
1 New HSK word(s): HSK5 不如 + bu4ru2 not equal to; not as good as; inferior to; it would be better to
1 Old HSK word(s): A v;Conj * bu4ru2 not as good as/ better to


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Grade E word(s):
百闻不如一见 耳闻不如目睹 还不如
不如 [bu4 ru2] (ist) nicht so gut wie (V)es wäre besser (Konj)

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你与其要他减价还不如求助于一棵树。 You might as well ask the tree for help as request him to reduce the price.
我躺下来与其说是要睡觉,倒不如说是要思考。 I lay down not so much to sleep as to think.
与其说她善良不如说她单纯。 She is not so kind as simple.
我与其嫁给他,倒不如去死算了。 I may as well die as marry him.
他是那么聪明,使我自愧不如。 He's so clever, he makes me feel inferior.
那是我以前最喜欢的饭馆,但近来烹饪水平已大不如前了。 It used to be my favourite restaurant but the standard of cooking has fallen off recently.
与其给折扣,不如减价。 Better reduce the price than allow a discount.
只知道一点点,不如完全不晓得。 You might as well not know a thing at all as know it only a little.
既然雨下得这么大,你与其离开倒不如待在这儿。 Since it is raining hard, you may as well stay here as leave.
学校教育的最大用处,与其说是教你事物,不如说是教你学习的方法。 The great use of a school education is not so much to teach you things as to teach you the art of learning.
他那么聪明,让我自愧不如。 He's so clever, he makes me feel inferior.
我们在整个冬季战役中始终不如对手. We were outmanoeuvred and outfought throughout the winter campaign.
一般认为像木工和烹饪之类的实用课程不如数学重要. Practical lessons, like woodwork and cookery, are not considered as important as maths.
【谚】与其补救于已然,不如防止于未然。 Prevention is better than cure.
经过这许多年月, 他的体力不如从前了. His strength has diminished over the years.
与其说是海洋分割这个世界,不如说是统一这个世界。 The oceans do not so much divide the world as unite it. (=The oceans do not divide the world so much as unite it.)
她的细致工作使得其余所有的人自愧不如。 Her careful work put all the rest to shame.
与其说成功在于运气不如说是辛勤努力。 Success lies not so much as in luck as in hard work.
与其说给人面包很有帮助,倒不如说教导他如何谋生才重要。 It is not so helpful to give someone some bread as to teach him how to make a living.
一个人的伟大与其说是由他的财富来判断,倒不如说是由他的品德来判断。 One's greatness lies not so much in his wealth as in his character.
唉,我看什么都不如偶尔受点挫折更能使你明白你是多么的幸运了。 Ah well, I suppose there's nothing like an occasional setback to make you realize how lucky you really are.
【谚】与其锈坏,不如用坏。 Better to wear out than rust out.
预防胜于治疗(治病不如防病)。 Prevention is better than cure.
【谚】与其夸夸其谈,不如埋头苦干。 It is better to do well than to say well.
风景不如你描述的那么好。 The scene is nothing like what you described.
您既然不能降价,那这笔交易不如就拉倒吧。 Since you cannot reduce the price, we may call off the deal(business) as well.
与其说他聪明倒不如说他勤奋。 He is not so clever as diligent.
与其撤约还不如延期装运。 Better to postpone the shipment than to cancel the contract.
他在气力方面和我相等, 但在智力方面却不如我。 He equals me in strength but not in intelligence.
虽然事情进行得不如意, 玛丽还是继续尝试。 Though things went against Mary, she went on trying.
许多医生推荐含有丰富食物纤维的天然食物,因为它有助于防止便秘,以取代万不得已而使用的泻药。原因显而易见-治病总是不如防病。 Many doctors prefer a natural food, rich in dietary fibre, which will help you to avoid constipation, rather than having to resort to purgatives. The reason is obvious-prevention is always better than cure.