
42 New HSK word(s): HSK2 开始 + kai1shi3 to begin; beginning; to start; initial; CL:个/个ge4 HSK2 第一 + di4yi1 first; number one HSK3 + xian1 early; prior; former; in advance; first HSK3 + teng2 (it) hurts; sore; to love dearly HSK4 本来 + ben3lai2 original; originally; at first; it goes without saying; of course HSK4 首先 + shou3xian1 first (of all); in the first place HSK5 元旦 + Yuan2dan4 New Year's Day HSK5 豆腐 + dou4fu5 tofu; bean curd HSK5 花生 + hua1sheng1 peanut; groundnut; CL:粒li4 HSK5 输入 + shu1ru4 to import; to input HSK5 + ding3 apex; crown of the head; top; roof; most; to carry on the head; to push to the top; to go against; to replace; to substitute; to be subjected to (an aerial bombing, hailstorm etc); (slang) to "bump" a forum thread to raise its profile; classifier for headwear, hats, veils etc HSK5 投资 + tou2zi1 investment; to invest HSK5 奋斗 + fen4dou4 to strive; to struggle HSK5 最初 + zui4chu1 first; primary; initial HSK5 吵架 + chao3jia4 to quarrel; to have a row; quarrel; CL:顿/顿dun4 HSK5 脑袋 + nao3dai4 head; skull; brains; mental capability; CL:颗/颗ke1,个/个ge4 HSK5 争取 + zheng1qu3 to fight for; to strive for; to win over HSK5 + nen4 tender; soft; delicate; light (color); inexperienced; unskilled HSK5 痛苦 + tong4ku3 pain; suffering; painful; CL:个/个ge4 HSK5 + shou3 head; chief; first (occasion, thing etc); classifier for poems, songs etc HSK5 火柴 + huo3chai2 match (for lighting fire); CL:根gen1,盒he2 HSK6 元首 + yuan2shou3 head of state HSK6 正月 + Zheng1yue4 first month of the lunar year HSK6 起初 + qi3chu1 originally; at first; at the outset HSK6 搏斗 + bo2dou4 to wrestle; to fight; to struggle HSK6 打击 + da3ji1 to hit; to strike; to attack; to crack down on sth; a setback; a blow; percussion (music) HSK6 打架 + da3jia4 to fight; to scuffle; to come to blows; CL:场/场chang2 HSK6 招标 + zhao1biao1 to invite bids HSK6 投降 + tou2xiang2 to surrender; surrender HSK6 挣扎 + zheng1zha2 to struggle HSK6 力求 + li4qiu2 to make every effort to; striving to do one's best HSK6 力争 + li4zheng1 to work hard for; to do all one can; to contend strongly HSK6 膝盖 + xi1gai4 knee HSK6 追悼 + zhui1dao4 to mourn; to pay last respects; mourning; memorial (service etc) HSK6 停泊 + ting2bo2 to anchor; anchorage; mooring (of a ship) HSK6 俯视 + fu3shi4 to overlook; to look down at HSK6 迎面 + ying2mian4 directly; head-on (collision); in one's face (of wind) HSK6 领先 + ling3xian1 to lead; to be in front HSK6 主导 + zhu3dao3 to lead; to manage HSK6 序言 + xu4yan2 preface; introductory remarks; preamble; prelude HSK6 心疼 + xin1teng2 to love dearly; to feel sorry for sb; to regret; to grudge HSK6 斗争 + dou4zheng1 a struggle; fight; battle
Old HSK word(s):



Bắt đầu +


Đầu tiên +


Đầu tiên +


Đau +


Ban đầu +


Đầu tiên +

Ngày đầu Năm mới +

Đậu hũ +

Đậu phộng +

Đầu vào +

Đầu +

Đầu tư +

Đấu tranh +

Ban đầu +

Chiến đấu +

Đầu +

Chiến đấu +

Đấu thầu +

Đau +

Đầu tiên +

Trận đấu +

Đầu +

Tháng đầu tiên +

Lúc đầu, +

Đấu vật +

Chiến đấu +

Chiến đấu +

Đấu thầu +

Đầu hàng +

Đấu tranh +

Để phấn đấu +

Để phấn đấu +

Đầu gối +

Đau buồn +

Đậu +

Đầu +

Đầu +

Hàng đầu +

Hàng đầu +

Mở đầu +

Đau khổ +

Chiến đấu +
Grade E word(s):
