
1 New HSK word(s): HSK6 不相上下 + bu4xiang1shang4xia4 equally matched; about the same
2 Old HSK word(s): C N * shang4xia4 up and down/ high and low/ old and young D * bu4 xiang1 shang4 xia4 about the same/ equally matched


Mệnh +
Grade E word(s):
举国上下 上下班 上下文
上下 [shang4 xia4] auf der einen Seite (und) auf der anderen Seite (S)auf und ab, rauf wie runter, etwa, ungefähr (S)Himmel und Erde (S)Kaiser und Volk (S)Regierung und Volk (S)Schwankung (S)Vorgesetzte und Untergebene (S)oben und unten (V)erstklassig und minderwertig (Adj)mehr oder weniger

Häufigkeit: 3.41 Komposita

她从梯子上下来. She got down from the ladder.
杰逊看到我, 立即从马上下来。 Jason saw me and got off the horse immediately.
他上下打量我。 He looked me up and down.
他无法从岩石危险的位置上下来。 He was unable to get down from his precarious position on the rocks.
有背腹性的象大多数叶子那样扁平而有鲜明的上下表面的 Flattened and having distinct upper and lower surfaces, as most leaves do.
约翰逊上上下下打量了她一番,决定邀请她出去。 Johnson looked her up and down and decided to ask her out.
我所问的那个家伙起先一声也不响,上下打量我,注意到我衣衫褴褛,然后他说:“稍等一会儿。” The fellow I spoke to made no answer at first, looked me up and down, noticed that I was almost in rags, then said," Just a minute."
我认为这两个选手不相上下。 I'd say the two players are pretty even.
论智力, 她和她哥哥不相上下. She's the equal of her brother as far as intelligence is concerned.
那幅画上下颠倒了. That picture is upside-down.
围棋日本的一种两人棋戏,用棋子在一横竖皆有十九条交叉线的棋盘上下 A Japanese game for two, played with counters on a board that is ruled with19 vertical and19 horizontal lines.
一个频带的上下界频率之差,单位用赫兹表示。 The difference, expressed in Hertz, between the two limiting frequencies of a band.
那两个赛跑选手竞争激烈--在赛程中一直不相上下。 The two runners contested the race closely it was nip and tuck all the way.
的确,新闻媒介及公众对法国橄榄球队选拔员的尊重,几乎同法国政治家受到的尊重不相上下,当然,那也并非多大的荣耀。 Indeed French rugby selectors receive just about the same respect from their Press and public as do French politicians, which, of course, isn't saying much.