
277 New HSK word(s): HSK1 下雨 + xia4yu3 to rain; rainy HSK1 + tai4 highest; greatest; too (much); very; extremely HSK1 + mai3 to buy; to purchase HSK1 星期 + xing1qi1 week; CL:个/个ge4; day of the week; Sunday HSK1 昨天 + zuo2tian1 yesterday HSK1 中午 + zhong1wu3 noon; midday; CL:个/个ge4 HSK1 衣服 + yi1fu5 clothes; CL:件jian4,套tao4 HSK1 商店 + shang1dian4 store; shop; CL:家jia1,个/个ge4 HSK2 西瓜 + xi1gua1 watermelon; CL:颗/颗ke1,粒li4,个/个ge5 HSK2 + guo4 verb: to cross; to go over; to pass (time); to celebrate (a holiday); to live; to get along; excessively; too- HSK2 + guo5 particle: used to express a completed action HSK2 + nan2 male; Baron, lowest of five orders of nobility 五等爵位wu3 deng3 jue2 wei4; CL:个/个ge4 HSK2 牛奶 + niu2nai3 cow's milk; CL:瓶ping2,杯bei1 HSK2 + men2 gate; door; CL:扇shan4; gateway; doorway; CL:个/个ge4; opening; valve; switch; way to do something; knack; family; house; (religious) sect; school (of thought); class; category; phylum or division (taxonomy); classifier for large guns; classifier for lessons, subjects, branches of technology HSK2 + xi3 to wash; to bathe; to develop (photo) HSK3 + chun1 spring (time); gay; joyful; youthful; love; lust; life HSK3 + jie1 to receive; to answer (the phone); to meet or welcome sb; to connect; to catch; to join; to extend; to take one's turn on duty; to take over for sb HSK3 过去 + guo4qu5 (in the) past; former; previous; to go over; to pass by HSK3 感兴趣 + gan3xing4qu4 to be interested HSK3 成绩 + cheng2ji4 achievement; performance records; grades; CL:项/项xiang4,个/个ge4 HSK3 + xia4 summer HSK3 + ma3 horse; CL:匹pi3; horse or cavalry piece in Chinese chess; knight in Western chess HSK3 + you4 (once) again; also; both... and...; and yet; (used for emphasis) anyway HSK3 重要 + zhong4yao4 important; significant; major HSK3 + qiu1 autumn; fall; harvest time; a swing HSK3 筷子 + kuai4zi5 chopsticks; CL:对/对dui4,根gen1,把ba3,双/双shuang1 HSK3 周末 + zhou1mo4 weekend HSK3 + dong1 winter HSK3 结束 + jie2shu4 termination; to finish; to end; to conclude; to close HSK3 经理 + jing1li3 manager; director; CL:个/个ge4,位wei4,名ming2 HSK3 方便 + fang1bian4 convenient; to help out; to make things easy for people; convenience; suitable; having money to spare; (euphemism) to go to the toilet HSK3 + fang4 to release; to free; to let go; to put; to place; to let out; to set off (fireworks) HSK3 裤子 + ku4zi5 trousers; pants; CL:条/条tiao2 HSK3 礼物 + li3wu4 gift; present; CL:件jian4,个/个ge4,份fen4 HSK3 + ban4 half; semi-; incomplete; (after a number) and a half HSK3 关系 + guan1xi5 relation; relationship; to concern; to affect; to have to do with; guanxi; CL:个/个ge4 HSK4 开玩笑 + kai1wan2xiao4 to play a joke; to make fun of; to joke HSK4 规定 + gui1ding4 provision; to fix; to set; to formulate; to stipulate; to provide; regulation; rule; CL:个/个ge4 HSK4 西红柿 + xi1hong2shi4 tomato; CL:只/只zhi1 HSK4 基础 + ji1chu3 base; foundation; basis; underlying; CL:个/个ge4 HSK4 聚会 + ju4hui4 party; gathering; to meet; to get together HSK4 + qu3 to take; to get; to choose; to fetch HSK4 艺术 + yi4shu4 art HSK4 标准 + biao1zhun3 (an official) standard; norm; criterion; CL:个/个ge4 HSK4 过程 + guo4cheng2 course of events; process; CL:个/个ge4 HSK4 大使馆 + da4shi3guan3 embassy; CL:座zuo4,个/个ge4 HSK4 来不及 + lai2bu5ji2 there's not enough time (to do sth); it's too late (to do sth) HSK4 预习 + yu4xi2 to prepare a lesson HSK4 购物 + gou4wu4 shopping HSK4 网球 + wang3qiu2 tennis; CL:个/个ge4 HSK4 出现 + chu1xian4 to appear; to arise; to emerge; to show up HSK4 管理 + guan3li3 to supervise; to manage; to administer; management; administration; CL:个/个ge4 HSK4 周围 + zhou1wei2 surroundings; environment; to encompass HSK4 修理 + xiu1li3 to repair; to perform maintenance; to overhaul; to fix; to prune; to trim; (coll.) to sort sb out; to fix sb HSK4 律师 + lu:4shi1 lawyer HSK4 结果 + jie2guo3 outcome; result; conclusion; in the end; as a result; to kill; to dispatch HSK4 放暑假 + fang4shu3jia4 to be on summer vacation HSK4 广告 + guang3gao4 to advertise; a commercial; advertisement; CL:项/项xiang4 HSK4 商量 + shang1liang5 to consult; to talk over; to discuss HSK4 讨论 + tao3lun4 to discuss; to talk over; CL:个/个ge4 HSK4 数字 + shu4zi4 numeral; digit; number; figure; amount; digital (electronics etc); CL:个/个ge4 HSK4 塑料袋 + su4liao4dai4 plastic bag HSK4 烤鸭 + kao3ya1 roast duck HSK4 + huo3 fire; urgent; ammunition; fiery or flaming; internal heat (Chinese medicine); hot (popular); classifier for military units (old) HSK4 寒假 + han2jia4 winter vacation HSK5 武术 + wu3shu4 military skill or technique (in former times); all kinds of martial art sports (some claiming spiritual development); self-defense; tradition of choreographed fights from opera and film (recent usage); also called kungfu 功夫; CL:种/种zhong3 HSK5 表现 + biao3xian4 to show; to show off; to display; to manifest; expression; manifestation; show; display; performance (at work etc); behavior HSK5 无所谓 + wu2suo3wei4 to be indifferent; not to matter; cannot be said to be HSK5 规律 + gui1lu:4 rule (e.g. of science); law of behavior; regular pattern; rhythm; discipline HSK5 鼓舞 + gu3wu3 heartening (news); boost (morale); CL:个/个ge4 HSK5 教练 + jiao4lian4 instructor; sports coach; trainer; CL:个/个ge4,位wei4,名ming2 HSK5 克服 + ke4fu2 (try to) overcome (hardships etc); to conquer; to put up with; to endure HSK5 相关 + xiang1guan1 related; relevant; pertinent; to be interrelated; (statistics) correlation HSK5 批准 + pi1zhun3 to approve; to ratify HSK5 投入 + tou2ru4 to throw into; to put into; to throw oneself into; to participate in; to invest in; absorbed; engrossed HSK5 摔倒 + shuai1dao3 to fall down; to slip and fall; a throw (in wrestling) HSK5 过分 + guo4fen4 excessive; undue; overly HSK5 成果 + cheng2guo3 result; achievement; gain; profit; CL:个/个ge4 HSK5 列车 + lie4che1 (railway) train HSK5 有利 + you3li4 advantageous; to have advantages; favorable HSK5 不要紧 + bu4yao4jin3 unimportant; not serious; it doesn't matter; never mind; it looks all right, but HSK5 不安 + bu4an1 unpeaceful; unstable; uneasy; disturbed; restless; worried HSK5 + pi1 mate; one of a pair HSK5 + pi3 classifier for horses, mules etc; Taiwan pr.pi1; ordinary person; classifier for cloth: bolt; horsepower HSK5 平方 + ping2fang1 square (as in square foot, square mile, square root) HSK5 矛盾 + mao2dun4 contradiction; CL:个/个ge4; conflicting views; contradictory HSK5 观察 + guan1cha2 to observe; to watch; to survey; to examine; observation; view; perspective; CL:个/个ge4 HSK5 隔壁 + ge2bi4 next door; neighbor HSK5 上当 + shang4dang4 taken in (by sb's deceit); to be fooled; to be duped HSK5 悲观 + bei1guan1 pessimistic HSK5 围绕 + wei2rao4 to revolve around; to center on (an issue) HSK5 国王 + guo2wang2 king; CL:个/个ge4 HSK5 中旬 + zhong1xun2 middle third of a month HSK5 + ma4 to scold; to abuse; to curse; CL:通tong4,顿/顿dun4 HSK5 省略 + sheng3lu:e4 to leave out; an omission HSK5 出版 + chu1ban3 to publish; to come off the press; to put out HSK5 发表 + fa1biao3 to issue; to publish HSK5 小麦 + xiao3mai4 wheat; CL:粒li4 HSK5 牛仔裤 + niu2zai3ku4 jeans; CL:条/条tiao2 HSK5 生产 + sheng1chan3 to produce; to manufacture; to give birth to a child HSK5 制造 + zhi4zao4 to manufacture; to make HSK5 手术 + shou3shu4 (surgical) operation; surgery; CL:个/个ge4 HSK5 利息 + li4xi1 interest (on a loan); CL:笔/笔bi3 HSK5 利润 + li4run4 profits HSK5 答应 + da1ying5 to promise; to agree; to reply; to respond HSK5 及格 + ji2ge2 to pass a test HSK5 服装 + fu2zhuang1 dress; clothing; costume; clothes; CL:身shen1 HSK5 包含 + bao1han2 to contain; to embody; to include HSK5 忽视 + hu1shi4 to neglect; to ignore HSK5 争论 + zheng1lun4 to argue; to debate; to contend; argument; contention; controversy; debate; CL:次ci4,场/场chang3 HSK5 名胜古迹 + ming2sheng4gu3ji4 historical sites and scenic spots HSK5 多余 + duo1yu2 superfluous; unnecessary; surplus HSK5 作文 + zuo4wen2 to write an essay; composition (student essay); CL:篇pian1 HSK5 乐观 + le4guan1 optimistic; hopeful HSK5 后果 + hou4guo3 consequences; aftermath HSK5 采取 + cai3qu3 to adopt or carry out (measures, policies, course of action); to take HSK5 公元 + gong1yuan2 CE (Common Era); Christian Era; AD (Anno Domini) HSK5 公布 + gong1bu4 to announce; to make public; to publish HSK5 公主 + gong1zhu3 princess HSK5 结论 + jie2lun4 conclusion; verdict; CL:个/个ge4; to conclude; to reach a verdict HSK5 + rao4 to wind; to coil (thread); to rotate around; to spiral; to move around; to go round (an obstacle); to by-pass; to make a detour; to confuse; to perplex HSK5 纪律 + ji4lu:4 discipline HSK5 组成 + zu3cheng2 to form; to make up; to constitute HSK5 组合 + zu3he2 to assemble; combination; combinatorial HSK5 维修 + wei2xiu1 maintenance (of equipment); to protect and maintain HSK5 编辑 + bian1ji2 to edit; to compile; editor; compiler HSK5 丝绸 + si1chou2 silk cloth; silk HSK5 主张 + zhu3zhang1 to advocate; to stand for; view; position; stand; proposition; viewpoint; assertion; CL:个/个ge4 HSK5 主观 + zhu3guan1 subjective HSK5 + Fang1 /surname Fang/ HSK5 + fang1 square; power or involution (mathematics); upright; honest; fair and square; direction; side; party (to a contract, dispute etc); place; method; prescription (medicine); just when; only or just; classifier for square things; abbr. for square or cubic meter HSK5 广场 + guang3chang3 public square; plaza HSK5 + yang3 to itch; to tickle HSK5 效率 + xiao4lu:4 efficiency HSK5 亲爱 + qin1ai4 dear; beloved; darling HSK5 辩论 + bian4lun4 debate; argument; to argue over; CL:场/场chang3,次ci4 HSK5 产生 + chan3sheng1 to arise; to come into being; to come about; to give rise to; to bring into being; to bring about; to produce; to engender; to generate; to appear; appearance; emergence; generation; production; yield HSK5 军事 + jun1shi4 military affairs; military matters; military HSK5 着火 + zhao2huo3 to ignite; to burn HSK5 尊敬 + zun1jing4 to respect; to revere HSK5 数码 + shu4ma3 number; numerals; figures; digital; amount; numerical code HSK5 窗帘 + chuang1lian2 window curtains HSK5 酒吧 + jiu3ba1 bar; pub; saloon; CL:家jia1 HSK6 一帆风顺 + yi1fan1feng1shun4 propitious wind throughout the journey (idiom); plain sailing; to go smoothly; have a nice trip! HSK6 武侠 + wu3xia2 martial arts chivalry (Chinese literary, theatrical and cinema genre); knight-errant HSK6 玩弄 + wan2nong4 to play with; to toy with; to dally with; to engage in; to resort to HSK6 理睬 + li3cai3 to heed; to pay attention to HSK6 刊登 + kan1deng1 to carry a story; to publish (in a newspaper or magazine) HSK6 未免 + wei4mian3 unavoidably; can't help; really; rather HSK6 开除 + kai1chu2 to expel HSK6 无动于衷 + wu2dong4yu2zhong1 aloof; indifferent; unconcerned HSK6 无偿 + wu2chang2 free; no charge; at no cost HSK6 规范 + gui1fan4 norm; standard; specification; regulation; rule; within the rules; to fix rules; to regulate; to specify HSK6 规格 + gui1ge2 standard; norm; specification HSK6 封闭 + feng1bi4 to seal; to close; to confine; to seal off; to close down; sealed; confined; closed; unreceptive HSK6 教养 + jiao4yang3 to train; to educate; to bring up; to nurture; education; culture; upbringing; early conditioning HSK6 截至 + jie2zhi4 up to (a time); by (a time) HSK6 更正 + geng1zheng4 to correct; to make a correction HSK6 画蛇添足 + hua4she2tian1zu2 lit. draw legs on a snake (idiom); fig. to ruin the effect by adding sth superfluous; to overdo it HSK6 融洽 + rong2qia4 harmonious; friendly relations; on good terms with one another HSK6 功效 + gong1xiao4 efficacy HSK6 攻克 + gong1ke4 to capture; to take; to overcome; to solve HSK6 斟酌 + zhen1zhuo2 to consider; to deliberate; to fill up a cup to the brim HSK6 苦尽甘来 + ku3jin4gan1lai2 bitterness finishes, sweetness begins (idiom); the hard times are over, the good times just beginning HSK6 胡乱 + hu2luan4 careless; reckless; casually; absent-mindedly; at will; at random; any old how HSK6 董事长 + dong3shi4zhang3 chairman of the board; chairman HSK6 杰出 + jie2chu1 outstanding; distinguished; remarkable; prominent; illustrious HSK6 切实 + qie4shi2 feasible; earnestly; conscientiously; realistic; practical HSK6 振兴 + zhen4xing1 to revive; to revitalize; to invigorate; to re-energize HSK6 提议 + ti2yi4 proposal; suggestion; to propose; to suggest HSK6 + bo1 to push aside with the hand, foot, a stick etc; to dial; to allocate; to set aside (money); to poke (the fire); to pluck (a string instrument); to turn round; classifier: group, batch HSK6 推理 + tui1li3 reasoning; speculative; inference HSK6 推论 + tui1lun4 to infer; inference; corollary; reasoned conclusion HSK6 折腾 + zhe1teng5 to toss from side to side (e.g. sleeplessly); to repeat sth over and over again; to torment sb; to play crazy HSK6 搅拌 + jiao3ban4 to stir; to agitate HSK6 过于 + guo4yu2 too much; excessively HSK6 过失 + guo4shi1 defect; fault HSK6 过度 + guo4du4 excessive; over-; excess; going too far; extravagant; intemperate; overdue HSK6 顾虑 + gu4lu:4 misgivings; apprehensions HSK6 历代 + li4dai4 successive generations; successive dynasties; past dynasties HSK6 成效 + cheng2xiao4 effect; result HSK6 成交 + cheng2jiao1 to complete a contract; to reach a deal HSK6 逐年 + zhu2nian2 year after year; with each passing year; over the years HSK6 大意 + da4yi4 general idea; main idea HSK6 大意 + da4yi5 careless HSK6 群众 + qun2zhong4 mass; multitude; the masses HSK6 导弹 + dao3dan4 guided missile; cruise missile; missile; CL:枚mei2 HSK6 屈服 + qu1fu2 to surrender; to yield HSK6 驱逐 + qu1zhu2 to expel; to deport; banishment HSK6 骚扰 + sao1rao3 to disturb; to cause a commotion; to harass HSK6 驻扎 + zhu4zha1 to station; to garrison (troops) HSK6 盈利 + ying2li4 profit; gain HSK6 司令 + si1ling4 commanding officer HSK6 疏忽 + shu1hu5 to neglect; to overlook; negligence; carelessness HSK6 陶醉 + tao2zui4 to be infatuated with; to be drunk with; to be enchanted with; to revel in HSK6 督促 + du1cu4 to supervise and urge completion of a task; to urge on HSK6 卓越 + zhuo2yue4 outstanding; surpassing; distinguished; splendid HSK6 战术 + zhan4shu4 tactics HSK6 日新月异 + ri4xin1yue4yi4 daily renewal, monthly change (idiom); every day sees new developments; rapid progress HSK6 呕吐 + ou3tu4 to vomit HSK6 + liang4 to dry in the air; (fig.) to cold-shoulder HSK6 + kua4 to step across; to stride over; to straddle; to span HSK6 + die1 to drop; to fall; to tumble; Taiwan pr.die2 HSK6 赋予 + fu4yu3 to assign; to entrust (a task); to give; to bestow HSK6 赠送 + zeng4song4 to present as a gift HSK6 幅度 + fu2du4 width; extent; range; scope HSK6 鉴于 + jian4yu2 in view of; seeing that; considering; whereas HSK6 岂有此理 + qi3you3ci3li3 how can this be so? (idiom); preposterous; ridiculous; absurd HSK6 光荣 + guang1rong2 honor and glory; glorious HSK6 + dang3 party; association; club; society; CL:个/个ge4 HSK6 以往 + yi3wang3 in the past; formerly HSK6 铸造 + zhu4zao4 to cast (pour metal into a mold) HSK6 + pu1 to spread; to display; to set up; (old) holder for door-knocker HSK6 + pu4 plank bed; place to sleep; shop; store; (old) relay station HSK6 + chui2 hammer; to hammer into shape; weight (e.g. of a steelyard or balance) HSK6 缺口 + que1kou3 nick; jag; gap; shortfall HSK6 手法 + shou3fa3 technique; trick; skill HSK6 选拔 + xuan3ba2 to select the best HSK6 种族 + zhong3zu2 race; ethnicity HSK6 称心如意 + chen4xin1ru2yi4 after one's heart (idiom); gratifying and satisfactory; everything one could wish HSK6 委托 + wei3tuo1 to entrust; to trust; to commission HSK6 敏锐 + min3rui4 keen; sharp; acute HSK6 籍贯 + ji2guan4 one's native place; place of ancestry; registered birthplace HSK6 筹备 + chou2bei4 preparations; to get ready for sth HSK6 管辖 + guan3xia2 to administer; to have jurisdiction (over) HSK6 服从 + fu2cong2 to obey (an order); to comply; to defer HSK6 胜负 + sheng4fu4 victory or defeat; the outcome of a battle HSK6 周边 + zhou1bian1 periphery; rim; surroundings; all around; perimeter; peripheral (computing) HSK6 包围 + bao1wei2 to surround; to encircle; to hem in HSK6 包庇 + bao1bi4 to shield; to harbor; to cover up HSK6 忽略 + hu1lu:e4 to neglect; to overlook; to ignore HSK6 岳母 + yue4mu3 wife's mother, mother-in-law HSK6 便利 + bian4li4 convenient; easy; to facilitate HSK6 优胜劣汰 + you1sheng4lie4tai4 survival of the fittest (idiom) HSK6 修复 + xiu1fu4 to restore; to renovate; restoration HSK6 依据 + yi1ju4 according to; basis; foundation HSK6 依托 + yi1tuo1 to rely on; to depend on HSK6 依靠 + yi1kao4 to rely on sth (for support etc); to depend on HSK6 偏偏 + pian1pian1 (indicates that sth turns out just the opposite of what one would expect or what would be normal); unfortunately; against expectations HSK6 盘旋 + pan2xuan2 to spiral; to circle; to go around; to hover; to orbit HSK6 往事 + wang3shi4 past events; former happenings HSK6 领事馆 + ling3shi4guan3 consulate HSK6 采购 + cai3gou4 to procure (for an enterprise etc); to purchase HSK6 采集 + cai3ji2 to gather; to collect; to harvest HSK6 合算 + he2suan4 worthwhile; to be a good deal; to be a bargain; to reckon up; to calculate HSK6 合伙 + he2huo3 to act jointly; to form a partnership HSK6 细菌 + xi4jun1 bacterium; germ HSK6 给予 + ji3yu3 to accord; to give; to show (respect) HSK6 继承 + ji4cheng2 to inherit; to carry on; to succeed HSK6 + xian2 to dislike; suspicion; resentment; enmity; abbr. for 嫌犯xian2 fan4, criminal suspect HSK6 巡逻 + xun2luo2 to patrol (police, army or navy) HSK6 言论 + yan2lun4 expression of opinion; views; remarks; arguments HSK6 魔术 + mo2shu4 magic HSK6 衣裳 + yi1shang5 clothes HSK6 立足 + li4zu2 to stand; to have a footing; to be established; to base oneself on HSK6 竞赛 + jing4sai4 race; competition; CL:个/个ge4 HSK6 诈骗 + zha4pian4 to defraud; to swindle; to blackmail HSK6 军队 + jun1dui4 army; troops; CL:支zhi1,个/个ge4 HSK6 神奇 + shen2qi2 magical; mystical; miraculous HSK6 况且 + kuang4qie3 moreover; besides; in addition; furthermore HSK6 问世 + wen4shi4 to be published; to come out HSK6 精益求精 + jing1yi4qiu2jing1 to perfect sth that is already outstanding (idiom); constantly improving HSK6 爆发 + bao4fa1 to break out; to erupt; to explode; to burst out HSK6 火箭 + huo3jian4 rocket; CL:枚mei2 HSK6 火焰 + huo3yan4 blaze; flame HSK6 守护 + shou3hu4 to guard; to protect HSK6 穿越 + chuan1yue4 to pass through; to cross; to overcome HSK6 容纳 + rong2na4 to hold; to contain; to accommodate; to tolerate (different opinions) HSK6 涉及 + she4ji2 to involve; to touch upon (a topic) HSK6 消防 + xiao1fang2 firefighting; fire control HSK6 洽谈 + qia4tan2 to discuss HSK6 治理 + zhi4li3 to govern; to administer; to manage; to control; governance HSK6 注释 + zhu4shi4 marginal notes; annotation; to annotate; to add comments to text HSK6 沉淀 + chen2dian4 to settle; to precipitate (solid sediment out of a solution) HSK6 淡季 + dan4ji4 off season; slow business season; see also 旺季wang4 ji4 HSK6 性能 + xing4neng2 function; performance HSK6 举足轻重 + ju3zu2qing1zhong4 a foot's move sways the balance (idiom); to hold the balance of power; to play the decisive role
Old HSK word(s):



Mưa +


Quá +


Mua +


Tuần +


Ngày hôm qua +


Buổi trưa +


Quần áo +


Cửa hàng +


Dưa hấu +


Quá +


Quá +


Của đàn ông +


Sữa +


Cửa +


Rửa +


Mùa xuân +


Lựa chọn +


Trong quá khứ, +


Quan tâm đến +


Kết quả +


Mùa hè +


Con ngựa +


Một lần nữa +


Quan trọng +


Mùa thu +

我来中国 1 个月了,已经会用~了。

Đũa +


Ngày cuối tuần +


Mùa đông +


Sự kết thúc của những +


Quản lý +


Thuận tiện +


Đưa +


Quần +


Món quà +


Một nửa +


Mối quan hệ +


Đùa thôi +


Những quy định của +


Cà chua +


Dựa +


Bữa tiệc +


Đưa +


Nghệ thuật +


Chuẩn +


Quá trình +


Đại sứ quán +


Quá muộn +


Chuẩn bị +


Mua sắm +


Quần vợt +


Xuất hiện +


Quản lý +


Xung quanh +


Sửa chữa +


Luật sư +


Kết quả +


Mùa hè +


Quảng cáo +


Thảo luận +


Cuộc thảo luận +


Kỹ thuật số +

Túi nhựa +


Vịt quay +


Lửa +


Nghỉ mùa đông +

Võ thuật +

Hiệu suất +

Nó không quan trọng +

Luật +

Khuyến khích của những +

Huấn luyện viên +

Để vượt qua +

Liên quan +

Chấp thuận +

Đưa +

Mùa thu +

Quá nhiều +

Kết quả +

Xe lửa +

Thuận lợi +

Nó không quan trọng +

Quấy rầy +

Con ngựa +

Con ngựa +

Square +

Mâu thuẫn +

Quan sát +

Tiếp theo cửa +

Lừa +

Bi quan +

Xung quanh +

Vua +

Giữa +

Nguyền rủa +

Bỏ qua +

Xuất bản +

Xuất bản +

Lúa mì +

Quần jean +

Sản xuất +

Sản xuất +

Phẫu thuật +

Quan tâm +

Lợi nhuận +

Hứa +

Vượt qua +

Quần áo +

Chứa +

Bỏ qua +

Cuộc tranh luận +

Nơi quan tâm +

Dư thừa +

Bài luận +

Lạc quan +

Hậu quả +

Đưa +

Quảng cáo +

Xuất bản +

Công chúa +

Kết luận +

Xung quanh +

Kỷ luật +

Các thành phần của những +

Một sự kết hợp của +

Sửa chữa +

Chỉnh sửa +

Lụa +

Dự luật +

Chủ quan +

Bữa tiệc +

Bữa tiệc +

Square +

Ngứa +

Hiệu quả +

Thưa +

Cuộc tranh luận +

Sản xuất +

Quân sự +

Lửa +

Thưa +

Kỹ thuật số +

Rèm cửa +

Quầy Bar +

Thuận buồm xuôi gió +

Võ thuật +

Chơi với xung quanh +

Bỏ qua +

Xuất bản +

Quá +

Bị trục xuất +

Không quan tâm +

Chưa thanh toán +

Đặc điểm kỹ thuật +

Kỹ thuật +

Đóng cửa +

Cải huấn +

Như của +

Chỉnh sửa +

Quá trớn +

Mối quan hệ +

Hiệu quả +

Để vượt qua +

Theo quyết định của +

Mưa đi +

Bừa bãi +

Chủ tịch Hội đồng quản trị +

Xuất sắc +

Hiệu quả +

Sự hồi sinh của những +

Đề xuất +

Quay +

Lý luận +

Suy luận +

Quăng +

Khuấy +

Quá +

Sơ suất +

Quá nhiều +

Mối quan tâm +

Lứa tuổi +

Kết quả +

Thỏa thuận +

Năm này qua năm +

Hiệu quả +

Hiệu quả +

Quần chúng +

Tên lửa +

Năng suất +

Trục xuất +

Quấy rối +

Đóng quân +

Lợi nhuận +

Chỉ huy của những +

Sơ suất +

Say sưa +

Sản xuất +

Xuất sắc +

Chiến thuật +

Với mỗi ngày trôi qua +

Nôn mửa +

Quần áo +

Qua +

Mùa thu +

Đưa +

Món quà +

Biên độ của những +

Theo quan điểm của những +

Thái quá +

Vinh quang +

Bữa tiệc +

Trong quá khứ, +

Diễn xuất +

Cửa hàng +

Cửa hàng +

Búa +

Xuất sắc +

Kỹ thuật +

Lựa chọn +

Cuộc đua +

Giường của hoa hồng +

Đưa +

Quan tâm +

Xuất xứ +

Chuẩn bị +

Thẩm quyền của những +

Tuân lệnh +

Kết quả +

Xung quanh +

Được bao quanh bởi +

Chứa chấp +

Bỏ qua +

Mẹ pháp luật +

Thuận tiện +

Sự sống còn của +

Sửa chữa +

Dựa trên những +

Dựa trên những +

Dựa vào +

Vì Chúa +

Quanh +

Trong quá khứ +

Lãnh sự quán +

Mua sắm +

Việc mua lại +

Hiệu quả +

Quan hệ đối tác +

Vi khuẩn +

Đưa +

Thừa kế +

Quá +

Tuần tra +

Bình luận +

Ma thuật +

Quần áo +

Dựa trên +

Cuộc đua +

Lừa đảo +

Quân đội +

Ma thuật +

Hơn nữa +

Sự ra đời của những +

Xuất sắc +

Sự bùng nổ của những +

Tên lửa +

Ngọn lửa +

The Guardian +

Thông qua +

Chứa +

Liên quan đến +

Lửa +

Thảo luận +

Quản trị +

Bình luận +

Mưa +

Mùa-Off +

Hiệu suất +

Quan trọng +
Grade E word(s):
