
14 New HSK word(s): HSK5 培训 + pei2xun4 to cultivate; to train; to groom; training HSK5 岛屿 + dao3yu3 island HSK5 体贴 + ti3tie1 considerate (of other people's needs) HSK5 独特 + du2te4 unique; distinct; having special characteristics HSK5 领导 + ling3dao3 lead; leading; to lead; leadership; leader; CL:位wei4,个/个ge4 HSK5 训练 + xun4lian4 to train; to drill; training; CL:个/个ge4 HSK5 道德 + dao4de2 virtue; morality; ethics; CL:种/种zhong3 HSK6 赤道 + chi4dao4 equator (of the earth or astronomical body) HSK6 不择手段 + bu4ze2shou3duan4 by fair means or foul; by hook or by crook; unscrupulously HSK6 虚伪 + xu1wei3 false; hypocritical; artificial; sham HSK6 生肖 + sheng1xiao4 one of the twelve animals symbolic of the earthly branches 地支di4 zhi1; animal from the Chinese zodiac HSK6 领袖 + ling3xiu4 leader; CL:个/个ge4,位wei4,名ming2 HSK6 人道 + ren2dao4 human sympathy; humanitarianism; humane; the "human way", one of the stages in the cycle of reincarnation (Buddhism); sexual intercourse HSK6 诈骗 + zha4pian4 to defraud; to swindle; to blackmail
Old HSK word(s):


Đào tạo +

Đảo +

Chu đáo +

Độc đáo +

Lãnh đạo +

Đào tạo +

Đạo đức +

Xích đạo +

Vô đạo đức +

Đạo đức giả +

Hoàng đạo +

Các nhà lãnh đạo +

Nhân đạo +

Lừa đảo +
Grade E word(s):
