
0 New HSK word(s):
1 Old HSK word(s): A Adv * bu4yong4 need not


Grade E word(s):
不用 [bu4 yong4] unnötig, nicht brauchen (Adj)

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不用麻烦了。 Don't bother.
我喜欢唱歌,更不用说听音乐了。 I enjoy singing, much more listening to music.
不用说,夏日的傍晚是多么美。 Needs not say how lovely are the summer evenings.
这条路线旅行的人以前常走,但是现在已不用了。 The route was once much travelled but has fallen into disuse.
她不用学跑步技巧, 她天生就擅跑. She didn't have to learn how to run: she's a natural.
我们要是买不起汽车, 也就只好不用(汽车)了. If we can't afford a car, we'll just have to do without (one).
他非但不用功,反而到处鬼混。 Far from working hard, he played around.
院子里已经是一团糟,更不用说房子了 The yard is a mess, to say nothing of the house.
你真走运, 不用出席那死气沉沉的招待会. You can thank your lucky stars (that) you don't have to go to this dreary reception.
这是五镑的钞票--零钱不用找了. Here's a five-pound note -- you can keep the change.
医生不得不用石膏绷带来固定他断了的胳膊。 The doctor had to hold his broken arm with a plaster cast.
你什麽也不用做--只管轻松愉快地享受旅游的乐趣. You don't have to do anything just lie back and enjoy the journey.
不用说他照例来得很晚。 Needless to say, he came late as usual.
地下室里有地方存放不用的家具之类的东西. There's room in the cellar to store unused furniture and what have you.
合同中规定屋顶要用红瓦而不用石板瓦. The contract specifies red tiles, not slates, for the roof.
他连温饱都无法解决, 就更不用说娱乐了。 He hasn't enough money for food, let alone amusements.
如果刷油漆用滚筒而不用刷子,那么刷出的面积要大得多。 The paint will go much further if you roll it on instead of using a brush.
我这里一切都好,不用挂念。 Everything is fine with me; there is no need for you to be concerned.
那位父亲不能以身作则,更不用说做孩子的榜样了。 That father can't discipline himself, much less set a good example for his children to follow.
若不用网把豌豆罩上,鸟就要来吃了。 If you don't net your peas the birds will eat them.
不用说,他信守了他的诺言。 Needless to say, he kept his promise.