me$20 every Christmas long after his debt was paid. That's gratitude for you!
个人语型,个人言语方式(变体)在所处的语言或方言环境中被作为独特的语言形式的个人语言 The speech of an individual, considered as a linguistic pattern unique among speakers of his or her language or dialect.
焦耳,詹姆斯·普雷斯科特1818-1889英国物理学家,为热量机械理论奠定基础,并发现了热力学第一定律 British physicist who established the mechanical theory of heat and discovered the first law of thermodynamics.
经过五年的艰苦工作,他们完成了一套高质量的教材。该书分为六级,从小学4年级到初中3年级。 After five years of hard work they presented a high quality textbook, which consisted of six levels from grade4 to grade9.
辐散,散度一种天气状况,特征为:在气团均匀地散在某一地区上空,常伴有晴朗干燥天气 A meteorological condition characterized by the uniform expansion in volume of a mass of air over a region, usually accompanied by fair dry weather.
海底(实验室)工作人,深水操作人员训练能在水下装置物中生活并引导、辅助或作为科学研究的对象 A person trained to live in underwater installations and conduct, assist in, or be a subject of scientific research.
挛缩一种异常且常为永久性的缩短,如肌肉或瘢痕组织,会导致扭曲或变形,特别是身体关节处 An abnormal, often permanent shortening, as of muscle or scar tissue, that results in distortion or deformity, especially of a joint of the body.
马林诺团体斯基,布伦尼斯洛·卡斯佩1884-1942波兰裔英国人类社会学家,坚持认为习俗和信仰具有特定的社会功能 Polish-born British anthropologist who maintained that customs and beliefs have specific social functions.
R级,电影的限制级一种电影分级,允许一定年龄以下(通常为17岁)的人在家长或保护人陪同下才能观看 A movie rating that allows admission only to persons of a certain age, usually17, unless accompanied by a parent or guardian.
任性的具有或以任性为特征的,通常与为了满足某人自己的冲动或癖好所期待、盼望或要求的完全相反 Given to or marked by willful, often perverse deviation from what is desired, expected, or required in order to gratify one's own impulses or inclinations.
为了加强数据的保护,防止非法的存取,用于评价计算机系统、存储空间和运行过程完整程度的一种指标。 A term applied to a computer system, spaces, or operating procedures when considering the protection of data from corruption or unauthorized access.
绝经期,更年期生命的一个阶段,特征是标志妇女生殖能力终结及以停经完成为结束的生理、心理变化 A period of life characterized by physiological and psychic change that marks the end of the reproductive capacity of women and terminates with the completion of menopause.
优秀的学者“主动留心于”新信息,他们对读到的东西进行思索,以挑战的精神对待它,融会贯通,使之成为自己的东西。 Good learners become"actively involved" with new information.They think about what they read, challenge it, make it their own.
引力微子一种假想粒子,被假定为引力相互作用的量子,并被推测为具有无限长寿命、零电荷和零静止质量 A hypothetical particle postulated to be the quantum of gravitational interaction and presumed to have an indefinitely long lifetime, zero electric charge, and zero rest mass.
神经衰弱一种神经系统紊乱,表现为长期疲劳乏力、失去记忆,带中度疼痛。以前被认为是由于神经系统衰竭引起的 A neurotic disorder characterized by chronic fatigue and weakness, loss of memory, and generalized aches and pains. It was formerly thought to result from exhaustion of the nervous system.
我以为他母亲已去世,幸亏在我寄出吊唁信之前,我碰到了一个那天上午还在医院里见过她母亲的人,他使我避免了这场误会。 I thought his mother had died, but fortunately I met someone who'd actually seen her that morning in the hospital and he set me right before I sent off my letter of sympathy.
擒获布里尔不仅在荷兰历史上而且在世界历史上都应视为一个转折点—一个和攻克巴斯底狱或绞死查理士一世一样的重大事件。 The capture of Brill must rank as a turning-point not only in Netherlands history but in world history: an event of the order of the fall of the Bastille, or the execution of Charles I.
我想他在讲演中所要说的每个问题,对你来说,都可能是老生常谈,但是,因为我不是人类学家,我倒觉得它趣味横生,资料丰富哩。 I dare say anything he had to say in the lecture would have been old stuff to you but since I'm not an anthropologist I found it very interesting and informative.
诊断通过评价病人的病史、体检情况和阅读试验数据的方式对人体机能进行检验或对人体引起病痛的原因进行鉴别的行为或过程 The act or process of identifying or determining the nature and cause of a disease or injury through evaluation of patient history, examination, and review of laboratory data.
吉隆坡马来西亚的首都和最大城市,位于马来半岛的西南部、新加坡西北。于1857年由锡矿工人建立,现为该国的商业和工业中心。人口937,817 The capital and largest city of Malaysia, on the southwest Malay Peninsula northwest of Singapore. Founded by tin miners in1857, it is the commercial and industrial hub of the country. Population, 937,817.
赡养费按照法庭判决离婚后的原配偶--通常为夫妻中收入较多的一方给另一方的供养补助。赡养费亦可付给并未离婚的双方中的一方,如在合法分居时 An allowance for support made under court order to a divorced person by the former spouse, usually the chief provider during the marriage. Alimony may also be granted without a divorce, as between legally separated persons.
病,疾病有机体的某一部位、某一器官或系统处于病理状态,由各种因素引起,如传染、遗传缺陷或环境紧张,而且以被视为相同的一组表象或症状为特征 A pathological condition of a part, an organ, or a system of an organism resulting from various causes, such as infection, genetic defect, or environmental stress, and characterized by an identifiable group of signs or symptoms.
温彻斯特区英格兰中南部一自治区,位于伦敦西南。是盎格鲁-撒克逊时期西撒克斯王国的首府。在诺曼征服(1066年)以后,成为一个吸引了众多宗教学者的重要学术中心。人口32,100 A municipal borough of south-central England southwest of London. The capital of the Anglo-Saxon kingdom of Wessex, it was an important center of learning that attracted many religious scholars after the Norman Conquest(1066). Population, 32,100.
沙漏;滴漏用于计时的仪器,由两个玻璃盒组成,中由一细颈相连,盒内装有一定量的沙子,水银或其他流动物质,这些物质在一固定量的时间里,通常为一个小时,从上方的盒内慢慢流入下方的盒子中 An instrument for measuring time, consisting of two glass chambers connected by a narrow neck and containing a quantity of sand, mercury, or another flowing substance that trickles from the upper chamber to the lower in a fixed amount of time, often one hour.
这本书是我特意为你买的。 I bought the book especially for you.
为了和平我们做出了让步. We made concessions for the sake of peace.
该报认为不宜发表我的信. The newspaper did not see fit to publish my letter.
这是我特意为你生日而做的。 I made this specially for your birthday.
我十分乐意为你做任何事情。 I am quite willing to do anything for you.
别为我操心,我一切都好。 Don't bother yourself about me; I am doing quite well.
她认为你的书面作业不太好. She has a rather poor opinion of your written work.
他对女儿的新男友极为反感。 He took a scunner at his daughter's new boyfriend.
为我的播音,我必须学点音乐史。 I have to work up the history of music for my broadcast.
他的行为很快就使她明白了他的真实意图. His behaviour soon undeceived her as to his true intentions.
重要的是,我们必须全心全意为人民服务。 Above all, we must serve the people whole-heartedly.
新闻广播员正在为八点钟的播音节目作好准备。 The news announcer is standing by for the broadcast program at8.
逼迫逼迫的行为 The act of compelling.
我无能为力。 There is nothing I can do.
公告某人为小偷 Post a man as a thief.
请别为此过于不快。 Please don't take it too hard.
我认为不能责怪他. I cannot accept that he is to blame.
你必须为此付出代价。 You'll have to pay for that.
很多鸟类都以虫子为食。 Many birds eat worms.
我特地为你做了个蛋糕。 I made a cake specially for you.
腐化腐化的行为或过程 The act or process of corrupting.
她已创业成为书商. She has set up in business as a bookseller.
预期,预料预先采取的行为 The act of anticipating.
这项专利期限为3年。 The patent runs out in three years time.
征收征收的行为或过程 The act or process of levying.
上半场结束时比分为2比2. The score at half-time was 2-2.
他被选为总统候选人。 He was elected presidential candidate.
孩子们为新玩具争吵。 The children were wrangling over the new toy.
我弄不明白他为什么缺席。 I can't figure out why he is absent.
投资者为这一风险而担心. Investors were unhappy about the risk.
我认为大量阅读是必要的。 I think it's necessary for us to read a lot.
人们叫喊著为选手打气. The crowd yelled (out) encouragement at the players.
别为我担心,只管进行下去。 Don't worry about me. Just carry on.
他具有成为一名好医生的素质。 He has the makings of a good doctor.
他认为当教士是自己的使命. He believes it is his calling to become a priest.
他的行为没达到公认的标准。 His behaviour falls short of accepted standards.
这本小说很可能成为经典著作. This novel may well become a classic.
我认为这两个选手不相上下。 I'd say the two players are pretty even.
我因为严寒没出去看电影。 I did not go to the cinema because of the intense cold.
我们为他们的献身精神所感动。 We were deeply moved by their devotion.
人人为自己的利益着想或行事。 Every miller draws water to his own mill.
我认为她是健美而不是貌美. I would describe her as handsome rather than beautiful.
她知道金属为什么是好的导体。 She knows why the metal is the good conductor.
她已被提名为总统候选人。 She had been nominated as candidate for the presidency.
公众作为一个整体的社会或民众 The community or the people as a whole.
这家商行为两名合伙人所拥有。 The business is owned by two partners.
那家航运公司为此而赔了不少钱。 The shipping line lost considerably by it.
他为竞选国会议员席位进行游说。 He canvassed for a seat in Parliament.
在所有高山当中,玉山为最高。 Of all the high mountains, Mt. Jade is the highest.
我们必须为穷苦人提供适当的住房. We must provide decent housing for the poor.
她只要醒著就一直为工作发愁。 She spends all her waking hours worrying about her job.
惯例符合习俗的社会行为举止之准则 The rules of conventional social behavior.
你应该体谅他, 因为他一直病著. You must make allowances for him because he has been ill.
一页版面为在一面印刷的版面设置 The type set for printing one side of a leaf.
我认为你没有意识到局势的严重. I don't think you realize the gravity of the situation.
我脑中有一闪念, 以为他要拒绝了. Just for an instant I thought he was going to refuse.
作为水手获得了航海的实践经验 Gained practical experience of sailing as a deck hand.
别为了丢失一支笔就这样大惊小怪。 Don't make so much fuss over losing a pen.
他为晚会安排了一支充满活力的乐队。 He's lined up a live band for the party.
我们不能责怪他, 他已尽力而为了. We can't blame him: he did his best according to his lights.
古人认为勇敢是美德的主要成分。 The ancients counted courage as the main part of virtue.
本议程将成为下次会议的中心议题. This agenda will form the basis of our next meeting.
请将你方现有目录尽速寄来为盼. Please rush me (ie send me immediately) your current catalogue.
他们为自己的产品找到了一些新的市场。 They found some new outlets for their products.
有道理,我认为那是非常公道的价格。 Fair enough, I think that's a very reasonable price.
他们为远航的船只准备了食品和必需品。 They provisioned the ship for a long voyage.
我从不后悔参军,我认为自己做得对。 I never regretted joining up. I think I did the right thing.
这价格是合情合理的,因为质量极好。 The price is reasonable because the quality is super.
我们为你在普拉扎旅馆预订了两夜的房间. We've booked you in at the Plaza for two nights.
古时认为一般金属能变成黄金. In former times it was thought that ordinary metal could be transmuted into gold.
我们只好等等看, 现在无能为力. We shall just have to wait and see; there's nothing we can do at the moment.
他的经济政策为工业的扩展铺平了道路. His economic policies paved the way for industrial expansion.
我因为追赶公共汽车,弄得上气不接下气。 I was out of breath after running for the bus.
为抢救那些即将饿死的人而分秒必争。 It was a race against time to stop people dying from starvation.
原油已经取代咖啡成为我们的主要出口货物。 Oil has supplanted coffee as our main export.
推断由实际情况或证据而作出推理的行为 The act of reasoning from factual knowledge or evidence.
我要尽力避免在晚年时成为孩子们的负担。 I will try to avoid come upon my children in my old age.
该地区的中立国为结束战争作出了努力。 Neutral state in the area have tried to bring an end to the war.
报界把那个新运动员吹捧成为超级明星。 The newspaper puff up that new athlete into a superstar
纪念馆址已选定在加拿大作为永久的纪念. The site of the memorial is granted in perpetuity to Canada.
这一发现为生物学家展示了新的研究前景. This discovery opens up new vistas of research for biologists.
能为之献身的最崇高的理想是共产主义。 The noblest ideal to which one can devote oneself is Communism.
我军收复了该市,但为此付出了沉重代价。 Our troops recapture the city, but they pay a heavy price for it.
他把男读者和女读者硬是人为地区分开来. He drew a quite artificial distinction between men and women readers.
果断些,确切地告诉他们你认为应该怎么做。 Be decisive, tell them exactly what you think should be done.
这本书将为读者展现经济思想的新远景。 The book will open up to readers new vistas on economic thinking.
因为外资的引进, 该地区会发生很大变化。 Great changes are in prospect in this area due to foreign investment.
我以为你想见我, 显然完全是我误解了. I thought you wanted to see me but I was clearly under a complete misapprehension.
我们决定绕远路来, 为的是看看野外的景色. We decided to come the long way round in order to see the countryside.
向导要我们特别留神,因为附近有响尾蛇。 The guide told us to look sharp because there are rattlesnakes around.
现在大楼已开始动工,要放弃行动为时已晚。 Now the building has been started, it is too late to back off.
没有任何指示,我只能按我认为最好的方法去做了。 Failing instructions I did what I thought was best.
注解,注释,评注评注或注解的行为或过程 The act or process of furnishing critical commentary or explanatory notes.
作为交易方式, 支票已经很大程度地取代了现金。 Cheques have largely replaced money as a means of exchange.
此后不久,她便成为一名全国闻名的流行歌手。 Not long after that, she made a national name as a pop singer.
新的管理章程为劳资关系确定了基本的原则. The new code of conduct lays down the ground rules for management-union relations.
我们为之奋斗的最可贵的事物--世界和平--已指日可待. The greatest prize of all world peace is now within our grasp.
这一会议可视为两党走向进一步联合的第一步. The meeting is seen as the first step towards greater unity between the parties.
因为他懂得如何讨好老板,所以一再得到提拔。 He was promoted again and again because he knew how the rub his boss the right way.
指定,预定为了某种特定的目的指定或设置某物的行为 An act of appointing or setting aside for a specific purpose.
以提高功效为依据可以证明采取这种措施是正确的。 Such action can be justified on the grounds of greater efficiency.
流动工人为了寻找工作从一个城市移居到另一个城市。 Migrant workers move from city to city in search of work.
原子能应该为了和平的目的而使用,这是合乎情理的。 It is desirable that atomic energy should be used for peaceful purpose.
装填物为了增加重量或尺寸或填满空余而加进去的物质 Something added in order to augment weight or size or fill space.
为了度量物质,我们必须有重量,容积和长度的单位。 For the tolerance substance, we must have weight, volume and the units of length.
父亲说我可以上大学,因此我认为我要准备入学考试。 Father say I may enter a university, so I think I will prepare for the entrance examination.
今年的春季会较往年来得晚,因为天气一直还这么冷。 Spring will be a backward season this year, for the weather has all along been so cold.
形而上学,等于为我们本能地相信的东西找寻无谓的理由。 Metaphysics is the finding of bad reasons for what we believe on instinct.
半场某些体育比赛被划分成两个阶段,其中之一被称为半场 One of the two playing periods into which certain games are divided.
某个具体事件发生次数的累计总数,作为事实记录保存。 The cumulative total of the number of times a specific event occurs, kept as a factual record.
他为人诚实,不计较面子,对于别人的批评一点也不在乎。 He has an honest nature and a thick skin, and never cares a bit about other people's criticisms.
由于这位母亲为儿子照顾得无微不至,把他弄得没什么出息了。 The mother took so much care of her son, that she has make him be good for nothing.
习惯性行为一种固定的行动模式,能引起神经失常或造成人格 A pattern of behavior constituting a mental disorder or personality type.
本公司认为,您所展示的已婚妇女服装最适合我们的市场需求。 The lines you showed for the married women would be most suitable for our market.
原始人,未开化的人被其他民族或群体视为拥有原始文化的人 A member of a people considered by those of another nation or group to have a primitive civilization.
我们必须知道别的国家的习俗,免得他们会认为我们是没有礼貌的。 We must find out the customs of other countries, so that they will not think us ill mannered.
他是个经验非常丰富的导演,不至于为批评家们的议论而担心。 He is the director whose experience is very rich, and can't go so far as worried about the comment of critics.
每个阶级或等级上的人有为比它高一级的阶级或高一层次的人尽责任的社会。 Society where each class or level have a duty to serve the class above it.
一种认为所有的知识都来自于最初的神的启示并由口传方式传播的体系 A system holding that all knowledge is derived from original divine revelation and is transmitted by tradition.
对如此大数量的订购,本公司希望以比价目表内所订价格为低的批发折扣来采购。 For an order of this large quantity we expect a wholesale discount off your price-list.
人难得生病,可是旁观者们却以为他势将必死,并因这一线希望而精神百倍起来。 A person seldom falls sick, but the bystander is animated with a faint hope that he will die.
机构一个已成立的组织或基金,特别是指为教育,公共服务或文化的目的而设立的 An established organization or foundation, especially one dedicated to education, public service, or culture.
彩色插图书的整页图解,经常为彩色,印刷在与印刷正文页材料不同的纸张上 A full-page book illustration, often in color and printed on paper different from that used on the text pages.
数据通信中,由接收方向发送方传送应答字符作为肯定回答的传输过程。 In data communications, the transmission by a receiver of acknowledge characters as an affirmative response to a sender.
条件作用某一对象逐步将渴望的行为和先前无关的刺激因素联系起来的行为改变过程 A process of behavior modification by which a subject comes to associate a desired behavior with a previously unrelated stimulus.
综合命题由和或其符号所连接的子句组成的复合命题,只有当所有子句为真时,该句才为真 A compound proposition that has components joined by the word and or its symbol and is true only if both or all the components are true.
平价制度为保证在选定的基期内农民具有相同的购买力而主要由政府支持的农产品价格水平 A level for farm-product prices maintained by governmental support and intended to give farmers the same purchasing power they had during a chosen base period.
对任何一件东西都要以正确的名称来称呼的人,几乎不可能走过马路而不被人作为共同的敌人来打倒的吧。 A man that should call everything by its right name, would hardly pass the streets without being knocked down as a common enemy.
假牙师一种牙科技术师,其专长在于制造和安装假牙,他可以直接为公众服务,而不必通过有执照的牙科医生 A dental technician specializing in making and fitting dentures as a direct service to the public rather than through a licensed dentist.
密码一种密码系统,其中固定长度的明文里的单元,通常为字母,被任意倒置或按事先确定的符号系统替换 A cryptographic system in which units of plain text of regular length, usually letters, are arbitrarily transposed or substituted according to a predetermined code.
总数为10英镑. The total works out at 10.
他以他的书法为自豪。 He prides himself on his handwriting.
他当选为切斯特地方议员。 He got in for Chester.
她的行为残暴到了极点。 Her behaviour was a positive outrage.
他在为一笔货款进行交涉。 He is treating for a loan.
我为索取债务而起诉她. I took her to court for repayment of the debt.
为钢琴调音需要专门技能。 It takes skill to tune a piano.
她拉小提琴只是为了好玩。 He plays the violin for the fun of it.
损耗,减损损耗的行为或过程 The act or process of depleting.
他们为所发生的事进行了辩解. They explained what had happened.
她受到他们极为残暴的待遇。 She received the most barbarous treatment.
这宗事故是人为过失造成的。 The accident was caused by human error.
他总想成为注意力的焦点。 He always wants to be the focus of attention.
她来串门只是为了打发时间。 She stopped by just to pass the time of day.
他试图为丢失钱而进行辩解。 He tried to explain away the missing money.
我厌恶为钱的事兴太太争吵。 I hate to squabble with my wife about money.
他被任命为驻日本的总领事。 He was appointed the general consul of Japan.
请不要为了等我们而延缓吃晚饭。 Please don't wait dinner for us.
他的行为该得到最高的赞赏。 His conduct is deserving of the highest praise.
我因为丢失了钥匙, 无法开门。 I can't open the door because I've lost the key.
他之所以成功是因为他工作勤奋。 He achieved because he was a hard worker.
为确保乘客安全而不遗余力. Great pains have been taken to ensure the safety of passengers.
这幅画在他的收藏品中最为珍贵 The painting has pride of place in his collection.
扭曲,变形,扭歪使扭歪的行为或例子 The act or an instance of distorting.
为节省开支现正逐渐裁员. The number of employees is being whittled down in order to reduce costs.
这位部长为反对那项决策而辞职. The minister resigned in protest against the decision.
至于无家可归的人,那就为数众多了。 As for the homeless, their name is legion.
这些早期遗物被认为具有神奇的力量. The relics are credited with miraculous powers.
人们认为它是最珍贵的药材之一。 It was reckoned among the most precious medicinal herbs.
我可以在我的寓所里为你提供一个床位。 I'll fit you up with a bed at my flat.
为撤离该城作准备的命令已下达。 Order go out to prepare for the evacuation of the city.
他的所见所闻使他内心大为震动。 His mind was reeling with all that he had seen and heard.
辩护律师提出理由认为证据不充分. The defence argue/argues that the evidence is weak.
她情愿玩玩蜜蜂也不愿与愚人为伍。 She will rather fool with a bee than being with a fool.
这项条约可以认为是完全作废了。 The treaty may be considered to be as dead as a doornail.
人们认为这些早期遗物具有神奇的力量. Miraculous powers are credited to the relics.
她为获得额外收入决定租出一个房间. She decided to rent out a room to get extra income.
虚构,捏造虚构作品或捏造借口的行为 The act of inventing such a creation or pretense.
废气已过视为城市空气污染的原因。 Exhaust gas has been incriminated in air pollution in cities.
这位牧师被教皇指定为他的高级使节。  The priest was appointed the legate by the pope.
他经诊断为精神失常而送往精神病院. He was certified and sent to a mental hospital.
在社会中生活就要遵循社会行为准则. You must adapt to the norms of the society you live in.
我负责偿还他们为我而用的全部花费. I undertook to indemnify them for expenses incurred on my behalf.
市价已见回升,仓促处理掉,不足为取。 Hurried disposal unadvisable market recovery envisage.
她认为看浪漫小说是虚度时光。 She thought that reading romantic novels was a frivolous way of spending her time.
那个人因为误食毒菌而被送进了医院。 The man was sent to the hospital for having eaten toadstool by mistake.
为这样的小事辞职未免愚蠢而轻率。 It would be foolish and impetuous to resign over such a trivial matter.
发表这个声明只是为了提高他个人的威信。 The statement was aimed at raising his personal prestige.
我以为他会变好。但事实上,他愈变愈糟。 I thought he would get better. As it is, he is getting worse.
警方为搜索毒品把那个俱乐部彻底搜查了一遍. Police shook the club down, looking for narcotics.
他的行为毫无理智,我认为他一定是疯了。 His action are so irrational that I think he must be off his chump.
他的许多困难都是因为他的知识的贫乏而产生的。 His difficulties issue from his lack of knowledge.
这位律师正在为明天法庭审理的案件做准备。 The solicitor is preparing a case in the court tomorrow.
不扣除的不扣除的,尤指为所得税的目的而不扣除的 Not deductible, especially for income-tax purposes.
该独裁者发布命令,将其生日定为公众假期。 The dictator decreed that his birthday would be a public holiday.
我们为在村中保留一所学校这一权利进行请愿. We're petitioning for our right to keep a school in our village.
这个独裁者把所有反对他的活动均视为非法加以镇压. The dictator represses all opposition as illegal.
在这儿为你们举行盛大的宴会是我们极大的愉快。 It's a great happiness to us to have a grand banquet in your honour here.
我们大多数人必须为某种理由阅读若干的资料。 Most of us have to read a certain amount of material for one reason or another.
为了预防回来以前天就黑了,所以他带着手电筒。 He took a flashlight lest it should get dark before he returned.
他急切地取食物,因为从黎明开始,他一直没吃东西。 He took the food eagerly, for he had eaten nothing since dawn.
根据英国法律,一个人未经证实有罪仍视为无罪。 In English law a man is accounted innocent until he is proved guilty.
这一设计图纸还未画出就被认为不实用而遭废弃。 The design is scrubbed at the drawing board stage as being impractical.
他们进行反对特权的斗争以便建立较为公平的社会. They fought against privilege in order to create a fairer society.
这两种有关政治行为的理论有差异,但彼此可并存。 The two theories of political behavior vary, but they are compossible.
为了使它更实用,这本书在下一版本中将编有索引。 The book will be indexed in the next edition so as to make it more useful.
英国邮局直接转帐制度称为全国邮政通汇转帐制. The British Post Office giro system is called the National Giro/Girobank.
虽然富人和穷人住在一起,但是条件相差极为悬殊。 Rich and poor live side by side but in conditions of extraordinary disparity.
好客的主人很快为尊贵的客人腾空了闲置着的房间。 The hospitable host had his spare room emptied very quickly for the honoured guest.
过去荒凉的山村已发展成为欣欣向荣的人民公社。 The once deserted mountain villages have grown into a flourishing people's commune.
给予投资者的建议是以利率将继续下降这一点为前提的. Advice to investors was based on the premise that interest rates would continue to fall.
一旦您为用户创建了一个帐号,用户就可以进入安全域中。 As soon as you create an account for the user, the user can participate in a secure domain.
正如人类发现的许多事物一样, 原子能既可用来为善, 也可用以作恶. Like many discoveries, atomic power can be used for good or evil.
在为生存在斗争场里,才能就是重拳,机智就是巧妙的步法。 In the battle for existence, talent is the punch, and tact is the clever footwork.
比尔不肯参加球赛,因为他知道他的球艺不好,而他又爱面子。 Bill would not play in the game because he knew he could not do well and he wanted to save face.
部分因为物价高涨,部分因为时机不好,生活真是愈来愈难过了。 What with the high prices, and what with the badness of the times, we find it hard to get along.
在编辑语言中,把若干值变换为由给定格式所规定的表示形式。 In programming languages, transforming values to the representations specified by a given format.
主任管理人或监督人,作为某一收藏品展览或图书馆的行政主管 One that manages or oversees, as the administrative director of a museum collection or a library.
海陆空协同作战的与陆军和海军联合军事登陆有关的或为此而组织的 Relating to or organized for a military landing by means of combined naval and land forces.
在打斗中为了自卫把人打死是一回事,残酷无情地开枪杀人是另一回事。 It's one thing to kill a man in a fight, in self-defence, another to shoot him in cold blood.
一连串的持续跳动以数量短促而突然的变化为特征的一系列间歇性出现 Any of a series of intermittent occurrences characterized by a brief, sudden change in a quantity.
父母们担心他们孩子们的心灵全被他们在电视里经常见到的暴力行为所毒害。 Parents are afraid that their child's will be polluted with the violence that they see on television.
此时,他们两人,男人和他的妻子都赤身露体,但他们彼此相对,并不难为情。 Now they were both naked, the man and his wife, but they had no feeling of shame towards one another.
假使语言是为了隐藏思想而被发明的,那么报纸就是对这不良发明的一大改进。 If word were invented to conceal think, newspaper should be a great improvement on a bad invention.
他建立了产品控制标准数据,并为财会部建立了一套标准成本分析系统。 He displayed admirably in establishing standard data, and a standard cost analysis system for our accounting department.
为保证设备的正常运转,每个品目都应包括一套标准定额的附件和专用工具。 Every item shall include a standard complement of accessories and special tools to ensure the normal operation.
那家公司的今年年度预算出现亏损。因为公司时常出现赤字,不久将会关闭。 The annual budget of that company continues to show a deficit this year. It will go out of business because it is always in the red.
尽管在井下不舒服,但全体矿工决心在井下罢工,直到他们增加工资的要求得到满足为止。 All the miners are determined to stay down until their pay demands are met. In spite of the discomfort.
对于贵方的发票金额,贵方可开出以我方为付款人,自发票出具之日起三个月后付款的汇票。 For the amount of your invoice you may cover yourself by drawing upon me at three months from the date of the invoice.
边座,楼座剧院或大礼堂中为了增加座席,而从后面或侧墙突出的具有倾斜地板的上面部分 An upper section, often with a sloping floor, projecting from the rear or side walls of a theater or an auditorium to provide additional seating.
我的引导者呵,领导着我在光明逝去之前,进到沉静的山谷里去吧。在那里,一生的收获将会成熟为黄金的智慧。 Lead me, my Guide, before the light fades, into the valley of quiet where life's harvest mellows into golden wisdom.
在一出极为成功的演出中,一位著名演员有一次被选派扮演一名贵族。这位贵族被关押在巴士底狱已20年了。 A famous actor in a highly successful play was once cast in the role of an aristocrat who had been imprisoned in the Bastille for twenty years.
神判法让被控诉的人接受痛苦或危险的考验的一种审判方法,结果被视为神对其是否有罪或清白的审定 A method of trial in which the accused was subjected to physically painful or dangerous tests, the result being regarded as a divine judgment of guilt or innocence.
他援引教授物理学方面的一些运动定律为例,说明当计算机用于辅助教学时,学生在幼年就能够理解这些定律。 He cites as an example the teaching of the laws of motion in physics, which he says are accessible at an early age when a computer is used to assist in the instruction.
呕吐呕吐的行为 The act of vomiting.
恶毒或卑劣的行为 A spiteful or malicious act.
我非常为你惋惜。 I'm dreadfully sorry for you.
那个拱的跨度为60米. The arch has a span of 60 metres.
发票为到岸价35英镑. The invoice was for 35 cif.
总计费用为500英镑. The total cost comes out at 500.
以吃蝗虫和蜂蜜为生 Living off locusts and honey.
咨询咨询的行为或实例 The act or an instance of consulting.
开拓开垦的行为或过程 The act or process of reclaiming.
尽量不要过于为此烦恼。 Try not to get too upset about it.
正常的咨询费为50美元。 The standard charge for consultation be$50.
俘获者捕获他人作为俘虏的人 One that takes another as a captive.
他宣誓要为他的国家而战。 He took the oath to fight for his country.
他为我演奏了他的许多乐曲。 He played many of his compositions for me.
那肖像是他最为珍贵的东西. The portrait was his proudest possession.
为赶时髦她花费了不少钱。 She spend a lot of money to follow the fashion.
她行为古怪我感到莫名其妙. I was puzzled by the oddity of her behaviour.
黄鼠狼主要以老鼠和兔子为食。 Weasel lives mainly on rats and rabbits.
她对自己的不良行为感到羞耻。 She was full of shame at her bad behavior.
会员们对你的建议甚为恼火. The membership is/are very annoyed at your suggestion.
他的绘画收藏令人叹为观止。 His collection of paintings is the most impressive.
她被指定为本年度的体坛明星。 She was designated sportswoman of the year.
他认为向他人乞求救济是耻辱。 He thinks it's a shame to beg others for alms.
评论家们认定他的作品为杰作。 The critics hailed his work as a masterpiece.
在诗歌中,人生被比喻为朝露。 Life is poetically compared to the morning dew.
他认为贪图他人的财物是有罪的。 He thinks it's a sin to covet other's properties.
他的无耻行为受到所有人的谴责。 His base conduct was condemned by everyone.
葱翠的有或以茂盛植被为特征的 Having or characterized by luxuriant vegetation.
爱尔兰人过去用马铃薯作为主食。 The Irish used to live on a diet of potatoes.
他过去曾为这家报纸写专栏文章。 He used to write a column for this newspaper.
老师因为他们态度粗鲁而责罚他们。 Their teacher punished them for their rudeness.
蠢话,蠢事愚蠢的言语或笨拙的行为 A foolish or stupid utterance or deed.
医生们决定为他开刀切除肿瘤。 The doctors decided to operate on him for the tumor.
我今天在磅秤上称的体重为100磅。 I weighed in at100 pounds on the scale today.
钳形的形状象钳子的或与其极为相似的 Shaped like or resembling forceps.
风势已减弱, 做帆船运动较为安全了. The wind has moderated, making sailing safer.
在许多国家, 当众吐痰属不雅行为. In many countries it is considered rude to spit in public.
储备金额为预防不测而存留的资金数额 The amount of funds reserved to meet liabilities.
她的第一本书在文学界大为轰动. She has made quite a splash in literary circles with her first book.
基督教教义和穆斯林教义极为不同。 Christian and Muslim doctrines are very different.
他为他的案子聘了该州最好的律师。 He retained the best lawyer in the state to defend his case.
新的法规旨在杜绝诈骗行为。 The new regulations are deliberately calculated to make cheating impossible.
他的放荡的行为使他的母亲极为苦恼。 His wild behavior was a great distress to his mother.
我们为圣诞节的聚会预约了一位魔术师. We've booked a conjuror for our Christmas party.
平均每天被窃取的货物价值为15英镑。 On average, 15 worth of goods is stole every day.
这个无家可归的男孩靠乞讨和偷窃为生。 The homeless boy begs and thieves for a living.
而且中型车的腿部伸展空间较为宽敞。 And the mid- size car have a lot more legroom.
她看着窗外,为她失去的青春而惋惜。 She looked out of the window, sighing for her lost youth.
山姆对他的妻子很猜忌,因为她很漂亮。 Sam is very jealous of his wife, as she is very pretty.
我对他那种自私的行为愈加恼火起来。 I am becoming more and more irritate by his selfish behaviour.
贝多芬被认为是不朽的古典音乐大师. Beethoven is regarded as one of the immortals of classical music.
修建这堵高墙作为屏障以防外人闯入. The high wall was built as a defence against intruders.
没渗出来了,因为没箱上有一个小洞。 The oil leaked away because there was a small hole on the tank.
他从一个害羞的人转变为出色的政治家。 He changed from a shy person into quite a politician.
他已上诉请求将死刑减为无期徒刑. He appealed for (a) commutation of the death sentence to life imprisonment.
我认为失业是我们社会最为严重的弊病. I would contend that unemployment is our most serious social evil.
他因为在战斗中的勇猛被授予一枚奖章。 He was awarded a merit badge for his bravery in the battle.
榨取,提取榨取,提取的行为或被榨取的状态 The act of extracting or the condition of being extracted.
大多数人都以他们最好的朋友的自卑感为乐。 Most people enjoy the inferiority of their best friend.
华丽的服装使他那极其英俊的外貌更为增色. Fine clothes added to his strikingly handsome appearance.
他在餐桌上举止粗鲁, 在座的人颇为难堪. His ignorant behaviour at the dinner table caused much embarrassment.
她对别人对她行为的多方谴责一点也不在乎。 She cares nothing about the condemnations of her action.
为了把烦恼忘却,他让自己忙于花园的工作。 To forget his trouble, he busied himself in his garden .
班上计划义卖糖果,推选凯特为主持人。 The class planned a candy sale and they elected Kate to head it up.
除了他那颇为古怪的口音以外, 我没注意到别的. I didn't notice anything beyond his rather strange accent.
他被提名为行政总裁的事被董事会批准了。 His nomination as chief executive was approved by the board.
她为抛弃婴儿事辩称自己抚养不起. She rationalized her decision to abandon her baby by saying she could not afford to keep it.
戴桂冠的戴以月桂冠或饰以月挂作为荣誉标志的 Crowned or decked with laurel as a mark of honor.
假若认为耳聋有趣, 这种幽默感十分不当. If you think deafness is funny, you've got a very misplaced sense of humour.
为了避免饿死,那些迷路的勘探人员吃鸟蛋充饥。 The lost explorers ate birds' eggs to stave off starvation.
他的颠覆行为将使整个自由运动丧失信誉。 His subversive action will give a black eye to the whole liberal movement.
所有党派的政治家们都一致谴责他的行为。 Politicians from all parties were completely unanimous in condemning his action.
因为那些野蛮的助威者,足球比赛不得不暂停。 The football march had to be paused because of the barbaric supporters.
他们聘请了能请到的最好的律师为他们陈述案情. They employed the best lawyer they could get to plead their case.
这部影片被吹捧为杰作, 可是我觉得令人失望. The film was built up to be a masterpiece, but I found it very disappointing.
这个淘气的男孩因为捣毁了蜂房而被蜜蜂追赶。 The naughty boy was chased by the bees because he destroyed the honeycomb.
因为有钱又慷慨,他捐了两百万圆给红十字会。 Rich and generous, he contributed two million dollars to the Red Cross.
他在那场战斗中的英勇事迹为他赢得了永恒的荣誉。 His brave deeds in the battle earned him everlasting glory.
中国的投资政策为外国投资者提供了优惠待遇。 China's investment policy provide preferential treatment to foreign investor.
我不愿让他参加俱乐部,因为他有点捣蛋的味道。 I couldn't care for him to join the club, because he is sort of mischievous.
他向基金会捐了一大笔钱,为基金会带来新的生机。 He breathed new life into the fund when he donated a large sum of money.
该国对汽车工业严加保护, 外国汽车甚为罕见. The country's car industry is so strongly protected that foreign cars are rarely seen there.
这位部长慷慨陈词为其政策辩护, 反驳批评他的人. The minister countered his critics with a strong speech defending his policies.
畜牧主义以喂养或放牧家畜为基础的社会和经济系统 A social and economic system based on the raising and herding of livestock.
盐是从海水中结晶出来的,这被视为一种物理变化。 Salt is crystallized from sea water, which is known to be a physical change.
考虑到那种困难的情况,我认为他的表现令人钦佩。 I think he conducted himself admirably, considering the difficult circumstances.
人而无一住址者是为流浪汉,住址有二者是为放荡儿。 A man without an address is a vagabond; a man with two address is a libertine.
寄送,托运派遣或寄送船只给代理商店或代理人的行为 The act of dispatching or consigning a ship, as to an agent or a factor.
她雇佣我为她的私人助理,但我似乎要做的一切是替她打杂。 She took me on as her personal assistant but all I seem to do is fetch and carry for her.
联邦政府的官员们对他大加排挤,他已经成为无关紧要的人了。 He had been so harried by the Federal officers that he had faded off the map.
铜铀云母一种绿色的放射性矿物,为铀和铜的氢化结晶云母 A green radioactive mineral that is a hydrous crystalline phosphate of uranium and copper.
全是狂人,不过,凡是能够分析自己的妄想者就被称为哲学家。 All are lunatics, but he who can analyze he delusion is called a philosopher.
只因为莫尔不能为自己辨护,米尔便乘机攻击他,这是不公正的。 It was unfair for Mill to attack More just because the latter could not answer( him) back.
把 1.90 英镑的费用上调为整数 2 英镑, 把 3.10 英镑下调为整数 3 英镑. A charge of 1.90 will be rounded up to 2, and one of 3.10 rounded down to 3.
人道主义,博爱主义认为人类唯一的道义责任是提高人类福利的信仰 The belief that the sole moral obligation of humankind is the improvement of human welfare.
动作倒错,失误动作一种如口误等被认为能揭示潜意识动机的小错误 A minor error, such as a slip of the tongue, thought to reveal a subconscious motive.
他一再重申他的立场,认为核子武器不可以用来当作国际谈判的筹码。 He reiterated his position that nuclear weapons can not be used as international bargaining chip.
如果这一政策不被采纳为政府的政策,那么我有责任诉诸国民公决。 If this policy were not accepted as the policy of the Government, I should feel it my duty to appeal to Caesar.
零星共同凑集的一笔钱一笔钱,尤其指很多人为了设计的目的捐献的钱 A pool of money, especially one to which a number of people have contributed for a designated purpose.
他们花了几年的时间,精打细算,省吃俭用,终于使航海度假成为现实。 It took years of planning and saving, but their sea-going vacation came true at last.
视察,巡视以视察或检查为目的官方性察看,如主教对一主教管区的视察 An official visit for the purpose of inspection or examination, as of a bishop to a diocese.
两帮少年无赖之间的持续暴动力行为,使得那个宅区的大部分成了禁区。 The continuing violence between rival gangs of youths has made a large part of the housing estate a no-go area.
利昂没完成几何作业,因为他思想总在开小差,想着班上新来的女生。 Leon didn't finish his geometry homework because his mind kept jumping the track to think about the new girl in class.
我们这世界,是人们不知道自己想要什么而甘心赴汤蹈火为了把它弄到手的地方。 Ours is a world where people do not know what they want and are willing to go through hell to get it.
因为除去钢中的磷和硫需要一些特殊的条件,这些条件只有碱性法才能满足。 Because the removal of phosphorus and sulfur require special condition that can be met only by the basic process.
巴鲁克先生讲述了他所认为的禁止抽鸦片烟的最好方法,大家都热烈赞同。 Mr Baruch stated what he thought the best method of suppressing opium smoking and the people heartily entered into his views.
燃放鞭炮不仅仅被看作讨厌的事,而且还被认为是对人的生命财产的严重威胁。 Setting off firecrackers is seen not merely as a nuisance, but also as a big threat to man's life and property.
扫黄对被认为不道德或淫秽的文学作品或其它表现或传播此内容的形式进行查禁 Censorship of literature and other forms of expression and communication because of perceived immorality or obscenity.
水合物结晶中有一定比例水分子成分的固体化合物,其中水分子与晶体的含量为一固定比例 A solid compound containing water molecules combined in a definite ratio as an integral part of the crystal.
如果你找不到别人,我同意为球队上场打球,但我先告诉你,我的球艺因久不练习已经生疏。 If you can't get anyone else I don't mind playing for the team, but I warn you that I'm not in practice.
天体要素在古代和中古时代被认为是充满于月球空间并且是构成恒星和行星的元素 The element believed in ancient and medieval civilizations to fill all space above the sphere of the moon and to compose the stars and planets.
这场抢劫统共经历了三分钟,因为这伙人争先恐后的爬进汽车,以使人难以置信的速度把汽车开跑了。 The raid was all over in three minutes, for the men scrambled back into the car and it moved off at a fantastic speed.
莫斯科电视为撤军做了广泛的报导,一则苏联电视报导说车队曾受攻击,但是并未提供细节。  Moscow television carried extensive coverage of the pullout. A Soviet television correspondence said the convoy had come under fire but did not provide details.
用暴力威胁侵犯他人身体犯罪行为应与殴打罪区别开来。其区别是,前者是用暴力相威胁而后者是实际上的使用暴力。 Assault shall be distinguished from battery, in that assault is the threat of violence, whereas battery is actual violence.
比尔的母亲为比尔所属的俱乐部会员们准备热狗当点心,汤姆的母亲因此说她要招待得更好,除了给你们热狗外,另再加冰淇淋。 Bill's mother gave the boys in Bill's club hot dogs for refreshments, so Tom's mother said that she would go her on better next time by giving them ho dogs and icecream.
鉴别器,鉴频器一种将输入信号的某一特征,如频率或相位转变为幅度变化装置,其变化大小因信号与标准或参考信号的不同程度而异 A device that converts a property of an input signal, such as frequency or phase, into an amplitude variation, depending on how the signal differs from a standard or reference signal.
因此,看起来政治家们取得了胜利。我惟一的想法是,他们为此付出了惨重的代价,未免得不偿失。世界上其他任何一个国家的政治家之间的分歧都没有这里的政治家之间的分歧那么大,那么公开。 So it looks as it the politicians have won. My only point is that it has been a Pyrrhic victory. In no country in the world are politicians held in greater or more open division than they are here.
日本公司有能力在发展与生产方面,较美国公司投资为多,是他们在半导体方面占上风的一个主要原因。现在,英泰尔计划在经济不景气时大量投资以压倒弱小竞争者。 The ability to outspend American companies on development and production has been a big reason Japanese companies have made gains in the semi-conductor business. Now Intel plans to borrow a page from the Japanese by spending heavily through a recession to gain ground on weaker competitors.
痴愚者一个人智能迟缓发展,仅具有7岁到12岁的智能,一般在一定程度的学术或职业教育后能够进行交流和掌握社会技术。这个词是一个集合概念,现在不再使用,并被视为带有侮辱意味 A person of mild mental retardation having a mental age of from7 to12 years and generally having communication and social skills enabling some degree of academic or vocational education. The term belongs to a classification system no longer in use and is now considered offensive.
极为野蛮的;残忍的 Extremely savage; fierce.
你认为应该干预吗? Do you consider it wise to interfere?
罗马帝国为何衰亡? What made the Roman Empire decay?
瞄准指的行为或事例 The act or an instance of pointing.
你为什么老是咬指甲? Why are you always biting your nails?
温度计显示的读数为32C. The thermometer registered 32C.
没必要为这件小事发火! There's no need to get in a pet about it!
我可以为他[他的诚实]作担保. I can vouch for him/his honesty.
请为饥荒账款慷慨捐赠。 Please give generously to famine relief.
国王加冕,典礼极为壮观。 The king was crowned with great pomp.
他的所作所为皆取决於一己之利. Self-interest governs all his actions.
他的行为玷污了国家的荣誉。 His action profaned the honour of his country.
他为父母亲兴建了一楝新房子。 He has built his parents a new house.
礼仪,礼节彬彬有礼的行为的习俗 The conventions of polite behavior.
有暴力行为的囚犯隔离囚禁. Violent prisoners are kept separate from the others.
把黄油加热,直到变成褐色为止。 Heat the butter until it browns.
不知为什麽, 我有点为他惋惜. I'm not sure why, but I feel kind of sorry for him.
我将为你预订直飞伦敦的航班。 I'll book you on a direct flight to London.
他对忏悔的罪人一概慈悲为怀。 He is kind and gracious to all sinners who repent.
你以後要为你的愚蠢行动付出 代价的. You'll pay later for your follies.
他们为赛马设立了2000畿尼的奖金。 They had set a prize of 2000 gns for the horserace.
为什麽允许这些人随意进入该地? Why give these people licence to enter the place at will?
这个剧本通常认为是莎士比亚作的. This play is usually attributed to Shakespeare.
我提议为新娘新郎的幸福乾杯. I should like to propose a toast to the bride and bridegroom.
他不惜工本为自己造了一幢别墅。 He spares no expense in building a villa for himself.
孩子们常常(为玩具)争吵. The children are always bickering (with each other) (over their toys).
他为伦敦的一家大公司到处推销地毯. He travels in carpets for a big London firm.
残忍的行为与他的本性[与他]格格不入. Cruelty was quite alien to his nature/to him.
我要发火了,你为何瞒我这么多事? I shall lose my temper. Why do you hide so much from me?
他们为早日结束苦难而祈祷. They prayed (to God) for an end to their sufferings/for their sufferings to end.
兔子在澳洲是较为近期引进的动物. The rabbit is a relatively recent introduction in Australia.
他贬低她所作的努力(认为是浪费时间). He decried her efforts (as a waste of time).
他的懦弱的行为遭到了同事们的嘲笑。 His cowardly behavior was laughed at by his colleagues.
她为寻回遗失的手镯提出以酬金答谢. She offered a reward for the return of her lost bracelet.
因为战争,大量的移民涌入欧洲。 There was a huge migration of people into Europe because of the war.
粗暴的,残忍的以残暴为特征的;非常残酷的 Characterized by savagery; very cruel.
这次选举後该党已沦为微不足道的少数党. The election reduced the Party to a rump.
协调,和睦作为一致的状态或性质;调和 The state or quality of being in accord; harmony.
这种令人惊骇的谋杀纯粹是疯子的行为. This dreadful murder is surely the act of a madman.
他终於获得了驾驶执照, 这使他颇为得意. He is at last the proud possessor of a driving-licence.
这种可耻的伎俩都是为了能让他当选. These shameful manoeuvreswere aimed at securing his election.
揭露,泄露;公开揭露或揭发的行为或过程 The act or process of revealing or uncovering.
从圣坛窃取耶稣受难像是亵渎神灵的行为. It is (a) sacrilege to steal a crucifix from an altar.
亲密的以密切的相识、联系或熟悉为标志的 Marked by close acquaintance, association, or familiarity.
听你谈话(那口气),我还以为你是首相呢。 To hear you talk, I'd think you were Prime Minister.
你一定要急急忙忙走吗?为何不留下喝杯茶呢? Must you dash off? Why not stay for a cup of tea?
这家公司估计这栋新房的造价为8,000英镑。 The firm estimated the cost of the new house at£8, 000.
这些酒杯半价出售,因为玉上有瑕疵。 These wine glasses were sold at half price because of blemishes in the jade.
卓越的,杰出的以卓越或杰出为特点的;卓著的 Characterized by excellence or distinction; eminent.
"你估计这马达功力有多大?""约为十二马力。" "What would you rate the engine at? " "About12 horse power."
国王和王后陛下今天将为新桥通车典礼剪彩。 Their Majesty will open the new bridge today.
我建议,作为可行的策略、首要事务先行。 I favor as a practical policy the putting of first things first.
养老金的多少取决於为公司服务年限的长短. Size of pension depends on length of service with the company.
肆意地作出粗暴的行为;纵情享受最新时尚 Indulged in outrageous behavior; indulged in all the latest fads.
思考,推理便运智力的行为过程;思考或推理 The act or process of using the intellect; thinking or reasoning.
某女士已被提名任董事职务[任命为新董事]. Ms X has been named for the directorship/named as the new director.
政府为他颁赠勋章,以表彰他的卓著功绩。 The government recognized his outstanding service by give him a medal.
行贿,受贿提供、给予或取得贿赂的行为或实践 The act or practice of offering, giving, or taking a bribe.
针对人或财产的民事不规行为称之为“侵权”。 Civil wrong against persons or property is called"torts".
为了帮助他们开拓新的市场,你有何具体计划? Do you have any particular plan to help them to open up new market?
釉上的,釉面的为涂在陶瓷的釉上而应用或设计的 Applied or designed for applying over a ceramic glaze.
你认为学生会对这些现代哲学思潮感兴趣吗? Do you think the students will plug in to these modem philosophy trend?
两步舞节拍为2/4拍的舞厅舞,其特点是长的滑步 A ballroom dance in2/4 time, characterized by long, sliding steps.
有人问她为什麽要这样做, 她则极力为自己辩解. When asked to explain her behaviour, she gave a very defensive answer.
劣等狗一种被视为低劣的或不受欢迎的狗;杂种狗 A dog considered to be inferior or undesirable; a mongrel.
人们通常认为基督时代是从耶稣出世开始算起的。 The Christian age is usually reckoned from the birth of Christ.
文人,学者被作为一个群体看待的受过教育的人;文人 Educated people considered as a group; the literati.
他批评以前的同事, 并非出於气愤而是为他惋惜. It was more in sorrow than in anger that he criticized his former colleague.
解放运动为某一个团体谋求平等权利的运动;解放 A movement that seeks to achieve equal rights for a group; liberation.
[谚]与狗同眠的人必然惹一身跳蚤;同坏人为伍必然吃亏。 He that lies down with dogs must rise up with fleas.
她工作努力从而提高了自己的声誉[为学校增添了荣誉]. Her hard work redounds to her credit/to the honour of the school.
性虐待狂为寻求性满足而打别人或被别人打的人 One who seeks sexual gratification in beating or being beaten by another person.
加重;加剧;恶化加重恶化的行为或被加重、恶化的状态 The act of aggravating or the state of being aggravated.
哦!对了!我为什么不到学校的就业咨询处去查询一下呢。 Oh, well why do not I check out the campus employment office?
殉教行为,是无德无能者可以一举成名的惟一途径。 Martyrdom is the only way in which a man can become famous without ability.
“我们或许再也不能在湖里游泳了。"--“为什么不能呢?" "We may never swim in the lake again." --- "Why not?"
固有的作为一种基本成份或典型特征而存在的;内在的 Existing as an essential constituent or characteristic; intrinsic.
监察者防止浪费、丢失或不法行为的监察或防护者 One who serves as a guardian or protector against waste, loss, or illegal practices.
保养为保证正常的运行,状况,和修缮状况所做的保养 Maintenance in proper operation, condition, and repair.
作为一名医生,詹姆斯必须了解医学的最新发展动态。 As a doctor James has to keep track of the latest developments in medicine.
暗号为通过岗哨而必须给出的秘密记号或口令;暗语 A secret sign or signal to be given to a sentry in order to obtain passage; a password.
我们无能为力, 只好不安地坐 等候宣布结果. There was nothing more we could do, so we just had to sit and sweat it out until the result was announced.
你到伦敦来的目的是为了要看望家人还是为了公事? Did you come to London for the purpose of seeing your family, or for business purposes?
他可不轻易夸奖人, 所以他要是说`好', 他一定认为真好. He isn't one to ladle out praise, so when he says Good', he means it.
他给一些为报纸专栏`写'文章的体育界名人做捉刀人. He ghosts for a number of sports personalities who `write' newspaper columns.
制造歧视妇女和少数民族的人为障碍;人为的经济繁荣 Set up artificial barriers against women and minorities; an artificial economic boom.
"你他妈的是谁?"他粗暴地问道。"你为何在这儿闲荡?" "And who the devil may you be?" he asked truculently. "What are you doing, hanging about here? "
别让托尼盛气凌人地对待你,你为何不更多地显示威力呢? Don't let Tony walk all over you like that; why don't you assert yourself more?
冒昧,放肆放肆地傲慢或令人不愉快的行为或语言;厚颜无耻 Behavior or language that is boldly arrogant or offensive; effrontery.
他以为他的构思最好,可是还是差了一点;它只得了二等奖。 He thought his idea was the best, but it was a near miss; it only won second prize.
工会认为政府禁止加班的用意是老鼠拉木 ,大头在後边。 Unions regard the government's intention to ban overtime as the thin end of the wedge.
金属箔片为迷惑敌人雷达而从飞机上扔出的金属薄片;金属箔片 Strips of foil dropped from an aircraft to confuse enemy radar; chaff.
今天,托马斯·莫尔爵士作为《乌托邦》的作者而留在人们的记忆之中。 Sir Thomas More is remembered today as the author of Utopia.
美人斑(妇女面部天生的或人为的、曾被视为一种美的痣或斑)。 Mole or artificial spot on a woman's face, once thought to add to her beauty.
不要因为我说你的头发是姜黄色就大发雷霆-你也知道事实就是这样。 Don't get into a wax because I said you hair is ginger-you know that it is.
高傲的,贵族的以符合老爷或作为老爷的尊贵的、高贵的方式的或具之特点的 In a dignified, noble fashion befitting or characteristic of a lord.
贪赃枉法的;腐败的能够为了金钱背弃荣誉、责任或顾虑的;易腐化堕落的 Capable of betraying honor, duty, or scruples for a price; corruptible.
菱形花纹的织物一种图案为小菱形叠复花型装饰的白棉布或亚麻布 A white cotton or linen fabric patterned with small, duplicative diamond-shaped figures.
字身高低印刷文字从字脚到字面的高度,标准为0。9186英寸(为2。333厘米) The height of type from foot to face, standardized at0.9186 inch(2.333 centimeters).
隧道,地道地下隧道或通道,如在洞穴内的或为军用、采矿而挖掘的地道 An underground tunnel or passageway, as in a cave or one dug for military or mining purposes.
"但是到目前为止,公众已经用书信向新闻界对大学生们表示感激。" "But so far, the public has expressed its gratitude to the students in letters to the Press."
那音乐老师每星期来两次,为的是填补多罗西与萧邦之间的一大段空白。 The music teacher came twice each week to bridge the awful gap between Dorothy and Chopin.
内场,内野第一垒、第二垒、第三垒和被视为一个单位的游击手的防守位置 The defensive positions of first base, second base, third base, and shortstop considered as a unit.
讲解为了给…提供信息陈述或比喻性的说明,或对有难点的题材的解释 A statement or rhetorical discourse intended to give information about or an explanation of difficult material.
计算机或某个工作站为获得线路控制权以进行数据传输的一种企图。参阅BID。 An attempt by the computer or by a station to gain control of a line in order to transmit data.
梅伦格舞起源于多米尼加和海地民间的一种适合在舞厅跳的交际舞,以滑步为特征 A ballroom dance of Dominican and Haitian folk origin, characterized by a sliding step.
于是,村办学校继续办下去,至少暂时能这样,让我们为现在的职员高呼万岁! So the village school stays open, for the time being at least, and long live our present incumbent.
难怪他们的队打败了我们;他们请了一个冒名为丹·史密斯的职业队员替他们投球。 No wonder their team beat us; they rang in a professional to pitch for them under the name of Dan Smith.
为本城父老乡亲医伤诊病近四十年后,现在,我打算退休,并迁居弗罗里达。 After nearly40 years of patching up the folks of this town, I'm planning to retire and move to Florida.
对价,承诺被允诺、提供或做成的事物,它能使一项协议成为具有法律效力的契约 Something promised, given, or done that has the effect of making an agreement a legally enforceable contract.
现代的新闻工作,以“最庸俗者生存”这伟大的达尔文式的原则来为自己的存在辩护。 Modern journalism justify its own existence by the great Darwinian principle of the survival of the vulgar.
工农业生产停滞不前,粮食匮乏,更为糟糕的是,中央政府已完全不复存在。 Agriculture and industry are at a standstill. Food is scarce and to crown it all, there is no central government in being.
胆汁质(暴躁)的哲学家的世界观,要加上一小撮盐方能接受,惟以泻盐为较佳。 A bilious philosopher's opinion of the world can only be accepted with a pinch of salt, of epsom salt by preference.
作为居住场所,这个岛似乎为他提供了人们所想望的一切——除了谋生的条件之外。 As a place to stay, the island seemed to him to offer all that the heart could desire except the means of earning a living.
幻灯胶片,电影胶片为静止投影而准备的含有相片、图表或其它图表性东西的一段胶片 A length of film containing photographs, diagrams, or other graphic matter prepared for still projection.
精神变态者一个有反社会人格病症的人尤指有侵犯性、变态、犯罪或不道德行为的人 A person with an antisocial personality disorder, especially one manifested in aggressive, perverted, criminal, or amoral behavior.
我公司伦敦分公司向贵公司开出面额300,000元的汇票一张,兹同函奉上,请承兑后寄还为荷。 Enclosed we hand you a draft,$300,000, draw on you by our london house. kindly accept same and return.
肝炎肝部发炎,由传染性或有毒性因素引起。症状为黄疸、发烧、肝部肿大和腹疼 Inflammation of the liver, caused by infectious or toxic agents and characterized by jaundice, fever, liver enlargement, and abdominal pain.
桂冠用月桂编成的花环,古时作为一种荣誉的标志授予诗人、英雄和体育竞赛中的优胜者 A wreath of laurel conferred as a mark of honor in ancient times upon poets, heroes, and victors in athletic contests.
犬儒学派古代希腊哲学学派的成员,认为美德是唯一的善的东西,自制是唯一获得美德的方法 A member of a sect of ancient Greek philosophers who believed virtue to be the only good and self-control to be the only means of achieving virtue.
黑曜岩火山玻璃,一般为黑色,带状,摔碎时色泽光亮,表面变曲,由火山熔岩迅速凝而成 A usually black or banded, hard volcanic glass that displays shiny, curved surfaces when fractured and is formed by rapid cooling of lava.
人类思考的最大的忧郁,也许是:大体上,人的慈善行为究竟有益抑或更为有害,是一则疑问。 The most melancholy of human reflections, perhaps, is that, on the whole, it is a question whether the benevolence of man does most harm or good.
科伯,威廉1731-1800英国诗人,被认为是浪漫主义的先锋。他的最杰出的作品任务赞美了农村生活和休闲 British poet considered a precursor of romanticism. His best-known work, The Task(1785), praises rural life and leisure.
少女大约到18岁时开始社交,通常要为她们举办盛大聚会,从此以后她们就被看做是成人了。 In society, girls come out when they reach the age of about eighteen, and usually it is at a big party in their honor; after that they are looked on as adults.
参议院编写税法的人对众议院的提案,迟疑不愿同意,因为他们顾虑这仅是帐篷底下一只骆驼的鼻子。 Senate tax writers were hesitant to agree to the House proposal because of concerns that it represented the camel's nose under the tent.
未来学一门以当前状况和趋势为出发点,对如科学、技术和社会潜在的发展作出预测或研究的学科 The study or forecasting of potential developments, as in science, technology, and society, using current conditions and trends as a point of departure.
动物优于人类的几点有:没有神学家为它们说教,殡殓不费分文,更无一个对其遗嘱提出诉讼者。 Animals have these advantages over man: they have no theologians to instruct them, their funerals cost them nothing, and no one starts lawsuits over their wills.
霍索恩美国新泽西州东北部一自治村镇,位于帕特森东北偏北。主要为住宅区,有多种轻工业。人口17,084 A borough of northeast New Jersey north-northeast of Paterson. It is primarily residential with varied light industries. Population, 17,084.
埃米特,罗伯特1778-1803爱尔兰爱国主义者,他为爱尔兰天主教的权利而战,在反对英国的事件中,因失败而被处决 Irish patriot who fought for the rights of Irish Catholics and was executed for his part in a bungled uprising against the British.
嗜眠病以突然的和不由自主的,虽然通常短暂的深度睡眠发作,有时伴随有麻痹和幻觉为特征的一种紊乱 A disorder characterized by sudden and uncontrollable, though often brief, attacks of deep sleep, sometimes accompanied by paralysis and hallucinations.
腐生菌;腐生物一种有机物,通常是细菌以死的动植物为食并把它们分解,藉此为生态系统提供有机养分 An organism, often a bacterium or fungus, that feeds on and breaks down dead plant or animal matter, thus making organic nutrients available to the ecosystem.
孩子问老师leather(皮革)是什么,老师说是:hide(皮),他问老师为什么让他hide(藏起来)。这个故事是用文字来开玩笑。 The boy asked his teacher what leather was and she said"Hide." He asked why she told him go hide. This story plays on words.
发行公债,发行股票发起或创立的行为或事例,尤指流动股票、债券或由流动股票、债券支持的商业资金 The act or an instance of launching or initiating, especially the floating of stocks or bonds or the financing of a business venture by floating stocks or bonds.
服这器官妙得很,它从你在早上起床的一刹那时就开始工作,而且直至你进入办公室为止,是不会停止(工作)的。 The brain is a wonderful organ; it starts working the moment you get up in the morning, and does not stop until you get into the office.
贝西奖一种自1984年以来每年由“纽约市舞蹈剧院创作室”颁发的奖项,为在舞蹈和表演艺术方面取得的成就而设立 An award given annually since1984 by the Dance Theater Workshop in New York City for achievement in dance and the performing arts.
其他共和国现在公开抱怨新俄罗斯帝国主义,同时以前的那些头儿们也假惺惺地为违反“人权”一掬同情之泪。 Leaders of other republics mutter openly now about a new Russian imperialism, while former chieftains shed crocodile tears over the violation of"human rights."
福建中国东南部的一个省份,濒临东海和台湾海峡。经济以农业和渔业为主,省会为福州。人口27,130,000 A province of southeast China on the East China Sea and the Formosa Strait. Agriculture and fishing are important to its economy. Fuzhou is the capital. Population, 27,130,000.
语素一种含有一个单词的有意义的语言单位,如人或一词素,如-ed在单词walked中,不能被划分为更小的有意义单位 A meaningful linguistic unit consisting of a word, such as man, or a word element, such as-ed in walked, that cannot be divided into smaller meaningful parts.
我对艺术一窍不通,我没见过什么大人物,我也不进好裁缝铺,这些全与我无缘。我不是出自他所认为的社会上层。 I don't know anything about art, and I haven't met any grand people, and I don't go to a good tailor, and all that, I'm not what he calls out of the top drawer.
纳闽岛马来西亚婆罗洲东北海岸的一座岛屿。有一段时期曾为英国的直辖殖民地(1848年以后),1963年成为马来西亚的一部分 An island of Malaysia off the northeast coast of Borneo. At one time a British crown colony(after1848), it became part of Malaysia in1963.
毁灭,摧毁因为方案不完善或为了安全的原因,经常通过遥控对已发射的宇宙飞船、火箭或导弹实施的有意的摧毁 The intentional, usually remote-controlled destruction of a space vehicle, rocket, or missile after launching, as for defective performance or reasons of safety.
科技英语的一个重要的,也许是令人惊奇的特点是:无论是书面的传达,还是口头的交流,二者都是可以作为正式文体而通用的。 An important and perhaps surprising feature of technical English is that its normal style is common to both written and spoken communication.
印刻作用,烙印社会性动物生命早期出现的认知过程,通过与父母或一个其他角色模式的接触而形成的特别的行为方式 A learning process occurring early in the life of a social animal in which a specific behavior pattern is established through association with a parent or other role model.
韦伯磁通量的国际单位,等于当磁通量在一秒钟内被统一地减弱为零时在它联接的一圈电路内产生一伏特电动势时的磁通量 The SI unit of magnetic flux equal to the magnetic flux that in linking a circuit of one turn produces in it an electromotive force of one volt as it is uniformly reduced to zero within one second.
除非某个心怀不满的大亨加以反对并威胁要退出,这样决定下来的名单就成了人名单。如果出现反对或退出的行为,那就称为“撕毁候选人名单”。 The list so settled it now a slate, unless some discontented magnate objects and threatens to withdraw. To do so is called"breaking the slate".
许多医生推荐含有丰富食物纤维的天然食物,因为它有助于防止便秘,以取代万不得已而使用的泻药。原因显而易见-治病总是不如防病。 Many doctors prefer a natural food, rich in dietary fibre, which will help you to avoid constipation, rather than having to resort to purgatives. The reason is obvious-prevention is always better than cure.
走马疳,坏疽性口炎嘴或生殖器部分严重的经常为生疽性的发炎,通常在感染了传染病后发生,最常发病于卫生条件极差或营养状况不良的孩子 A severe, often gangrenous inflammation of the mouth or genitals, occurring usually after an infectious disease and found most often in children in poor hygienic or malnourished condition.
正因如此,今天从事写作的男女青年已经忘记了人类内心的冲突。而这本身就能就好作品。因为这是唯一值得写、值得呕心沥血地去写的题材。 Because of this, the young man or woman writing today has forgotten the problems of the human heart in conflict with itself, which alone can make good writing because only that is worth writing about, worth the agony and the sweat.
将近一万名西方平民(多半是英国人和美国人)躲藏在被占领的科威特城。如果萨达姆能如愿,使他们落在他手里,他们将被指定为活靶,难逃浩劫。 Nearly10, 000 Western civilians, mostly British and American, are holed up in captured Kuwait City. If Saddam gets his hands on them, as he intends to, they are to be designated human targets and doomed.
最后,如果一个人竟能像《圣经》中的圣保罗那样,肯为了兄弟们的得救甚至甘于忍受神的诅咒;那么他就必定超越了凡人,而且有真正基督徒的品格了。 But above all, if he has St. Paul's perfection, that he would wish to be anathema from Christ, for the salvation of his brethren, it shows much of a divine nature, and a kind of conformity with Christ himself.
布尔代数中的一种运算,它同时对两个二进制数字进行如下操作:如果一个数或二个数为1,则结果为1;如果二个数均为零,则结果为零。它的逻辑算符是OR运算符。 An operation performed in Boolean algebra on two binary digits simultaneously in a way that the result is one if either one or both digits are a one, or zero if both digits are zero. The logic operator is the OR operator.
阿布扎比阿拉伯东部波斯湾上的一酋长国和城市。为阿拉伯联合酋长国的首都。因为有大量的石油收入,该酋长国为世界上人均收入最高的国家之一。人口242,975 A sheikdom and city of eastern Arabia on the Persian Gulf. The city is the capital of the federated United Arab Emirates. With enormous oil revenues, the sheikdom has one of the highest per capita incomes in the world. Population, 242,975.
猜测萨达姆心里如何想法是毫无意义的。不论他是做给伊斯兰激进分子看,还是趁最后一个机会找布什麻烦,他与美国和全世界对抗,不久就成为克林顿先生的问题。 It's pointless to try to read Saddam Hussein's mind. Whether he is playing to Islamic radicals or simply taking a final poke at George Bush, his confrontation with America and the world will soon be one more problem for Mr.Clinton.
他的妻子琼是一个健壮、浅薄的女人,也是孩子们随和的母亲。当她一听说自己高贵的地位时,便立刻想入非非,暗自打算为她的年轻漂亮的女儿找一个显赫、门当户对的婆家。 And no sooner had Joan, his handsome, shallow-minded wife, the easy-going mother of his many children, heard of her exalted estate than her romantic soul began secretly to devise a brilliant and fitting alliance for her beautiful young daughter.
多佛尔与法国加莱市隔岸相对的英格兰东南部自治市,临多佛尔海峡。罗马灯塔遗址,自中世纪以来就是战略要地,该市白垩崖多岩洞和涵洞原为走私者所用。人口33,700 A municipal borough of southeast England on the Strait of Dover opposite Calais, France. Site of a Roman lighthouse, it has been a strategic port since medieval times. The chalk cliffs rising above the city have caves and tunnels originally used by smugglers. Population, 33,700.
麦迪逊美国威斯康星州首府,位于该州的中南部,密尔沃基的西边。它于1836年被选定作为该州的首府并在同年移民于此。威斯康星大学(建于1848年)的主要部分就在这里。人口191,262 The capital of Wisconsin, in the south-central part of the state west of Milwaukee. It was chosen as territorial capital in1836 and settled the same year. The main branch of the University of Wisconsin(founded1848) is here. Population, 191,262.
"父母们所了不解的是,脂肪提供非常宝贵的热量,并且每个细胞都需要脂肪和胆固醇才能生长,"她说。"胆固醇的名声太坏,我们从来看不到它好的一面,但是它对孩童,尤其两岁以下的,极为重要。" "What parents don't understand is that fat provides very valuable calories and that every cell needs fat and cholesterol to grow, " she said. "Cholesterol has gotten such bad press that we never see it in a good light, but it is essential for children, especially those under2."