
12 New HSK word(s): HSK1 医院 + yi1yuan4 hospital; CL:所suo3,家jia1,座zuo4 HSK2 生病 + sheng1bing4 to fall ill HSK5 指挥 + zhi3hui1 to conduct; to command; to direct; conductor (of an orchestra); CL:个/个ge4 HSK5 频道 + pin2dao4 frequency; (television) channel HSK5 命令 + ming4ling4 order; command; CL:道dao4,个/个ge4 HSK6 不相上下 + bu4xiang1shang4xia4 equally matched; about the same HSK6 悬殊 + xuan2shu1 a wide gap; big contrast; large disparity; a mismatch HSK6 患者 + huan4zhe3 patient; sufferer HSK6 服从 + fu2cong2 to obey (an order); to comply; to defer HSK6 疾病 + ji2bing4 disease; sickness; ailment HSK6 弊病 + bi4bing4 malady; evil; malpractice; drawback; disadvantage HSK6 + cuan4 to flee; to scuttle; to exile or banish; to amend or edit
Old HSK word(s):


Bệnh viện +


Bệnh +

Lệnh +

Kênh +

Lệnh +

Mệnh +

Chênh lệch +

Bệnh nhân +

Tuân lệnh +

Bệnh +

Căn bệnh +

Kênh +
Grade E word(s):
