
0 New HSK word(s):
1 Old HSK word(s): B Adv * bu2da4 not very/ not often


Grade E word(s):

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他们不大愿意帮忙。 They were very reluctant to help.
他生病以来胃口就不大好。 He's been a bit off his oats since his illness.
不怎么想去,我并不大喜欢看电影。 Not really. I am not very fond of the cinema.
他病得非常厉害,不大可能恢复健康了。 He is very ill and unlikely to recover.
他有个不大讨人喜欢的特点,就是爱当众责备妻子。 One of his less attractive traits is criticizing his wife in public.
你显然不大明白办事的手续, 我很快就给你解释清楚. You're clearly rather muddled about office procedures but I'll soon straighten you out.
他的描述很笼统, 用处不大. His description was too general to be of much use.
新来的销售部主任大家还不大了解。 The new sales director is still a bit of an unknown quantity.
他不大擅长描写叙述. He's not very good at description.
乘划艇去救他们, 希望不大. Going to their rescue in a rowing-boat is a bit of a forlorn hope.
我向来不大想看到你,咱们俩之间大概从来不曾有过好感。 I never had much in seeing you. There was no love lost between us, at any time, I think.
在一年中的这个时候,下霜也是可能的,虽然可能性并不大。 Frost is possible, although unlikely, at this time of year.
"你当然认识他喽?""不大认识。他毕竟不属于我们这儿的老派正统的小圈子。" "You know him, of course? " "Not to speak to. After all, he's hardly of our square little circle down here."
兰登作了一次不成功的朗诵。老师有点不悦,对他说道:“兰登,你在这门课上好像进步不大,你好像缺乏志向。” Landon had made an unsuccessful attempt at the recitation, and the doctor, somewhat nettled, said:"Landon, you don't seem to be getting on very fast in this subject."
美元突然贬值, 财经专家无不大伤脑筋. The sudden fall in the value of the dollar has puzzled financial experts.