
1 New HSK word(s): HSK4 专门 + zhuan1men2 specialist; specialized; customized
1 Old HSK word(s): B VS * zhuan1men2 special/ specialized



Đặc biệt +
Grade E word(s):
专门 [zhuan1 men2] speziell (Adv)Fach-, Sonder-

Häufigkeit: 10.52 Komposita

他专门研究东方史。 He specializes in oriental history.
那个专门小组被选中参加讨论。 The panel was chosen to take part in discussion.
别尽用那种专门术语--用普通的词语解释吧. Don't use all that technical lingo try and explain in plain English.
专业人员的助手受过训练辅助专门人员的非专职人员 A trained worker who is not a member of a given profession but assists a professional.
这个商店专门出售巧克力。 This shop specializes in chocolates.
这些珍贵的老虎受到专门法律的保护。 These rare tigers are protected by special laws.
稻田一块专门灌溉的土地,水稻生长的地方 A specially irrigated or flooded field where rice is grown.
但是我们彼此合作的领域还在不断增加。我们已经商定在贸易、技术、投资以及科学与管理专门知识的交流等方面更密切地合作。 But the areas of our mutual cooperation continue to expand. We have already agreed to cooperate more closely in trade, technology, investment, and exchanges of scientific and managerial expertise.
警察组成这样一个部门的一群人,他们被专门训练来掌握执行法律和防止并侦破犯罪行为的方法,被授予维护一个社区的和平、安全和秩序的职权 A body of persons making up such a department, trained in methods of law enforcement and crime prevention and detection and given the authority to maintain the peace, safety, and order of the community.
该旅行团将由一名受过专门培训过的护士陪同。 The tour will be accompanied by a trained nurse.
这笔钱有专门用途: 就是建造新剧院. The money is to be used for one specific purpose: the building of the new theatre.
专门小组聚在一起策划或讨论一个问题、裁判一场比赛或在无线电台或电视台小测验节目中充当一个队的一群人 A group of people gathered to plan or discuss an issue, judge a contest, or act as a team on a radio or television quiz program.
为钢琴调音需要专门技能。 It takes skill to tune a piano.
用这个专门的挂钩把客车车厢挂上机车。 Lock the carriages on the engine with this special hook.
鉴于这些事实,一个专门委员会被委任。 In view of these facts, one the specialized commission is appointed.
玩具火车的客车车厢用专门的挂钩挂上了机车。 The carriages of the toy train lock onto the toy train with a special hook.
植物学家栽培、采集草或专门研究(尤指药草)其用处的人 One who grows, collects, or specializes in the use of herbs, especially medicinal herbs.