
1 New HSK word(s): HSK6 专利 + zhuan1li4 patent
1 Old HSK word(s): D N * zhuan1li4 patent


Bằng sáng chế, +
Grade E word(s):
专利法 专利权
专利 [zhuan1 li4] Patent, Monopol Sonderrecht (S, Rechtsw)

Häufigkeit: 1.59 Komposita

他获得了这项发明的专利权。 He got a patent for this invention.
违反一项合同;侵犯专利权 Infringe a contract; infringe a patent.
那是我的专利发明. It's my patent.
这项专利期限为3年。 The patent runs out in three years time.
英国第一台打字机专利证书是一七一四年颁发的。 The first English patent for a typewriter was issued in1714.
在专利局, 我们还有许多的想法没有付诸实施。 In the Patent Office, we still have millions of ideas that are free for use.