
4 New HSK word(s): HSK3 + wan4 ten thousand; a great number HSK4 千万 + qian1wan4 ten million; countless; many; one must by all means HSK5 万一 + wan4yi1 just in case; if by any chance; contingency HSK6 万分 + wan4fen1 very much; extremely; one ten thousandth part
11 Old HSK word(s): A num * wan4 ten thousand/ a very great number B Adv * qian1wan4 must/ be sure to C * cheng2 qian1 shang4 wan4 thousands of/ large quantity of C Adv * wan4fen1 thousands-portions/ very much/ extremely C * wan4 gu3 chang2 qing1 thousands-age-ever-green/ remain fresh forever C VA * wan4sui4 thousands-years/ long live/ Your Majesty C Adv * wan4wan4 thousands-thousandsin millions of cases/ in any case C n;Adv * wan4yi1 thousands-oneone in thousands/ eventuality/ in case D * wan4 shui3 qian1 shan1 the trials of a long journey D * qian1 jun1 wan4 ma3 a large number of mounted and foot soldiers D num 亿* yi4wan4 hundreds of millions


Triệu +


Làm +

Trong trường hợp +

Rất +
Grade E word(s):
百万 百万富翁 包罗万象 惊恐万状 怒火万丈 排除万难 千百万 千变万化 千差万别 前程万里 千仇万恨 千刀万剐 千恩万谢 千家万户 千难万险 千秋万代 千山万水 千丝万缕 千头万绪 千辛万苦 千言万语 千真万确 日理万机 十万 万不得已 万恶 万恶不赦 万分感谢 万花筒 万金油 万籁俱寂 万里长城 万里长空 万里长征 万里晴空 万能 万能胶 万念俱灰 万千 万人坑 万圣节 万事 万事俱备 万事如意 万事通 万寿无疆 万水千山 万死不辞 万维网 万无一失 万幸 万有引力 万众 万众一心 万众瞩目 万状 万紫千红 五万 腰缠万贯 以备万一 一本万利 饴/遗臭万年 以防万一 一万
万 [wan4] Wan (Eig, Fam)zehntausend
万 [wan4] sehr viel, zahllos, unzählig (Adj)zehntausend (10000) (Num)Wan (Eig, Fam)

Häufigkeit: 32.34 Komposita

万一下雨的话,我们也许得改变计画。 If the day turns out wet we may have to change our plans.
我的工资多达一万元。 I received no less than ten thousand yen for my work.
客机在两万英尺的高度飞行。 The airliner flew at an altitude of 20000ft.
他们估计参观者人数为1000万。 They estimated the number of visitors at 10 million.
这部小说引起了千万读者的想象。 The novel captured the imagination of thousands of readers.
这张唱片非常成功,卖了一百万张。 The record was a big hit and sold a million copies.
亿万人的收入增加了,这是他们自己做梦也想不到的。 Incomes of millions upon millions of people have increased beyond their dreams.
春天里万物欣欣向荣。 Nature is at its best in spring.
暴风给成千上万的人带来灾难。 The cyclone brought misery to thousands of people.
阳光透过万里碧空照耀着北京城。 From a sky of untarnished blue the sun beamed down upon Beijing.
这个百万富翁已把他一半的股票移交给他的长子。 The millionaire has handed over 50 percent of his stock to his first son.
万岁日本人在进攻时的呐喊或爱国的欢呼; A Japanese battle cry or patriotic cheer.
他不远万里来中国度暑假。 He has come over to China for the summer.
建筑费用涨到高达新台币两千万。 Building costs ran up to as much as NT$ 20 million.
一天的这段时间有数以百万计的职工从工厂和办公场所涌向街头. The shops and offices pour millions of workers into the street at this time of day.
罗马每年要接待数以百万计的游客. Rome welcomes millions of visitors each year.
他不穷, 相反, 他是个百万富翁。 He is not poor, on the contrary, he is a millionaire.
《每日回声报》拥有读者逾一千万人。 The Daily Echo has a readership of over ten million.
万一太阳消失了,地球会变成什么样子? If the sun were to disappear, what would the earth be like?
这个消息万一传到她的耳朵里,她一定得大发雷霆。 If this news ever reaches her ears, she'll be furious.
那位百万富翁是从很少的钱开始的.但是在最充分利用机会方面表现出他的本领。 That millionaire started with very little, but showed a skill in playing his cards right.
里根先生将近2兆联邦及贸易负债(亦即每户3万元)将是经济成长的绊脚石。 Mr.Reagan's nearly$2 trillion in Federal and trade debt(or$30, 000 per family) will be a ball and chain around the neck of economic growth.
万一下雨,他们就不能去了。 In case of rain, they can't go.
万一我忘记,请提醒我。 In case (=If) I forget, please remind me.
恐龙已绝种几百万年了。 Dinosaurs have been extinct for millions of years.
这化石可能超过二百万年了. This fossil may be over 2 million years old.
雨后的清晨,天一破晓就晴空万里。 The morning dawned clear after the rain.
如果你万一见到他,请代我向他致意。 If you should happen to see him, please give him my regards.
我们有一台万一断电时使用的备用发电机。 We have an auxiliary generator in case of power cuts.
在内战期间成千上万的人逃离了这个国家. During the civil war thousands of people fled the country.
千万不要照牌价购买汽车, 总得讲讲价才是. Never pay the advertised price for a car; always try to bargain.
千万要警惕呀, 我恳求你. Be on your guard, I conjure you.
千千万万的人死于饥荒。 Thousands of people died of famine.
警惕性是万万不可放松的. You cannot afford to relax your vigilance for a moment.
我们焦急万分地等候医生做出诊断。 We waited in great suspense for the doctor's diagnosis.
那老人去世时留下二百万美元的遗产。 The old man left an estate of two million dollars when he died.
我把一切东西都锁在保险箱里以防万一。 I took the precaution of locking everything in the safe.
国会拨款两百万英镑作为防治水灾之用。 Parliament appropriated two million pounds for flood control.
他似乎是个万事通。其实他是再愚蠢不过了。 It seems as if he knew everything, but in reality, he is as stupid as can be.
你千万别穿戴成那样子出去. 那会让你祖母躺在坟里也不得安生. You can't go out dressed like that. It's enough to make your grandmother turn in her grave!
油轮需求量下降使造船业成千上万的工作职位受到威胁. A fall in demand for oil tankers has put/placed thousands of jobs in the shipbuilding industry in jeopardy.
聚合物许多天然和人工合成的化合物中的任一种,通常具高分子的重量,包含最多可达上百万个的彼此重复且相连的单位,每一个单位都是一个相对较轻和较简单的分子 Any of numerous natural and synthetic compounds of usually high molecular weight consisting of up to millions of repeated linked units, each a relatively light and simple molecule.
他是那种碰到挫折就万分苦恼的人。 He's the sort of man whom setbacks weigh very heavily.
有些儿童在万圣节前夕用南瓜做灯笼. Some children make lanterns out of pumpkins at Hallowe'en.
在荷兰,人们拦海造田已开垦了成千上万公顷的土地并将它们变成可耕地和牧场。 In Holland thousands of hectares have been reclaimed from the sea and turned over to arable land and pasture.
如果请费尔南德斯走路,教育局可以付钱马上终止合约,或是让他做满任期。费尔南德斯按规定可以在十九万五的年薪之外,还可以领未用病假和其他福利折合现金四十万元。 If Fernandez is shown the door, the board could either buy out his contract immediately or allow him to serve out his term. Fernandez is set to collect$400, 000 in past sick pay and other benefits on top of his$195, 000 salary.
人们齐声欢呼: `国王万岁!' The whole crowd took up the cry: `Long live the King!'
可能下雨--你最好带把伞, 以防万一(下起来). It may rain you'd better take an umbrella (just) in case (it does).
好,这是我们夺取敌人碉堡的好机会,千万不能错过。 Now this is our big chance to take the enemy pillbox and we can't afford to miss out.
我们的新型洗衣粉顾客都很满意, 成千上万的人不可能都错了, 您也不妨试一试好吗? Thousands of satisfied customers can't be wrong, so why don't you try our new washing-powder?
可是我在一家迪斯科舞会上亲眼看到他,千真万确,他在和一个年龄只他一半大的姑娘跳舞。 But I saw him myself in a disco as large as life, dancing with a girl half his age.
在很多地方,计算机能做数百万人的工作,因此它被广泛地应用在各个科技领域——核物理、电气工程、机械工程等等。 In many places a computer does the work of a million persons, and so it is widely used in any branch of science and technology- nuclear physics, electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, and the like.
我希望他在新的工作中万事如意. I wish him well in his new job.
观众总计达两万人。 The audience totalled20, 000.
百花齐放,万紫千红。 Flowers are blooming in a riot of color.
电影使亿万人获得乐趣。 Movies give delight to millions of people.
我开支票提出一百万美元。 I checked out one million dollars.
红军长征时走了二万五千里。 The Red Army covered25000 li on the Long March.
千百万观众非常著迷地收看这部电视连续剧. Millions of fans follow the TV soap operas devotedly.
参观的人成千上万, 把台阶踩得不像样子了. The steps had been worn away by the feet of thousands of visitors.
他的存款总额达五万元。 His total deposits are50000 yuan.
千万别笑他, 他很敏感. Don't laugh at him; he's very sensitive.
懒惰乃万恶之源。 Idleness is the root of all evil.
我对万能的上帝发誓我要说真话。 I swear by Almighty God that I will tell the truth.
第三天,他们就交出了两万箱鸦片。 On the third day, they handed over20000 chests of opium.
千百万人响应救灾呼吁而慷慨解囊. Millions of people gave freely in response to the famine appeal.
他感慨万千,用力握了一下她的手,离开了她。 Overcome with emotion, he pressed her hand and left her.
图书馆最近增添的书籍是一位百万富翁捐献的。 The library's latest acquisitions were donated by a millionaire.
因为有钱又慷慨,他捐了两百万圆给红十字会。 Rich and generous, he contributed two million dollars to the Red Cross.
我的目光没有聚焦,以致我没有看到特别的目标,仅仅是那川流不息的彩色万花筒。 I throw my eyes out of focus, so that I see no particular object but only a seething kaleidoscope of colors.
他祝这对年轻人生活幸福、 万事如意. He wished the young couple a life of happiness and prosperity.
经过千辛万苦这部词典才终於得以问世。 It's been a long haul but at last this dictionary is published.
经济萧条时期,有好几百万的失业者在街头游荡。 During the depression, millions of the unemployed wandered around in the streets.
于是,村办学校继续办下去,至少暂时能这样,让我们为现在的职员高呼万岁! So the village school stays open, for the time being at least, and long live our present incumbent.
万勿对人类失去信心:要想到美国国内那些从未以卑鄙的手法欺骗过你的人啊。 Do not lose faith in humanity: think of all the people in the united state who have never play you a single nasty trick.
该工程费用开支可分成如下几部分: 工资一千万英镑, 厂房设备四百万英镑, 原料五百万英镑. Expenditure on the project breaks down as follows: wages 10m, plant 4m, raw materials 5m.
许多医生推荐含有丰富食物纤维的天然食物,因为它有助于防止便秘,以取代万不得已而使用的泻药。原因显而易见-治病总是不如防病。 Many doctors prefer a natural food, rich in dietary fibre, which will help you to avoid constipation, rather than having to resort to purgatives. The reason is obvious-prevention is always better than cure.
将近一万名西方平民(多半是英国人和美国人)躲藏在被占领的科威特城。如果萨达姆能如愿,使他们落在他手里,他们将被指定为活靶,难逃浩劫。 Nearly10, 000 Western civilians, mostly British and American, are holed up in captured Kuwait City. If Saddam gets his hands on them, as he intends to, they are to be designated human targets and doomed.